2010年9月28日 星期二

MiB - 461 days (1y3m3d) - 463 days (1m3m5d)

27 Sep 2010 (Mon) - 29 Sep 2010 (Wed)

Qr started putting some picture cards on the hanging chart, and pp liked looking at them and playing with them... :)
he started looking at the kindermusik banner, too, guess he recognized the banners from the kindermusik sessions.

pp had great fun playing hide and seek during dinner with Qr. pp hid behind pppp and looked over behind pppp's shoulders. when Qr caught pp's eyes, he laughed out loud and screamed. One time pppp leaned forward to eat, pp immediately put his hands on pppp's shoulders to bend his back straight -- soooo funny!!!

Putonghua teacher ms. winnie liked pp a lot. She praised pp for being attentive when she's telling stories.

2010年9月26日 星期日

MiB - 458 days (1y3m) - 460 days (1y3m2d)

24 Sep 2010 (Friday) - 26 Sep 2010 (Sunday)

Friday, pp's 15-mth-old birthday. Qr took pp to the disneyland after playgroup. first Qr and pp went to disney hollywood hotel where there is the big grassland. When Qr put pp on the grass, pp stood and cried at first, but soon stopped when he held Qr's hand and started to walk on the grass bare feet. When the sun set, Qr and pp went inside the hotel where pp took a nap. Afterwards, Qr and pp entered the disneyland to walk around and waited for the fireworks at night. Disney had a halloween theme and Qr tried to stay away from the 'ghosts' so as not to scare pp. during the fireworks, pp again stared at the fireworks and looked a bit stunned and a bit frightened.

Saturday, last little bachelor class, pp still couldn't keep still and went round and around with NN.

Sunday, pp walked a lot. in the morning Qr took pp to the outdoor playground where pp played on the swing by himself, played the turn-a-round which he didn't really get excited, and the big climbing block, in which he climbed up and down the stairs with so much fun. around noon time, Qr took pp to the indoor clubhouse playroom. pp started screaming with excitement when he reached the glass door of the playroom. in the afternoon, Qr took pp to shop at mannings and park'n shop. pp liked having his back on the piles of boxes, and used his whole body to push on the piles of boxes. pp's hands didn't stop touching around in mannings and park'n shop and had great fun. at night, Qr took pp to auntie mandy for dinner, and pp walked part of the route by himself. at auntie mandy's, pp had fun playing with the rice cooker, towering blocks, auntie mandy's key bag and her iphone.

2010年9月23日 星期四

MiB - 457 days (1y2m30d)

23 Sep 2010 (Thursday)

pp first time walked from home to the lift to the lobby and to the open ground until he reached the stairs... he walked with his white crocs and got a bit red on the feet...

pp had some bird's nest today, too, while Qr and pppp had 'round soup dumplings' prepared by pppp... :)

pp went to swim today. Qr and pppp wore goggles in turn to dive with pp... pp really opened his eyes in the water, and Qr could see bubbles coming out of his nostrils... so Qr believes pp knew how to breathe out when he's in the water...

MiB - 456 days (1y2m29d)

22 Sep 2010 (Wednesday)

pppp didn't go to work today, so Qr and pppp didn't take pp to the creche in the morning, since his mid-autumn festival party started at 13:30 in Kowloon Tong anyway.

Qr noticed that pp could use his index fingers (both hands') to point now. However, when he pointed with his index finger, his thumb would point out, too...

pp could also, for the first time, put his finger into his nostrils! this is indeed a milestone as he could point his finger to a place he couldn't see.

pp could express himself better and better. he would grab Qr's hand to hold his hand, and he could now tell Qr when he wants Qr to read books to him, or play DVD for him.

pp walked down stairs -- the first time in his life -- after the mid-autumn festival party.

tonight, when pppp was sitting on the stair case to the platform, pp crawled down the platform and sat next to pppp on the stair case as well... very cute!

2010年9月20日 星期一

MiB - 454 days (1y2m27d)

20 Sep 2010 (Monday)

pp's day of gourmet!!! pp had the first of the following throughout the day:
- cheese from mcd quarter pounder
- cucumber from mcd quarter pounder
- A-1 bakery hokkaido milk bun
- dan ryan's fettuccine alfredo (fettuccine & broccoli)
- dan ryan's grilled salmon
- dan ryan's muffin
- dan ryan's pineapple juice

pp also successfully used the spoon to feed himself some muffin pieces. he was so proud of himself that he wore big grins and clapped to his own achievement.

yummy yummy day!!!

in the afternoon kindermusik class, pp was thrilled by the fast -- slow -- stop motion and laughed out loud in class. when Qr and pp demonstrated the motion again to pppp at night, pp laughed out loud again, soooo cute.

MiB - 450 days old (1y2m23d) - 453 days (1y2m26d)

16 - 19 Sep 2010 (Thursday - Sunday)

It's like this: when there are so much happenings that's worth writing, there's no time to update the blog...

- morning, pp uttered '哎呀‘ like a native cantonese speaker without accent!!!! however, he refuses to re-utter again...
- afternoon, pp saw the keys when we went back home from the clubhouse and he tried to say 'keys' by uttering 'keeeee'

- pp had dinner with GMmo and GMmo's mother, and pp let both of them hold him and feed him, and smiled at them all the time, all had a great time that night, although Qr was feeling very sick

- pp followed Auntie Woo and GMmo to the 'signing event of Joey Yung' @ element's HMV... unfortunately due to some episode at the queue before them, Joey didn't even look at pp...
- pp had dinner with Auntie Woo, GMmo, Auntie fafa and Uncle JM, Auntie fafa asked pp 愛唔愛呀 (if he wants more food / water) and pp answered by shaking his head and uttered something like '唔-愛呀‘... GMmo tried to video tape this and Auntie fafa induced him to say again, but pp showed an annoyed face and refused to say again... very funny

- vaccination evening, pp had fun playing in the clinic, and didn't show any anxiety when entering Dr.'s room. however, when Qr sat with him at the chair next to Dr.'s desk, he started to recognize and struggled to leave. When Dr's put the wooden stick into his mouth, he closed his lips tight and started crying... he cried even poorer (not exactly louder though) when he got the injection and didn't stop crying even afterwards, until the nurse played with him by pretending to eat the banana toy. pp even laughed out loud and forgot about the pain.

2010年9月15日 星期三

MiB - 449 days old (1y2m22d)

15 Sep 2010 (Wednesday)

this morning pp stood outside the washroom to wait for Qr to come out (Qr has taught him not to go inside kitchen or washroom but wait outside instead). he then saw the bath book on the bench next to the sink and ee-ee-er-er to want to get it. so Qr took the book out, and asked pp to say please. pp first clapped his hands (incorrect gesture) and then he seemed to realize he used the wrong gesture, used his palms to move left and right on his chest -- which was more like the gesture taught by ms Anna last week!!! so pp did remember. smart boy!!!

(post-note: the correct sign is "dominant hand is in a flat handshape, then place the palm over the heart and move it into a circular motion once or twice."

afterwards, pp handed Qr the your baby can read sliding cards and wanted Qr to show them to him. he now can show Qr he remembers by demonstration before Qr reads out the words:
'diaper' -- pp will pat his own diaper when he sees the word
'arms up' -- pp will hold his arms up seeing the word
'hi' -- pp will open and close his palms
'wave' -- pp will open and close his palms as well (pp can't exactly wave somehow)
'tiger' -- pp will roar seeing the word
'smiling' -- pp will 'ee' his teeth to show a smile
'mouth' -- pp will open his mouth wide
'clap' -- pp will clap his hands
'tongue' -- this one depends, sometimes he will open his mouth, sometimes he will use his hands to touch the tongue, recently, he will stick out his tongue occasionally

MiB - 448 days old (1y2m21d)

14 Sep 2010 (Tuesday)

picked up pp in the evening, he held up his hands, gave big smiles and blew kisses to me when he saw me at the other end of the corridor. when he approached closer (teacher was holding him in her arms), he leaned forward to want to reach Qr earlier... soooo sweet.

pp tonight went to the top of the DVD player to get the disney's peekaboo book and handed it to me signalling me to play it.

2010年9月13日 星期一

MiB - 447 days old (1y2m20d)

13 Sep 2010 (Monday)

Qr went to a full day montessori class for parents and therefore pp had to skip one kindermusik class and stayed at the creche for the whole day.

Pppp reported: when he picked up pp from the creche this evening, ms. Tang held pp's one hand and walked him out. He walked steadily at the beginning, when he saw pppp, he speeded up to go to pppp and fell down, slightly brushed his forehead against the plastic drawer. Pp stood himself up, one hand on his forehead, smiled silly and continued to walk towards pppp, sooo cute.. :)

MiB - 446 days old (1y2m19d)

12 Sep 2010 (Sunday)

Pp had great fun at funfunland and walked a lot. He even went to the children area for 5 - 12 when the big kids were not around. He had no fear going in the tunnel and climbing the net.

MiB - 445 days old (1y2m18d)

11 Sep 2010 (Saturday)

Qr took pp to swim... pp was so thrilled and everyone commented that pp LOVES swimming sooooo much!!! he was actually excited to go inside water and wanted to swim on his own... :)

2010年9月9日 星期四

MiB - 444 days old (1y2m17d)

10 Sep 2010 (Friday)

today Qr took pp to the creche. after putting on the shoes for pp and let him stand on the floor, pp started walking. Qr walked ahead and pp chased Qr wanting threw himself into Qr's arms. pp could now walk ~ 15 steps without support, and he could steady himself by walking step by step and holding his arms up... :)

blowing feathers
making hand prints
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
hurry hurry drive the fire truck song
picking mini 'xi mi' with 2 fingers and put them in a plastic cup
making red circles using a bowl
learning circles
Cat who loves to sleep story
When ms. Winnie told the story, pp suddenly stood up in front of me, and then walked diagonally across the mat to ms. Joanne. Ms. Joanne liked him so much and she held him sit on her lap and hugged him for a while to listen to ms. Winnie's story.

today was gym time, Qr took pp to play with different things except the 'hanger'... and then pp heard other babies playing excitedly on the 'hanger' and he wanted to play as well. so he climbed to where the 'hanger' was, looked up to the 'hanger' and then looked up at Qr and climbed on Qr's legs to stand up. so Qr held him up, let him put his hands on the 'hanger' and walked him along. so today, he was not resistant, and Qr and pp walked like that for a couple of times.

MiB - 443 days old (1y2m16d)

9 Sep 2010 (Thursday)

during snack time, a baby girl brought her own snack of mini rings. her maid told her to give one to pp, so the baby girl held one out with her 2 fingers, and pp successfully used 2 fingers to get the ring -- very impressive fine motor skill, well done, boy!!!

Ms. Joanne came over and said pp smelled great and like a baby... haha

when Ms. Winnie started reading the mouse and mirror story, pp crawled to the front probably to be closer to the teachers, but got summoned back to mommy...

learning body parts - head, body, arms, hands, legs, feet
colouring yellow bone with red and purple water paint
sticking and tearing body parts from the matted floor
using a net to catch mini-balls
cheese sandwich which pp didn't like -- he tried once and refused to eat again
find-friends song
finger-move song
learning circles
colouring circles
putting penne into a bottle and shake shake
the third time going to the gym... after the first time when he loved playing the 'hanger', he refused the second time and today to play the 'hanger'... don't know why...

2010年9月8日 星期三

MiB - 442 days old (1y2m15d)

8 Sep 2010 (Wednesday)

Qr was not in shape today. First forgot about bringing vaccination record to the creche, then forgot about socks for pp in the creche. In the afternoon, Qr forgot about another pair socks for playgroup, and worst of all, forgot about feeding towel...

Pp was really attentive when having mandarin session. During village time, he crawled up over 10 staircases, and then slided back down... Very funny!
Face - eyes, nose, mouth
looking at mirrors
Sticking a face
Pushing and pulling scarf into and out of a paper towel roll
Putting marcaroni into a bottle and shake shake
Head n shoulder song
Abc song
Find a friend song
Little star song
Morning exercise song
If you are happy song
Little mouse looking at the mirror story
Picture frame with sticker
Putting penne into a bottle and shake shake

MiB - 441 days old (1y2m14d)

7 Sep 2010 (Tuesday)

Qr and pp visited Lolo and Lyly this afternoon, and then grandma at night.

pp walked much better day by day. today, he could walk without support for several steps. bravo!!!

pp could also stack up blocks better and better, higher and higher. :)

2010年9月6日 星期一

MiB - 440 days old (1y2m13d)

6 Sep 2010 (Monday)

Qr played flash cards with pp this morning - first word cards on colour x 2, and pp didn't have enough, and second your baby can read sliding cards (starter and book 1) once, and third regular polygon cards x 2, and finally dotted card from 1 - 10 plus a summation (first time ever) 1 + 2 = 3, and pp happily giggled. it's so good to see pp enjoys learning as if it's playing. To kids, it's best if they learn without knowing that they are learning, and the best way is through playing..

pp likes putting coins into the 'bear' bank. today Qr gave him a one-dollar coin, a two-dollar coin, and a five-dollar coin. When he first saw Qr taking out the 'bear' bank, he's already very happy. When he received the five-dollar coin, he used his right hand to put it into the bank immediately. when Qr handed him the two-dollar coin, he took it with his right hand, then he changed hands to use his left hand to put the coin into the bank successfully. after putting the last coin in the bank, he looked at Qr and 'urh - urh - urh' and raised his left hand to make a gesture -- like asking Qr to provide more coins. Qr had no more coins for today, and he started to pick up the 'bear' bank and look for openings to get the coins out. pp knows a lot of things now.

tonight, Qr, pppp and pp went to the supermarket to buy breakfast for Qr. when Qr was choosing her cereal, pppp and pp were playing walking around and pp was having great fun. When Qr picked her breakfast, pppp and Qr held hands with pp (in fact, Qr and pppp both gave him a finger to hold on for his balance) and walked side by side with him, the longest way pp has ever walked...

MiB - 439 days old (1y2m12d)

5 Sep 2010 (Sunday)

pp now gestures to show what he wants:
- he will flip the book to the alphabet page and push the book to Qr for Qr to sing to him.
- he will pick up the your baby can read dvd box and try to open it for Qr to play it for him.
- he will stand at one place and stomp his feet for Qr to assist him to walk
- he will 'mum mum mum mum' to tell Qr he wants to have milk
- he will go to where the flash cards are kept, take one out and hand it to Qr to ask Qr to flash the cards to him

Qr took pp to the playroom in the afternoon. at one point, pp wanted to have milk and he went to Qr's bag, tried to open it and put his hand in to take out the feeding towel and handed it to Qr.

pp had big temper, too. he likes the car in the playroom and he refuses to leave the car. when someone else is playing with the car, he tried to chase it and looks for Qr to get it back for him.

2010年9月4日 星期六

MiB - 438 days old (1y2m11d)

4 Sep 2010 (Saturday)

pp wants to listen to ABC songs and have asked Qr to sing to him for 5 times this morning already. what he will do is that he will open the 'My First Book of Letters', flip to the final page where there is a colourful picture of the alphabet. Then he will push the book to me, make some sounds like 'again'. when Qr asks pp if he wants mommy to sing, he will nod decisively. If Qr plays dumb, he will continue to push the book and make the same sound until Qr starts singing. if Qr stops in the middle, pp will make the 'again' sound again.

pp can also open the paper box (of 10 sturdy boxes for piling up) now. in the past, when he wanted to open the box, he will use both hands to hold up the box (because it's heavy) and hold it up to Qr, signalling Qr to open it. when Qr asks pp if he wants mommy to open the box, he will nod. Qr has shown to pp how to open the box, now, pp can sometimes open it by himself.

2010年9月3日 星期五

MiB - 437 days old (1y2m10d)

3 Sep 10 (Friday)

After years, Qr had her body treatment again.

Taking pp to the creche and pp started smiling when pppp and Qr helped him put on his shoes at the waiting area. Then Qr accompanied him to one end of the corridor to wait for the teacher to walk with him to the classroom.

pp had fun playing the drum in the afternoon class. in addition:
- Mr. Sun song
- Monkey Dance song
- abc song
- water paint on monkey
- dough playing on ice-cream picture (but pp doesn't like the dough texture)
- dry marcaroni and the sieves
- Mr. Beebo Bear and baby signs for please, thank you, and I love you
- marcaroni & ham (Qr ate the ham)
- red colour
- morning exercise song
- little star song
- red balloon story
- playing with red colour stuff
- painting with red crayon + meshed tray
- pp didn't like the hanging fun today. instead, he loved swinging in the hanging boat, and sliding down the slide backward

Qr wanted to test if pp started to be fear of the height, therefore, in the mtr back home, Qr let pp held the rings in the compartment, and pp was having great fun holding the rings and even tried to play 引體上升. So Qr suspected that pp didn't like to drop off from the handle at the gym. gotta try next week.

2010年9月2日 星期四

MiB - 436 days old (1y2m9d)

2 September 2010 (Thursday)

pp has officially started brushing his teeth since yesterday. in the past, Qr tried once with him without toothpaste and he didn't like it. from yesterday onwards, Qr added in children toothpaste which pp could swallow. he's still reluctant to brush his teeth, guess the toothpaste is not very tasty... :P

per report from pppp, pp was accompanied by 3 teachers to walk as it's the first time he wore shoes in the creche and walked from the reception area to his classroom. so 大陣仗!!!

Afternoon playgroup had the following fun:
- count up to 5 'foam' eggs
- good afternoon song
- abc song
- colour no. 2
- put beans into tube
- monkey dance song
- red kitchen utensils
- play with red water
- stick different textures of red paper to a red paper
- little star song
- morning exercise song
with a handle 1.5m above the ground, pp holds with both hands, slides for 3 - 4 metres, then drops himself off to a pile of cushions, he's so thrilled about it he cried when the class finished

2010年9月1日 星期三

MiB - 435 days old (1y2m8d)

1 September 2010 (Wednesday)

First day as an unemployed, Qr got pp ready for today while pppp was responsible to take him to the creche. Qr didn't sleep in, but tidied up pp's diaper inventory, swapped the toys available for him on the platform, and put up a wall paper for height measurement.

Qr also started clearing stuff from work, had home self-treatment on face, arms and legs, and prepared pp's meal with egg, salmon, corn and spinach. Qr also managed to review what has been written for the ISP and took a 20 minute nap.

Now (13:45) is time for Qr to pick pp up from the creche and go to a new playgroup. Hope pp likes seeing Qr earlier and the new adventure. :)

A busy class.. Qr and pp were late. When they went into the classroom, english teacher ms. Anna was teaching what's your name. Then they learned to put spaghetti into the bottle and shake shake shake. They played sand and pp refused to leave and ngou geai, so he missed making his name tag. Pp likes washing his hands and didn't like it when Qr turned off the tap. Snack time, the biscuit was really soso but pp drank 2 cups of lemonade and wetted his tee and pants. He could have 2 because his classmate didn't take his and drank his own water with combi straw cup. They learned to put away the cup and dish afterwards. Pp couldn't even finish the biscuit.

Mandarin teacher ms. Winnie came in and they sang mandarin songs. Pp didn't follow the movement or sat still. He crawled to the teachers to get their attention and smiled at them. then it's play time with soft tiny balls pushing through the meshed tray, and colouring a schoolbag and gluing pictures of necessities in the schoolbag. Again, pp refused to let go of the painter or the crayon and cried when Qr took them away from him.

Finally village time and pp were interested in 2 cups there. He held them tight, refused to let go and refused to leave the room when the class was finished.

MiB - 435 days old (1y2m8d)

1 September 2010 (Wednesday)

First day as an unemployed, Qr got pp ready for today while pppp was responsible to take him to the creche. Qr didn't sleep in, but tidied up pp's diaper inventory, swapped the toys available for him on the platform, and put up a wall paper for height measurement.

Qr also started clearing stuff from work, had home self-treatment on face, arms and legs, and prepared pp's meal with egg, salmon, corn and spinach. Qr also managed to review what has been written for the ISP and took a 20 minute nap.

Now (13:45) is time for Qr to pick pp up from the creche and go to a new playgroup. Hope pp likes seeing Qr earlier and the new adventure. :)