2011年1月10日 星期一

MiB - 576 days (1y6m17d) - 587 days (1y7m7d)

10 Jan 2011 - 31 Jan 2011 (Mon - Mon)

Mon 10 Jan
pp now points his fingers to the number screen in the lift when he's inside, and he will say the numbers (and G) out when they are shown on the screen. Qr gotta record it before he stops doing this.

when Qr picked up pp from the creche, pp had got up for half an hour and he walked to Qr saying 'ma-ma' on the way, smiling.

pp didn't cry at all this afternoon when Qr left the classroom. He just looked at me, and looked like he's thinking whether to protest or not. It's a good thing he behaved maturely, but at the same time, it's a sad thing to know that pp's growing up and he will need Qr less and less. When the class finished and Qr picked pp up, pp happily 'eerrr' and rushed to hug me... so sweet.

this evening after having the cheese cube, pp came to me and say 'jui- jui' -- he wanted to have juice!

Tue 11 Jan
Finally pp could sleep through the night and didn't wake up until 06:20, and he slept by 21:45 last night. well done!

pp had a joyful expression these 2 days when Qr picked him up from the creche. He made big strides towards Qr.

Today pp held Qr's hand to the classroom, and then he walked in on his own. He did look back to Qr and looked a bit disappointed when Qr waved him goodbye, but he didn't cry a bit. When Qr picked pp up, he stepped up fast to Qr, hugged Qr and kissed her, very sweet.

Wed 12 Jan
pp today waved goodbye to Qr after he was in the classroom in the afternoon. Luckily he still screamed with joy and rushed towards Qr when she picked him up after class.

Sun - Tue 23 - 25 Jan
pp was sick, and spent his 19th month old birthday in 39.6 temperature. first time there was no birthday for pp's birthday. :(

pp had another two teeth emerging. one is the third right from the lower middle. another is the forth left from the upper middle.

Mon 31 Jan
pp now will pronounce a mixture of 'right' / 'correct' / 係 when he nods his head, very cute and funny.

pp could now open the raisin's paper box and put his fingers in to get raisins. this is a good exercise for his little fingers.

pp would now get upset suddenly for reason unknown. he would wrinkle his eyebrow and stared at Qr or somewhere to show his dissatisfaction. he would grunt / grumble / 'e-e-orr-orr' but of course Qr couldn't tell what he means.

2011年1月8日 星期六

MiB - 572 days (1y6m13d) - 575 days (1y6m16d)

6 - 9 January 2011 (Thu - Sun)

Thu & Fri
pp woke up at 03:18 on Thu morning, and 04:38 on Fri morning. On Thu, he cried so much that pppp went over to pat him to sleep. However, it didn't work out and Qr and pppp had to let pp cry to sleep at around 05:00. On Fri, he cried until 06:00 when Qr's alarm clock rang and Qr took pp to her bed for feeding.

went to WOW for the final month. Caleb's mother commented the pp has improved a lot after the holidays. However, pp didn't like going to the front of the class to do the tasks requested by the teachers, not sure he's shy or what.

pp woke up crying at 04:28 on Sat morning. fortunately he cried for a bit and slept again.

pp first swimming in 2011. QQ was excited as he hadn't swum for 2.5 weeks.
visited, Ben, OV & Ian after swimming class. pp had a great time playing with Ian. they were friendly to each other, too

Qr almost fell from the platform in the morning and screamed out. pp immediately came to Qr's side and looked concerned. Then pp hugged and kissed Qr. Sooo sweet.

pp likes to point to the trees and touch the leaves. pp also likes pointing to the dogs and cats. he starts to recognize a lot of things.

2011年1月5日 星期三

MiB - 569 days (1y6m10d) - 571 days (1y6m12d)

3 - 5 January 2011 (Mon - Wed)

first week of BC montessori class, pp only joined the 2nd half of the class. On Mon, pp joined when others were having apples, so pp had fun joining the others and didn't cry when Qr left the classroom. However, soon pp realized Qr had gone and he cried for a while and sticked to Ms. Annie for the whole time.

On Tue, pp realized the separation at soon as Qr and pp arrived at the waiting area. pp kept on saying 'po-po' to Qr, held Qr tight and made a pity face to Qr. Qr held pp up and took him to the classroom door and pointed to him the trucks on the desks. Soon Ms. Annie came to take pp into the classroom. pp cried immediately, wrinkled his whole face and open his mouth wide. Qr went downstairs to look at the CCTV, and Ms. Annie told me when Qr picked pp up at the end of the class that pp stopped crying before Qr reached downstairs!!!

On Wed, pp improved a lot by only making complaining sounds, but he smiled and played with Miss Lisa when Qr and pp entered the waiting room. When Qr picked pp up at the end of the class, he looked for me among the adults and made some complaining sounds again, but it's obvious that he had a fun time inside the classroom.

2011年1月3日 星期一

MiB - 568 days (1y6m9d)

2 Jan 2011 (Sun)

pp's first high tea at Agnes b. his favourite is still strawberries. since there's only one strawberry in the high tea set, Qr had to order a Paris (a tart covered with strawberries) for pp to keep him well-behaved.

pp had fun wandering @ IFC and waving 'Hi's occasionally to old kids who were passing by. He liked to walk on and along the eye-sight-challenged paths. pp could even walk his way back to the entrance Qr and pp walked in. He also seemed to remember yomama where Qr bought him strawberry yoghurt twice (pp had the strawberries while Qr had the yoghurt).

2011年1月1日 星期六

MiB - 567 days (1y6m8d)

1 Jan 2011 (Sat)

today, pp could complete the 1 - 10 number puzzle by himself - his first attempt and succeeded already, amazing!!!

recently, pp could 呷醋 if pppp and Qr hugged, held hands, kissed, or pppp helped Qr apply cream on the back. pp would 'eerrrrr', and made a complaint face (wrinkle his eyebrows and nose, and 'O' his mouth). then pp would come over and split pppp and Qr to get in-between. he would split their holding hands, and put his hands into theirs so that his one hand is holding pppp and another is holding Qr.

pp is learning to say the letter names and the numbers. Some are pronounced quite accurately, such as 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8 for numbers, and E and G for letters. he can also say the words Car and Cheese too (although no -se for cheese). there are some words that Qr can tell what he's saying although he pronounces them in his own way, such as 7 (wa wa wa), dog (woa woa), strawberries (ber ber), banana (ba ma ma), C (car), P (pa), V (va), red (rad).

he can also say the following in cantonese: 抹 (mu-ar), yai yai, ma ma, 奶 (nine nine). When pp asks Qr to hold him, he would say 'po-a po-a'.

2010年11月29日 星期一

MiB - 520 days (1y5m1d) - 524 days (1y5m5d)

25 Nov 2010 (Thu) - 29 Nov 2010 (Mon)

pp could perform per Qr's request to fetch the TV remote control for her. Smart boy!!!

pp could now walk quite stably on the brick road. he could also hold a piece of paper tight while walking for a long time without dropping the paper -- although he himself would fall a couple of times.

pp mumbled more and more these days, although it's not always intelligible what he's trying to say, but Qr thought she picked up some words he wanted to say, e.g.
拍拍 when he was doing 'high five'
br-- when he's holding the bread card
tee-- when he's pointing to his teeth
baobao when he felt full and didn't want to eat anymore

pp really is trying to speak more and more, and Qr could now make some educated guesses of what he's trying to say.

pp is getting temper, too, and refuses to be reasoned, will take a longer time on this.

2010年11月24日 星期三

MiB - 514 days (1y4m26d) - 519 days (1m5m)

19 Nov 2010 - 24 Nov 2010 (Friday - Wednesday)

pp cried from kln tong to home because Qr put him in the stroller all the way. Qr believed some would think there's child abuse.

pp is now used to walking on the grass and sand @ the outdoor campus. he is interested in playing with the water, too. Great!

pp is now used to taking a mini board book with him in the morning. hope pppp and pp enjoy the reading time every day.