2009年6月30日 星期二


on my first day admitted to the hospital, i needed to lie in bed for 6 hours before being allowed to walk around, pppp went for his first parents-baby session to see pp by himself.

parents-baby sessions are the only chance daddies are allowed to hug / touch their babies when they are in hospital. mommies have more opportunities as there are 6 feeding sessions in which we can hold the princes / princesses.

in that first session, pppp heard one of the daddies exclaimed excitedly to the baby in hand, "你終於做到香港仔喇!!!"

香港仔, 又如何?

Day 3 of pp back to palace

Tuesday 30 Jun 2009

Can't imagine, pp is already 6 days old when i write this post. Returned from Health Service this morning, and pppp & Qr were able to grasp a cafe de coral breakfast before getting back home.

Weight: 3.15kg
'Yellowish': dropped to ~180

and he slept well last night, meaning pppp and Qr were able to sleep between:
22:45 - 00:00
02:00 - 04:00
06:30 - 08:30
and i even needed to wake pp up to go to Health Serve by 09:30

and now (15:30) he's been sleeping peacefully since ~13:45, allowing us to start clearing the backlog work...

today pppp bought a nail clipper and pp got his first finger nail clip. No first blood -- yet... :P

Day 2 of pp back to palace

Monday, 29 Jun 2009

with the lessons learned on the first night (Sunday) pp returned to palace, i fed pp by both breastfeeding and formula.. he ate more and slept more, which allowed Qr and pppp to be less rest-less as well...

Day 1 of pp back to palace

pp was finally back to the palace on 28 Jun (Sun) with Qr, pppp and Gmmo around 13:xx.

He slept alot during the day but once the night slipped in, he became restless. In the end, i was able to sleep for 2.5 hours, and same for pppp, at different hours.

today, pp has already 'poured tea' to pppp... 多謝晒

long nights to come...

Day 1 of Qr back to palace

Finally, Qr was back to the palace on 27 Jun (Sat) without pp, as he needed to be on board for phototherapy.

I guess pp 錫 Qr and wants to give his mom an extra day of rest prior his return to the palace.

one day in hospital

07:00 nurse comes in to measure blood pressure and temperature
07:30 - 08:30 feeding time @ nursery room
08:xx nurse to distribute medicine
08:xx pppp arrival
08:45 breakfast (self-picked time)
09:xx room & bathroom cleaning
09:xx bed-making
09:xx paediatrician visit to update on pp's progress
10:xx gyneacologist visit to check on p
10:30 - 11:30 feeding time @ nursery room
12:xx nurse to distribute medicine
12:xx lunch (self-picked time)
13:xx pp's visitors (1st slot, usually grandparent(s))
14:30 - 15:30 feeding time @ nursery room
15:xx tea (self-picked time)
15:xx pp's visitors (2nd slot, if any)
17:00 - 17:30 parents-baby time
18:xx nurse to distribute medicine
18:30 - 19:30 feeding time @ nursery room
19:xx pp's visitors (3rd slot, if any)
19:xx room & bathroom cleaning
20:xx pppp departure
20:xx nurse comes in to measure blood pressure and temperature
21:xx gyneacologist visit to check on p
22:30 - 23:30 feeding time @ nursery room

2009年6月26日 星期五

father, what's your blood type?

paediatrician came by this morning to give my hospital neighbour and me the report on our new born. he announced the report to my neighbour first:

'... your baby's blood type is O. Mommy, I can see from here your blood type is B. Daddy, what is yours?'
... silence...
... silence...
'... Daddy, is yours O?'
... silence... 'urh... O...'

pppp and i couldn't help but laughed...

when it's my turn, the paediatrician was smarter. he showed me the report, pointed to the report on pp's bloodtype, and said 'this is your baby's bloodtype,'... and then pointed to my prenatal report, and said 'this is your bloodtype,'... and then he looked up and asked pppp (who was not shown the report), 'what is your bloodtype?'
and only when he found the bloodtype matched, he talked about how pppp and I contributed to pp's bloodtype...

you will get addicted...

what can i say? mom will get addicted to her baby, and find him/her the loveliest, the cutest, the best baby in the world (well, not necessarily the perfect baby, though -- see, i'm still rational & reasonable, haha) -- don't know if this applies to daddies as well...

happy news

it was a rainy rainy midnight when i arrived at the hospital...
mon petit prince was born on 24 Jun 2009 (Wed) 五月初二 , 牛, Cancer:

- weight 3.09kg
- head bigger than average
- length longer than average
- weight less than average
- big eyes (predicted by every one who has seen him, but only a few have seen them)
- tall nose (predicted by Godmother I)
- talkative / good in speech / argument (predicted by Godmother I)
- 斯文 (predicted by grandmom)
- pain on mom: the biggest pain Qr has ever encountered... really painful, extremely painful, unexplicably painful

what has happened:
22 Jun (Mon) - 見紅 in the morning, cdalled hospital, the nurse said i needed to go to the hospital. i knew pp wasn't ready, so we still went out for brunch, went to the solicitor in central, visited kaloo to look at the playmat and had tea before going to Union.
Stayed there in bed for an hour, no contraction, no other symptoms, waited to see dr. yuen and i could leave...
24 Jun (Wed) - 03:xx 穿羊水 while sleeping - i felt like i dreamt pp gave me a kick & popped - here we go, went for a shower, woke up pppp, called reception downstairs to get a taxi, picked up the packed bag and left home. No taxi could be found, so we walked out to the main street to get a taxi and arrived at 04:xx.
lay down in bed again, besides 穿羊水, didn't feel much pain, the contraction continued to happen only every 5 - 10 minutes.
07:xx the midwives called dr. yuen, and she orderd to give me 催生滴餾... at first, the contraction was a bit more frequent, but still not frequent enough... so they added the administration.
09:xx started to feel the pain, i started using 'laughing air', but it just made me feel dizzy and headache and didn't release the pain... i asked for pain-relief, and asked the midwife about epidural. the midwife inspected me and said i was almost there, so no point using epidural, and they gave me a pain-relieving injection instead. it helped only a little.
11:xx it opened to 8 / 9 degree, and i was sent to the delivery room. pppp was with me, and the midwives taught me how to breathe and how to push, then they asked me to stop (in the mid of the pain) practising because we needed to wait for dr. yuen.
when dr. yuen came, sat down and got ready, i pushed hard and the baby's head popped out. per pppp, dr. yuen was at that time trying to get the tool, but when she saw the head, she quickly reacted to catch pp's head.
pushing the head out was the greatest pain, and the shoulder was the second. afterwards, the baby was out. the midwife cleaned pp up, let us take pictures, let pp get close to my chest to prepare him for coming bf, and pp was taken away for checkup.
at the same time, dr. yuen was clearing the mess and tried to sew me up, i screamed for the pain again. dr. yuen said a few times 你真係好怕痛 and i said yes - 我真係好怕痛... :P