2009年11月30日 星期一

MiB - 159 days old (5m6d)

30 Nov 2009 (Monday)

teacher @ the creche has found out one trick, which Qr has known and practised long ago -- pp will stop crying when you sing to him... maybe he has listened to Qr singing to him for so long he likes listening to songs... :P

MiB - 158 days old (5m5d)

29 Nov 2009 (Sun)

pp was getting crazy again, cried and screamed a lot during the day, and refused to sleep at night.

2009年11月29日 星期日

MiB - 157 days old (5m4d)

28 Nov 2009 (Saturday)

pp's first time attending a wedding ceremony at the church and wedding banquet at night.

2009年11月28日 星期六

MiB - 156 days old (5m3d)

27 Nov 2009 (Friday)

pp woke up at 03:30... hope it's just an exception...

still refused to eat woo zai in the creche.

2009年11月26日 星期四

MiB - 155 days old (5m2d)

26 Nov 2009 (Thu)

took 1/2 day off to go to pekip make-up class with pp.

tonight pp could roll over and over one way on the playmat. if we didn't stop him, he would continue to roll onto the ground... :P

these days Qr called pp 恐龍仔, whenever he growled like a dragon... :)

MiB - 154 days old (5m1d)

25 Nov 2009 (Wednesday)

pp could roll back to his right onto his back smoothly -- official and taped.. :)

the creche today tried to feed woo zai to pp -- mission failed. the teacher said pp 瓜瓜嘈, 唔肯食

2009年11月24日 星期二

MiB - 153 days old (5m)

24 Nov 2009 (Tuesday)

pp is 5 months old!!!!!

bought a tiramisu cup to celebrate pp's birthday... hehe.

teacher @ the creche said they will let pp try 'woo tsai' tomorrow ('cos he's over 5 months old tomorrow).

2009年11月23日 星期一

MiB - 152 days old (4m30d)

23 November 2009 (Monday)

Qr noticed pp's new trick today: high pitch screaming -- probably learned it from the creche.

an old trick which was strengthened: growled like a dinosaur -- not that Qr has heard how dinosaurs growled in person, but you know what Qr means...

now pp is more demanding, he may not stop crying immediately even if you hold him -- he has to complain by crying for a little more while to let you know that he's not happy..

he will also 'lou' people to play with him and get 'mun tsang' if he doesn't get the attention he wants...

2009年11月22日 星期日

MiB - 151 days old (4m29d)

22 Nov 2009 (Sunday)

pp went to bed around 00:30 and didn't wake up until 09:45 today!!!!!

tonite, pp could roll back over to lie on his back by himself (to his left), first time ever!!!!!
still he's not very keen on rolling over onto his tummy to his left though..

MiB - 150 days old (4m28d)

21 Nov 2009 (Saturday)

pp had the last meal @ 23:00, slept before midnight.... and he didn't wake up until 08:30!!!!!!!!!!

2009年11月21日 星期六

MiB - 149 days old (4m27d)

20 Nov 2009 (Friday)

pp didn't sleep again until 03:00... (-.-)Zzz...

2009年11月19日 星期四

MiB - 148 days old (4m26d)

19 Nov 2009 (Thursday)

finally & eventually back to a bit normal -- slept @ 01:30 and woke up at 06:00... whew...

2009年11月18日 星期三

MiB - 147 days old (4m25d)

18 Nov 2009 (Wednesday)

cried till 03:45 again...

MiB - 146 days old (4m24d)

17 Nov 2009 (Tuesday)

still jet-lagged: pp went to sleep after 03:15

MiB - 145 days old (4m23d)

16 Nov 2009 (Monday)

jet-lagged pp -- cried until 03:45 to fall asleep. went into coma on his first official day of school...

2009年11月2日 星期一

MiB - 127 days old (4m5d) - 144 days old (4m22d)

29 October 2009 (Thursday) - 15 November 2009 (Sunday)

29 Oct (Thu) was a hectic day. Qr woke up at 5, got herself ready for work and pp ready for creche by 08:00. back to work and appointments started: 09:30 - 11:30, 11:30 - 12:30, 13:00 - 14:00, 15:00 - 15:30, 15:30 - 16:30. 17:35, official work-end time, Qr rushed for a taxi to go to the creche to pick up pp.

back home right away, washed pp in a bath, dressed him up for the flight, then washed all the bottles and pump, sterilized them, and Qr washed herself. Dressed Qr for the flight as well, packed all the last-minute things (such as vaseline, diaper rash barrier, pumps, etc.), started unplugging electrical appliances, turned off water valves for the washing machine and drinking machine. At the same time, GMmo had arrived. Qr started feeding pp before leaving home, and GMmo helped Qr hold pp while Qr made the last check before taking off.

Called the taxi in advance and we went straight to the airport. Grandma had arrived already and we all went for check-in counter D. While Qr knew that the stroller would be not stored away until Qr and pp arrived at the gate, it didn't turn out clearly until at the gate that the stroller would not be returned back to me @ paris, but would go all the way to nuremberg. It meant that I had to hand-hold pp during the transit all the way!!!

Qr and GMmo had dinner @ burger king, and then Qr took pictures of pp @ departure hall before going inside. pp had been sleeping @ burger king, and Qr didn't need to wake him up while going through customs and immigration. Customs just checked the stroller if anything was hidden inside, and the officer asked me beforehand whether pp was a boy or girl. Guess it determines whether they had a male or female office to check the stroller.

Qr couldn't go through e-channel as pp doesn't have a relevant HKID. so Qr and pp went through counter, and the immigration officer did open pp's passport to check pp's look. Qr wondered if she could really tell the picture was pp's... :P

with pp, Qr could go the fast lane (e.g. @ gate to the flight, @ paris charles-de-gaulle airport to go through immigration, and to go through customs). however, other than that, not much privileges.. ~_~

30 Oct (Fri), sleeping on the flight. pp could sleep quite well on the flight. he woke up a couple of times, whined a bit, but no serious crying. the woman sitting next to me talked to me at the end of the flight that he's such a good boy.. :P

took pp to the souvenir shop @ terminal 2G and see if he wanted anything from paris, but nothing aroused his interest.. 'harn farn'.. :D

That night, we all went to uncle Charles's home to have dinner with auntie lina and auntie fang. We had a great night.

31 Oct (Sat), pp had temperature. he was still energetic, ate a lot and played happily. we went out to the arcaden for window shopping (as there was heat indoor), had a 'lieberkase', and then went to the 3-storey supermarket. pp was very happy at the supermarket and talked a lot!

1 Nov (Sun), temperature lingered from time to time. every thing was closed on sunday. we went out to samui for lunch and headed back home straightaway.

2 Nov (Mon), temperature died down, but sneezes and coughs started coming. it was a rainy day. we went to Haru, the best japanese restaurant in the area, for lunch, and then went to the 3-storey supermarket again. pp was asleep so we didn't linger.

3 Nov (Tue), sneezes and coughs lingered. pp did look more energetic. the weather was fine, so we headed towards our favourite toy shop in erlangen. Qr bought pp 3 toys -- she wanted to buy more but pp started crying. Then we went to 樂宮樓 upstairs for lunch -- we ordered 回鍋肉 & 芒果雞. Afterwards, we went to the park (used to be the backyard of a palace in erlangen) for a walk, but pp had fallen asleep already.

4 Nov (Wed), pp had running noses and coughs, and slept badly at night. So Qr and pppp looked for pediatrician available. Holger recommended one in herzo, but the clinic closed at 11:00 in the morning (yes, the pediatrician only opens from 09:00 - 11:00 on Mon, Wed, and Fri; and 15:00 - 17:00 on Tue and Thu). Tilo found a Dr. Med Karl-Heinz Lippen and made an appointment for us at 14:20. The doc said pp was still warm. she gave pp a signed paper to go to the pharmacy to buy nasal decongestion drops ('coz we already have the medication for temperature)

5 Nov (Thu), pp's temperature had died down again, so we stopped giving him the syrup for lowering temperature. We gave him a nasal drop in the morning to ease his congestion, but we didn't do it often because from the web, it says that the drop is for baby above 1 year of age... :o in the evening, we went to kleine welt / irish pub for dinner, the best pub with the best salad and best steak in town. afterwards, we went to aldi for replenishment of breakfast ingredients.

6 Nov (Fri), running nose and coughs lingered, but pp was still energetic. it was one fine day here, with sunshine and no clouds. So we went to the zoo, the biggest zoo in europe. afterwards, we went to have traditional german food -- schweine haxen and nurnberger sausages, and bought the christmas biscuits as souvenirs.

7 Nov (Sat), someone bought the couch and took part of them this morning. Afterwards, we went out to the city centre, my 2 favourite toy shops to buy gifts for Holger's son, Bas, and for Sandra's Luca & Giacomo, and of course, for my pp. :) only had time for a chinese noodles and Mcd 1 Euro burgers as lunch. Back home for a bit, and headed towards Holgers' home. Arrived there at 16:30 and stayed till 20:xx to catch up with Holger, meet with his wife Lina, his 2 daughters Jedde (?) & Jule, as well as his 8-month-old son, Bas. had home-made frankonian food as dinner. :)

8 Nov (Sun), went out for late lunch, then visited the new museum. pp again was asleep X_x. in the evening, went to auntie fang's for dinner with uncle charles, auntie lina n auntie claire.

9 Nov (Mon) stayed in for the day until the evening. we had an early lunch @ Tio, and then went for supermarket. pp was awake this time so Qr held him and walked around the supermarket. he looked around, very curious... :)

10 Nov (Tue) pppp went for work. pp and Qr stayed in for the day. In the evening, pppp returned and drove us to the airport to have italian dinner. :)

11 Nov (Wed) pppp drove Qr and pp to WOS for breakfast. They came across Laura and Tanya, as well as Simone. Then Qr and pp visited friends like Carolina, Daisy, Anna, Alex. Meier, and waved hands with Sophia. pppp came pick Qr and pp up and we had dinner at downtown, the famous pork chop place. Afterwards, pppp drove pp and Qr back home, and then he went back for work.

At 18:00, pppp returned home from work, and we went out to go to Sandra's to meet with Giacomo and Luca, and of course Simone. We had great dinner until 23:00. Both Qr and pp got a lot of presents... :)

12 Nov (Thu) last day here. pppp went for work, and Qr and pp stayed in. Qr started taking pictures of the presents, and started packing. Lots to pack indeed... :o at night, Paul came over to take the last piece of sofa. Then we went out to meet with uncle tilo, uncle libor and uncle jurgen to have all-you-can-eat sushi.

13 Nov (Fri), packed stuff. at 12:30 met with auntie angeline (who was due in 3 weeks) and uncle arnold to have italian lunch and then went to a baby shop to look at stuff. Afterwards, we went back home to pack the last thing and left home at 17:15. Went to downtown to pick up Auntie Magham, went together to the airport, and passed the car to her... byebye BMW...

checked in, had McD for quick dinner, and went to the gate for on-board. at the last minutes -- 10 minutes before scheduled take-off, the flight was cancelled due to technical problem. :o

we returned back to the airport service counter and lined up to arrange new flights and overnight accomodation. surprisingly, no one let Qr and pp to do the arrangement first. at last, pp started crying and Qr had to explicitly request the lady at the counter to help us first so that pp could settle down at the hotel to rest.

the hotel was quite nice. we had dinner and rested for the night.

14 Nov (Sat) went to check in in the morning and then we went back to the hotel to have breakfast -- there's even baby food choice for pp. took the 10:45 flight to paris and then 13:30 flight to HK. Noon flight was really tiring O_o

15 Nov (Sun) finally arrived at HK at 08:00 intact... when we arrived at the gate entrance, several airline stewardesses were standing there waiting for passengers for transit... when they was Qr & pp passed by, they exclaimed in unision "好細粒呀!!!" :o so funny!!!