2010年10月31日 星期日

MiB - 484 days (1y3m26d) - 495 days (1m4m7d)

20 - 31 Oct 2010 (Wed - Sun)

too busy for Qr to update the blog, but lots have happened...

30 Oct (Sat)
pp's first interview at Creative Kindergarten for pre-nursery class... short interview. at the beginning, the teacher ms. wong said high to pp but pp turned his head away -- the norm recently when he met with strangers... luckily, he soon turned back and opened and closed his hand to hi to ms. wong. ms. wong then asked pp to look at his own picture -- pp laughed happily. ms. wong asked pp to push the toy car, first to Qr, then to ms. wong. pp needed much guidance to do it. however, pp did a great job cleaning up by putting back the toys into the basket, and picking up a board card from the floor. pp didn't like to continue with the cloth book after 2 pages though. the best of all, pp byed-byed with all the teachers with his hands, and blow kisses to all on his way out.

2010年10月19日 星期二

MiB - 477 days (1y3m19d) - 483 days (1m3m25d)

13 - 19 Oct 2010 (Wed - Tue)

saturday pp had a great walk at elements and spent an hour at the outdoor playground. he felt into a coma after each activity. at night, Qr and pp had dinner with GMmo and her parents. pp liked playing with them a lot!!!

pp went to 3 playgrounds on sunday - outdoor playground in the morning, indoor playground in the afternoon and a clubhouse playground at night. the clubhouse playground is at grandparents' place, and it's very nice for pp. :) pp had a very busy and great day!!!

pp had a reddened eyelid after creche on Monday afternoon... it became a red swollen eyelid at night... if it persists, Qr will need to take pp to the doctor on Tuesday

2010年10月12日 星期二

MiB - 475 days (1y3m17d) - 476 days (1m3m18d)

11 - 12 Oct 2010 (Mon - Tue)

Qr and pp met with pppp and uncle hugo in cwb for tea after kindermusik session on Monday. Afterwards, Qr, pp and pppp went to windsor house to look for shoes and a new stroller for pp. bought nothing though.

Qr, pp and ppp then went to hk central library, pp's first time ever to visit a library. When they reached the 2nd floor (children library), they saw the toy library and found from the staff that 19:00 session just started and it's not full yet (it's always full and requires reservation), so all went in and pp had a great time!!! Qr borrowed a hammer and shape toy for pp to play. pp was attentive playing the toy although he used his hands instead of hammer to push the shapes through the holes. after continuous practice, he seemed to start to learn how to match the shapes of the holes with the blocks - circle, square, star, triangle, and hexagon. pp also had fun carrying the toy banana, toy tomato, toy bread, and toy egg around. Still, toy banana is his favourite!!!

2010年10月11日 星期一

MiB - 472 days (1y3m14d) - 474 days (1m3m16d)

8 - 10 Oct 2010 (Fri - Sun)

when pp walks, he sometimes will not let Qr hold his hands and want to walk on his own.

pp will walk up and down the stairs, with assistance of course.

pp likes clapping hands (with big swings) when walking.

pp likes looking back when walking.

pp will 'un', shook his pet pet and clapped hands at the same time on the ferry to the creche in the morning, very funny, gotta film it next time.

pp whispered 'mama' with a big smile on saturday morning when Qr took him out of his bed to feed him.

on saturday afternoon at tea, pp used a fork to pick up a waffle and put it in the mouth!!! bravo!!!

2010年10月7日 星期四

MiB - 470 days (1y3m12d) - 471 days (1m3m13d)

6 - 7 Oct 2010 (Wed - Thu)


pp can take off the jacket.

pp can take off the tee by pulling it over his head

pp knows how to step out of the pants

pp knows how to take off the socks

pp knows how to 'open' the shoes' magic straps.

pp just learned from pppp how to say 'taxi' (Thu)

pp recognizes the people (including an indian lady) who take the ferry with him every morning and he will 'wave' his hand or smiles to them

pp learned from pppp (by observation) to 'dun' the biscuit bits from the biscuits before putting them into his mouth. pppp hasn't taught him that.

pp can use a straw to drink from a bottle.

pp can drink from a cup with assistance.

pp can use a spoon to feed himself with assistance.

2010年10月5日 星期二

MiB - 468 days (1y3m10d) - 469 days (1m3m11d)

4 - 5 Oct 2010 (Mon - Tue)

accomplishments of pp:

pp has been able to make baby sign of 'please' and will do it when Qr asked him to say please.

pp recognized the mtr exit for the afternoon playgroup and will point to the exit to leave mtr.

pp can show where his head is.

pp will open his mouth as instructed.

pp will point to his tongue when being asked to show his tongue.

pp is NOT very sure about where the eyes / ears / nose are/is.

pp will give Qr the song book to sing for him.

pp will tap on the 'wall measurements with alphabet to ask Qr to sing ABC song for him.

pp now tries to switch on the dvd player.

pp will throw things into the kitchen to try to climb into the the kitchen to pick the things up.

pp likes to take the lamented picture cards and 'flash' them to Qr.

pp will go to Qr's bag to take food out.

pp will go to Qr's bag to take the breastfeeding towel out and tried to spread it out when he wants to be fed.

pp will say 'key' in the elevator.

pp will walk towards home (the correct door) after being released out of the elevator

pp will now use the palms to press the button to ring the bell.

pp will put the socks on the feet although he can't wear them themselves.

pp tries to take off his shoes.

pp is now learning put away his indoor shoes (for use in the creche) into his cubicle.

pp is now learning to recognize his home's mailbox.

pp likes to walk up and down the stairs although he is not 100% a stable walker...

2010年10月4日 星期一

MiB - 464 days (1y3m6d) - 467 days (1m3m9d)

30 Sep 2010 (Thursday) - 3 Oct 2010 (Sunday)

long weekend from 1 Oct to 3 Oct... didn't take pp to see the fireworks, but pp had a healthy long weekend!

took pp to Dr. Tsang after playgroup as his mouth kept having blood oozed out in the morning. Dr. checked and found that the gum on top of the top front teeth got peeled... yiiiiiii!

took pp to the outdoor swimming pool, he enjoyed submerging and struggled when doing pull pull pull and kick kick kick...

Teacher Kaley solved the mystery: pp kept struggling not because he doesn't like swimming anymore.. instead, he thought he could swim and doesn't want to do the basic kick kick kick and pull pull pull... he likes submerging because he's free when he's under water (pp would be released when he's under water). however, pp behaved well in front of the teacher or when the teacher is looking at him and exercised diligently, but when he's behind teacher's back, he started struggling against pppp again!!!

pp went to the indoor playground in the morning and to the beach in the afternoon. he played immediately with the sand without much struggle, walked on the sand without complaint, and even went to another baby girl's to play with her toys!!! finally, he walked toward the water by himself without fear!!!