2010年1月30日 星期六

MiB - 220 days old (7m6d)

30 January 2010 (Saturday)

09:00 pekip and 13:00 swimming. afterward, pp's classmate Nathaneal's parents drove us to mei foo where Qr & pppp had tea before heading home.

2010年1月29日 星期五

MiB - 219 days old (7m5d)

29 January 2010 (Friday)

today's menu: 蘋果茸, 免治瘦肉 + 蛋黃 + 菜心絲 粥 & water

2010年1月28日 星期四

MiB - 218 days old (7m4d)

28 January 2010 (Thursday)

today's menu: 雪梨茸, 免治雞肉 + 蛋黃 + 刀豆絲 粥 & water

MiB - 217 days old (7m3d)

27 January 2010 (Wednesday)

today's menu: 免治牛肉 + 蛋黃 + 菜心絲 粥 & water

MiB - 216 days old (7m2d)

26 January 2010 (Tuesday)

first day to have the 7 - 8 -month-old menu @ the creche: today's menu - 免治瘦肉 + 蛋黃 + 菠菜絲 粥 & water... teacher said he didn't like it... :P

MiB - 215 days old (7m1d)

25 January 2010 (Monday)

Home needed repair. pppp worked from home today, and picked up pp early from the creche to go to wanchai to meet with Qr to visit Sifu Luk.

Sifu Luk said pp's '8 zi' is very good, which is good to know. he would be smart and active, and will learn best under activity education -- does it mean he needs to go to international school!? :o

Afterwards, we went to CWB ikea to amend the material orders for the platform.

MiB - 214 days old (7m)

24 January 2010 (Sunday)

pp is 7 months old today!!! ^o^

pppp, Qr and pp went to shatin. pppp bought Qr and himself 2 blackberries. then Qr, pppp and pp went to ikea. we passed by a shop and saw a little monk statues which really looked like pp. Qr took a long time looking at the plastic and the stone ones, but eventually didn't buy. The plastic one is in a standing posture. it's more sharp because of the colour yellow, lighter and cheaper. however Qr liked the stone one, the little monk is crawling on the ground on his tummy with one hand under his chin. it's over 30 pounds and Qr really didn't know where to put it...

went to ikea and bought the materials for building the platform as pp playground.

at night, bought a tiramisu cake from Cova to celebrate pp's 7-m-o birthday!!!

MiB - 213 days old (6m30d)

23 January 2010 (Saturday)

09:00 pekip and 13:00 swimming for pp today. pp has made friend with classmate mason and his mother eden. :)

pp had egg yolk and pumpkin woo tsai this evening.

MiB - 212 days old (6m29d)

22 January 2010 (Friday)

tonight we let pp try the rice at the cha charn tang, pp loved it... :)

2010年1月21日 星期四

MiB - 211 days old (6m28d)

21 January 2010 (Thursday)

pp had egg yolk woo tsai tonight again. :)

MiB - 210 days old (6m27d)

20 January 2010 (Wednesday)

pp cried for 2 hours between 01:xx - 03:xx... -_-

pppp had haircut and then picked up pp from the creche. Qr met them on the street and went home together.

pp had his first eggyolk + woo tsai... finished one whole serving. :)

MiB - 209 days old (6m26d)

19 January 2010 (Tuesday)

pp cried and woke up around 03:xx again!!! x_x

MiB - 208 days old (6m25d)

18 January 2010 (Monday)

pp woke up around 03:xx and then 05:xx before Qr's normal 06:00 alarm... x_x

this evening pppp picked up pp from the creche, then came over to Qr's work area. pppp's buddy from SA alan chung came to HK, so pppp, Qr, pp and AC, his brother in HK gary chung and gary's wifey and gary's son met at the shopping centre and had dinner together.

MiB - 207 days old (6m24d)

17 January 2010 (Sunday)

pp woke up at 03:xx, 05:xx, and then 08:xx... x_x guess it's the new home syndrome?

grandmom came to visit pp in the afternoon... pp had his first congee with lean pork meat (taste only) and egg yolk. he finished almost one serving. :)

MiB - 206 days old (6m23d)

16 January 2010 (Saturday)

first morning from the new home. a very busy day today - morning pekip class at 09:00 + 13:00 swimming class -> returned home to take a bath, and then went out again for key return in the evening at the old home. Afterwards, Qr & pp went to Qi's palace while pppp went to Happy Valley to attend a wedding banquet of a colleague.

pp enjoyed a lot in his first pekip class of this year and his second swimming class. First time playing both on the same day and pp adapted quite well.

MiB - 205 days old (6m22d)

15 January 2010 (Friday)

moving day!!! pppp and Qr took a day off, took pp to the creche, and then we had breakfast. MM also came over to help late morning.

In the evening pppp, Qr & MM went to pick up pp from the creche, and had dinner. MM returned home. pppp, Qr & pp returned to the new home. :)

2010年1月14日 星期四

MiB - 204 days old (6m21d)

14 Jan 2010 (Thursday)

today auntie eliza followed Qr to the creche to see pp... she then came together to Qr's palace lobby to play with pp for a while.

MiB - 203 days old (6m20d)

13 Jan 2010 (Wednesday)

uncle anthony came over to the to-be home to help pppp with the renovation. Qr picked up pp from the creche, took pp home and drove him out to meet pppp and uncle anthony at the park. we went for japanese dinner afterwards.

MiB - 202 days old (6m19d)

12 Jan 2010 (Tuesday)

pp had been having congee at the creche... according to the teachers, he at first cried when having the first spoonful, and then he was willing to take a couple of spoonfuls, a few spoonfuls, and now 1/3 of the bowl... :)

MiB - 201 days old (6m18d)

11 Jan 2010 (Monday)

pppp had appointment today. Qr picked up pp from creche and spent the evening by ourselves.

2010年1月11日 星期一

MiB - 200 days old (6m17d)

10 January 2010 (Sunday)

pp tried his first finger biscuit!!!

Today pppp went over to pain the walls of the to-be home while Qr & pp stayed at home packing.

MiB - 199 days old (6m16d)

9 January 2010 (Saturday)

busy day today, first swimming class and then cousin's wedding banquet.

first day swimming class!!! and pp loved it a lot!!! no submerge today, but a lot of kicking and floating.

at night, attended a wedding banquet in Mongkok. GMmo and auntie woo drove by and gave us the gifts and stuff from the states, including california baby cream, earth's best baby food, socks and a tee, your baby can read set and see's candies :)

MiB - 198 days old (6m15d)

8 January 2010 (Friday)

Sign-lease day: pppp picked up pp from creche, and Qr met them on the street... pp took a quick bath and we headed towards the to-be home to sign lease and get the keys... had dinner at 'hui ji' as recommended by the agent and returned home.

MiB - 197 days old (6m14d)

7 January 2010 (Thursday)

another busy packing night, pppp picked up pp from creche and we all had takeaway from maxim's...

MiB - 196 days old (6m13d)

6 January 2010 (Wednesday)

Qr & pppp had breakfast at the nearby cha charn tang before taking pp to the creche -- no such luxury after moving...

2010年1月5日 星期二

MiB - 195 days old (6m12d)

5 January 2010 (Tuesday)

today, when pp cried (which he did quite often whenever he's not happy), he cried 'bu-bu-ba-ba'... sounded like calling daddy... :P

tonite, he tastes his first jelly, and had a small incident...

MiB - 194 days old (6m11d)

4 January 2010 (Monday)

first day of work in 2010 for Qr... pp was being complained by the teacher that he was ver ngou geai... most likely he's got used by us taking care of him during creche holidays...

MiB - 193 days old (6m10d)

3 January 2010 (Sunday)

went to new home today to meet eith uncle ivan's daddy to get a quotation on raised floor. pp threw up on uncle ivan once he held him up... :P -- Qr had warned him in advance..

went to have tea afterwards @ "ho ho" and saw pp's classmate nate nate (michelin) and his mom walking outside the restaurant... she saw us, too.. :)

nate nate is not only pekip classmate but also swimming classmate. he was born on 19th, 5 days older than pp, while his mom carrie has the same birthday as pp does.

MiB - 192 days old (6m9d)

2 January 2010 (Saturday)

alarm didn't go off, or we were all too tired. woke up at 08:4x and rushed to take pp to the creche. pppp and Qr went to see avatar -- an good-to-see movie, but made people feel dizzy.. :P

picked up pp after the movie, and got complaints by the teacher -- pp very ngou geai even being held... Qr suspected that it's because this is the first class after one week's off and pp forgot about school... :P

went to GMHeidi's home in KT, where Qr spent her childhood. had footprint @ GMH's home and enjoyed home-made dinner together. pppp had a great time playing wii, too!

2010年1月1日 星期五

MiB - 191 days old (6m8d)

1 January 2010 (Friday)

Long weekend, thanks goodness!