2010年11月29日 星期一

MiB - 520 days (1y5m1d) - 524 days (1y5m5d)

25 Nov 2010 (Thu) - 29 Nov 2010 (Mon)

pp could perform per Qr's request to fetch the TV remote control for her. Smart boy!!!

pp could now walk quite stably on the brick road. he could also hold a piece of paper tight while walking for a long time without dropping the paper -- although he himself would fall a couple of times.

pp mumbled more and more these days, although it's not always intelligible what he's trying to say, but Qr thought she picked up some words he wanted to say, e.g.
拍拍 when he was doing 'high five'
br-- when he's holding the bread card
tee-- when he's pointing to his teeth
baobao when he felt full and didn't want to eat anymore

pp really is trying to speak more and more, and Qr could now make some educated guesses of what he's trying to say.

pp is getting temper, too, and refuses to be reasoned, will take a longer time on this.

2010年11月24日 星期三

MiB - 514 days (1y4m26d) - 519 days (1m5m)

19 Nov 2010 - 24 Nov 2010 (Friday - Wednesday)

pp cried from kln tong to home because Qr put him in the stroller all the way. Qr believed some would think there's child abuse.

pp is now used to walking on the grass and sand @ the outdoor campus. he is interested in playing with the water, too. Great!

pp is now used to taking a mini board book with him in the morning. hope pppp and pp enjoy the reading time every day.

2010年11月18日 星期四

MiB - 510 days (1y4m22d) - 513 days (1m4m25d)

15 Nov - 18 Nov 2010 (Mon - Thu)

Took pp to page one for fun. he like walking up and down the stairs, the slope, and carrying books and box sets around, very busy and tiring afterwards.

pp will now choose songs to listen. If Qr sings a song that's not what in his mind, he will shake his head and stops Qr and signal her to sing another song, until she sings the song he wants.

pp now will pick up a book every morning to take with him to go to school... a good habit indeed!

Took pp to the science museum again and met with leonardo. pp likes the rotating prisms in the screen, too.

2010年11月13日 星期六

MiB - 504 days (1y4m16d) - 509 days (1m4m21d)

9 Nov - 14 Nov 2010 (Tue - Sun)

Teacher told Qr that pp bit classmate at the creche when Qr picked him up in the afternoon. he was still sleepy and leaned on Qr quietly. However, when teacher and Qr talked about his biting habit, pp suddenly cried out loud, with his forehead against Qr's shoulder. So the teacher said pp did know that biting is not right.

at night dining at grandma's, Qr told the story to pppp and the grandparents. Qr was holding pp as if in the afternoon (to see if he would cry again), but instead of crying, pp kept on kissing Qr, seemed like wanting to kiss Qr so that she wouldn't tell others about the biting.

pp will say 'bao bao' when he doesn't want to eat any more.

pp will now respond to putonghua attendance taking and hold up his hand when his name is being called. however, it seems like he doesn't respond to cantonese or english attendance taking.

pp will dance and move to more songs now -- 5 little ducks, hot potato, skinnamarink, ABC Song, Alphabet Song, Eestsy weensy spider...

First time Qr can remember, pp slept for almost 10 hours straight, from 20:30 last night to 06:15 -- although he struggled for a while to go to sleep.

pp was learning how to turn the bottle cap today.

he now knows how to use the ipad button to turn the machine on.

pp has shown interests in the very hungry caterpillar again and asked Qr to open the book several times a day.

pp now tries to control the dvd player.

2010年11月8日 星期一

MiB - 499 days (1y4m11d) - 503 days (1m4m15d)

4 - 8 Nov 2010 (Thursday - Monday)

took pp to kindermusik. Qr noticed that pp could 'zip wei' and moved between 2 people without falling down or being tipped over. amazing.

took pp to hollywood hotel grassland. pp at first was unhappy but soon got used to walking bare feet on the grass. but then when he fell and sat on the grass, he didn't like having his hand pressed on the grass (to support himself to get up)... looks like he likes having clean hands... :P

chip & dale were at the hotel. Qr took pp to say hi to them and to take pictures, but pp seemed to be scared by them. when taking pictures, pp cried and turned his head when he was placed between chip and dale. it's until chip or dale moved to one side so pp was not in between that pp would look at the camera..

2010年11月3日 星期三

MiB - 496 days (1y4m8d) - 498 days (1m4m10d)

1 - 3 Nov 2010 (Mon - Wed)

pp will now 搖頭擺腦 to signal Qr to sing or to accompany Qr when she sings, very cute!

First montessori class. pp played with one toy for over 30 minutes... :o

Qr took pp to Science Museum to see the da vinci exhibition, and the to play at the museum. there were indeed things that pp could play with, nice! worth taking pp there again.

Qr taught pp to wear socks. he picked up pretty fast, although he couldn't do it all by himself.

pp will now tap his tummy when he's full.