2011年1月8日 星期六

MiB - 572 days (1y6m13d) - 575 days (1y6m16d)

6 - 9 January 2011 (Thu - Sun)

Thu & Fri
pp woke up at 03:18 on Thu morning, and 04:38 on Fri morning. On Thu, he cried so much that pppp went over to pat him to sleep. However, it didn't work out and Qr and pppp had to let pp cry to sleep at around 05:00. On Fri, he cried until 06:00 when Qr's alarm clock rang and Qr took pp to her bed for feeding.

went to WOW for the final month. Caleb's mother commented the pp has improved a lot after the holidays. However, pp didn't like going to the front of the class to do the tasks requested by the teachers, not sure he's shy or what.

pp woke up crying at 04:28 on Sat morning. fortunately he cried for a bit and slept again.

pp first swimming in 2011. QQ was excited as he hadn't swum for 2.5 weeks.
visited, Ben, OV & Ian after swimming class. pp had a great time playing with Ian. they were friendly to each other, too

Qr almost fell from the platform in the morning and screamed out. pp immediately came to Qr's side and looked concerned. Then pp hugged and kissed Qr. Sooo sweet.

pp likes to point to the trees and touch the leaves. pp also likes pointing to the dogs and cats. he starts to recognize a lot of things.

