2009年10月28日 星期三

MiB - 126 days old (4m4d)

28 October 2009 (Wednesday)

pp woke up at 05:00, had milk, played a little, and Qr put him back to bed as she needed to get prepared as well.

07:10 woke pp up to feed him a bit again, got him dressed and we headed toward the creche.

busy day for Qr. 08:00 arrived at creche, said goodbye to pp, and Qr rushed to work. similar to yesterday, full-day appointment: 09:00 - 09:30, 09:30 - 10:30, 10:30 - 12:30, 13:00 - 14:00, 14:30 - 15:30, 15:30 - 16:30. then left office sharp @ 17:35 - official off-office time, took taxi to the creche to pick up pp before 18:00. lastly DHL delivery before 20:00.

MiB - 125 days old (4m3d)

27 October 2009 (Tuesday)

pp picked up day, the last official routine day for pp to stay at grandma's. in the future, likely will need grandma's help once in a while, but no longer will the arrangement be so regular.

busy day for Qr, appointments @ 09:30 - 10:30, 10:30 - 12:30, 13:00 - 14:00, 14:30 - 15:00, 15:00 - 16:00, 16:00 - 18:00. then Qr went to grandma's.

2009年10月26日 星期一

MiB - 124 days old (4m2d)

26 October 2009 (Monday)

Public holiday today (chong yang jie). went for dim sum lunch with PP, GG, YM, KF & Uncle Anothony. pp was smiling and laughing happily.

Then Qr and pp went back home, took a bath (pp), and headed out again to Grandma's.

2009年10月25日 星期日

MiB - 123 days old (4m1d)

25 Oct 2009 (Sunday)

tmr is holiday, so pp could stay with Qr for one more night. Quiet day today, Qr & pp stayed in for the whole day.

today, pppp and Qr witnessed pp on his tummy moving himself forward in bed for about 20 cm. ^o^ these days, pp liked to pushed up his petpet after he rolled over, and used his feet to try to move himself forward... smart boy!!! :)

MiB - 122 days old (4m)

24 October 2009 (Saturday)

pp was 4 months old!!!

a very busy day. pekip class in the morning with GMHeidi as the photographer, then went over to GMHeidi's office to burn disc and to have lunch box together.

afterwards, Qr went to elements to meet upwith GMmo and Auntie Woo for a ride home.

arrived at home, Qr quickly bathed pp, while Auntie woo duplicated some of pp's videos.

briefly, we left Qr's palace to go to GMmo's place to visit mmom & mdad. bean was there too. mmom & pp played for a while, and then we all met up with Qi who drove us to her palace with Castor & Pollux.

GMJasmine and Auntie Regina arrived shortly afterwards, with dinner delivery and birthday cake for pp. We left around 22:3x and Auntie Regina gave Qr & pp a ride home. :)

2009年10月23日 星期五

MiB - 121 days old (3m29d)

23 October 2009 (Friday)

saw the following chinese posts (extracts) in babykingdom.. pp had already done these in the end of Sep / beginning of Oct --

成功反身後, 而家晚晚訓著覺都反,反左唔識反返轉就喊,幫佢反返正,轉頭又反過..
-- pp needs to sucks his finger to go into sleep, usually whined a little beforehand as well.

le排鐘意用腳young床邊, 攪到個身打橫瞓係床度
-- pp does this less now, after he can roll over

picked up pp from grandma's tonight. pp wanna sleep but didn't know how, so he cried. but he would stop crying when he covered his face with a scarf, as he knew that's peekapoo time.. :)

back to palace, fed him and put him in bed for him to sleep, as it's past 22:30.. however, he didn't sleep but play with the toys in bed, and then he started to whine. Qr let him whine a bit but he cried louder, so Qr picked him up and he wanted to be fed and then fell asleep eating...

when he's sleeping after feeding, pp always looked contented, peaceful and sweet... ^o^

2009年10月22日 星期四

MiB - 120 days old (3m28d)

22 Oct 2009 (Thursday)

had physio in the evening for the wrist pain. visited pp afterwards, let him have apple again and taped it... :) he laughed happily when tasting the apple... Qr also let him try the orange, he was less enthusiastic, but still sucked it

these days, Qr held him upside down twice when she visited him and when pp was at home. hopefully this could build up his sense of balance and bravery... :)

MiB - 119 days old (3m27d)

21 Oct 2009 (Wednesday)

skyped pp and grandma told Qr that grandma's home was attached by the bees in the afternoon!!!

2009年10月21日 星期三

MiB - 118 days old (3m26d)

20 Oct 2009 (Tuesday)

reading baby kingdom and found the following in Chinese that applies to pp, too... :)

---識扁嘴喊, 好似好慘咁...

visit pp @ grandma's and gave him a slice of apple to smell, since he kept on showing his little tongue, so Qr let pp licked the apple... OMG, it's like he found honey and he used his 2 hands to hold Qr's hand tight, and started sucking the slice of apple. Qr worried that he liked the sweet taste of apple and would refuse to drink milk, so Qr took the apple out of pp's mouth, and pp started to cry... :o

licking n sucking apple

2009年10月19日 星期一

MiB - 117 days old (3m25d)

19 October 2009 (Monday)

skyped pp tonight. grandma told Qr that pp now knows how to hold up his legs for diaper change.. smarty boy... :D

2009年10月18日 星期日

MiB - 116 days old (3m24d)

18 October 2009 (Sunday)

Qr & pp both fell into a coma last night. pp slept before 22:00 and Qr followed. qr woke up at 02:xx to make production. then pp woke up at 05:00 for food. Let him sleep on Qr's bed afterwards and both Qr & pp didn't wake up again until 08:00.

Took pp to grandma's and showed her how pp could hold up his legs under instruction. :)

2009年10月16日 星期五

MiB - 115 days old (3m23d)

17 October 2009 (Saturday)

went to see the creche principal in the morning for registration. GMmo came over to accompany Qr & pp. pp slept most of the time. when he woke up and the principal talked to him, he was still 'm-own m-own day'.

before noon we went for pekip class, and Auntie winwin came over later. today was mainly mirror exercise.. wondering if i need to get one for him. currently, i only have a mirror in the bathroom, but babies seem to like to look into the mirror a lot.

pp has learnt how to grap the thing that's put above his chest with two hands. :)

MiB - 114 days old (3m22d)

16 October 2009 (Friday)

pp-pick up day again. one more week like this and the schedule will be totally changed.

arrived at grandma's and pp just woke up on the portable playmet. he looked so confused on his tummy, head held up high, with eyes wide open. he stared at Qr but seemed like he couldn't recognize anything. eventually when Qr held him in her arms, and talked and sang to him, and he started to give big smiles.. :)

at night at home, put him in bed after he finished milk, and some reading exercises. surprisingly, he didn't cry or anything -- he played a little with the toy hanging on the bed side, then sucked his fingers to go to sleep. and when he's sleeping, he pulled his fingers out of his mouth. good boy!!!

MiB - 113 days old (3m21d)

15 October 2009 (Thursday)

went to Qi's with GMmo to have dinner with Castor & Pollux & King. had skype there with pp, too, so that they wouldn't need to wait for Qr to go back home to skype them.

Qr had chinese dictation with Castor. Qr had 3 characters wrong, what a shame... :P

MiB - 112 days old (3m20d)

14 October 2009 (Wednesday)

Qr had a repairman appointment at night to fix the tap in the kitchen.

skyped pp before the repairman came, and then GMmo and Auntie Fafa came over to have dinner together.

2009年10月13日 星期二

MiB - 111 days old (3m19d)

13 October 2009 (Tuesday)

dew time, Qr had sold all the xxx shares, after 8 years, 10 months and 5 days... all let go -- at quite a good price.. :P

great news today!!! the creche has admitted pp...

it means pp can come back to sleep every night at Qr's, and pp and Qr will have more time together... however, it also means:

- an additional monthly cost
- inflexible time schedule: fixed time to take pp to the creche, and pick up pp by certain time as well
- can't have facial at night anymore
- when can i have my hair cut / facial / body treatment?
- pp will be with me for dinner gatherings
- outsourcing of housework

MiB - 110 days old (3m18d)

12 October 2009 (Monday)

checked with pp's grandma in the morning, pp's temperature had finally gone down.

skyped him at night, he would now use one hand to hold another hand so that the second one will be securely placed in front of the mouth for licking & sucking, smart boy. in fact, on friday evening when Qr picked pp up from the creche, he came out from the room with one hand holding another, it was a milestone indeed.

pp could now also hold one toy with 2 hands, smart boy!!! can't wait to practise what was learnt at pekip on saturday -- baby gymnastics and upside down...

MiB - 109 days old (3m17d)

11 Oct 2009 (Sunday)

pp had temperature at night, Qr moved him to Qr's bed after midnight, and fed him every 2 hours to prevent dehydration. pp was soooo cute when he was about to wake up, opened his eyes wide, and started stretching his arms and legs whole body yawning...

met with auntie tiff to have lunch together, and then took pp to tung chung, came across unpleasantness on the way, needed to be cautious for unpleasant follow-up.

played with pp till evening and left into the rain... bought a week's milk portion on Qr's way home.

2009年10月10日 星期六

MiB - 108 days old (3m16d)

10 October 2009 (Saturday)

pp slept on his back at night, but in the morning, rolled and slept on his tummy. he cried more often these days. Qr believed it's because he couldn't roll back over, so he needed to cry for help, and he couldn't roll over if he was already on his tummy... :P

he rolled smoothly to the right, but he still needed help to roll to the left, and it will be some time until he could roll back on to his back by himself.

a busy day for pp.. today he had 2 vaccination and one oral dose + pekip.

met auntie fafa @ mtr and we went to the doctor together. measurement as follows:
head circumference: 43 cm (90th percentile)
weight: 6.4 kg (14.08 pounds, 25th percentile)
length: 65 cm (26 inch / 2 feet 2 inch, 90th percentile)
so the head has grown 'smaller'... hahaha :P

then pp had one dose of 6-in-1, one rotarix and one prevenar. he was crying not because of the vaccination but because Qr didn't hold him in his favourite position, but his crying faded out when he had the oral dose because it tasted sweet. :)

afterwards, auntie fafa fed pp at the clinic before we parted for different destination.

pekip class was quite demanding today, a lot of exercises not only for pp but also Qr. Auntie Florence & Uncle Hei did a great job in taking photographs and videos. pp laughed a lot until he felt tired at the end of the session and had to skip the massage part.

today pp was held by the calves to be upside down above the playmat. he had no complaints at all.

we then went for afternoon tea @ chinese tea club... nice environment. :)

MiB - 107 days old (3m15d)

9 October 2009 (Fri)

today was creche day, the teacher commented that pp 'ngou' more than the past, which Qr also noticed. since he liked to roll over now, but couldn't roll back, so whenever he's tired of being on his tummy, or wanted to roll again, he cried. the teacher also said that pp rolled over really fast... :)

but pp was very ngou geai at night, wanted to be held to go to sleep and woke up when Qr wanted to put him in bed. lastly had to let him cry (and scream) till tired to hold him and get him to bed.

2009年10月9日 星期五

MiB - 106 days old (3m14d)

8 Oct 2009 (Thursday)

pp-pick up day... pp had been very keen practising roll over to the right. now he will starely at Qr with his talking eyes...

put him in bed at home before 22:00 and he slept on his tummy until 04:xx. he could have slept even more, but Qr found that he started sucking his fingers again, that's why Qr removed his hand from his mouth & woek him up.

2009年10月8日 星期四

MiB - 105 days old (3m13d)

7 October 2009 (Wednesday)

skyped pp. Per grandma, pp no longer wanted to be held to put him into sleep -- he wanted to roll over himself and slept on his tummy. he was not interested in the toys anymore, but rolled over. he was not interested in other teether, either, except his own hands / fingers.

MiB - 104 days old (3m12d)

6 October 2009 (Tue)

First time saw pp roll over!!!

all of a sudden, pp could roll over today, witnessed and taped it this evening when Qr went to visit him @ grandma's.

he really grows very fast... while Qr was still practicing rolling with pp during the long weekend, he could now do it himself! he couldn't roll back at the moment, but who knows? pp could always surprise us

MiB - 103 days old (3m11d)

5 October (Mon)

skyped pp... he's fine... good... :)

2009年10月6日 星期二

MiB - 102 days old (3m10d)

4 October 2009 (Sunday)

First day of swimming!!!

Qi picked up auntie woo & Qr + pp after pollux' double bass lesson in the morning. On the way to Qi's palace GMmo was picked up, too.

After settling down at palace, we got ready for the pool at club house. There was a 1-2 year old swimming bodysuit at Qi's and it was ok-fit for pp after he had the swimming nappy on.

We first went to the indoor big pool, but the water was quite cool. then the kids found an indoor small hot pool. we played there for a while but the water was in fact quite warm -- even warmer than the bathing water qr prepared for pp. so we next moved to an outdoor small pool. that was the best one -- the water had been under the sun so it was a bit warm, but not as warm as the one indoor.

pp was not too afraid of the water. when there was splashes, he just closed his eyes and frowned a bit. Qr put him under water twice, each time around a second, and he didn't cry, very o力仔!!!

pp played a little while and Qr called it a day. he soon slept soundly in Qr's arms.

2009年10月3日 星期六

MiB - 101 days old (3m9d)

3 October 2009 (Saturday)

in the morning, Qr played the piano for pp :)

today Qr & pp went to visit auntie Liza with GMmo, auntie woo & auntie fafa. we first met @ kln tong club for lunch with her hubby & carsten, and then we went to auntie liza's to see her daughter kristen as well. kristen is 6 months old, 7 pounds heavier than pp, but they are of the same length.. :P

we had a nice afternoon and pp got presents from auntie liza, GMmo & auntie woo, too... :)

2009年10月2日 星期五

MiB - 100 days old (3m8d)

2 Oct 2009 (Friday)

pp is 100 days old!!!

it was a work day but Qr had taken the day off so that pp could stay with Qr from wed night till sunday afternoon, and Qr could celebrate pp's 100 days old with pp.

had a quick treatment for Qr, then had lunch with auntie angie @ mandarin. afterwards, Qr & pp went to the piers for pp to look at the harbour first time ever in his life. then we went to ifc roof garden for a while before we headed back home.

pp slept again before 22:00.

2009年10月1日 星期四

MiB - 99 days old (3m7d)

1 October 2009 (Thursday)

national holiday. pp woke up after 06:xx. played with pp & pppp for a while before pppp went to sleep. got ready for morning tea with Qr's family. then pp went over to GG & PP's home the first time in life, poo-pooed there and learned to sit on the couch (Qr's has no couch for him to lean on)

back home in the afternoon and decided not to go out again given so many celebrating activities in different districts. Qr even forgot about the fireworks and both Qr and pp went to bed before 22:00.

MiB - 98 days old (3m6d)

30 September 2009 (Wednesday)

last day before long weekend. went to grandma's to pick up pp. Qr let him smell and taste the apples... :)