2010年9月9日 星期四

MiB - 443 days old (1y2m16d)

9 Sep 2010 (Thursday)

during snack time, a baby girl brought her own snack of mini rings. her maid told her to give one to pp, so the baby girl held one out with her 2 fingers, and pp successfully used 2 fingers to get the ring -- very impressive fine motor skill, well done, boy!!!

Ms. Joanne came over and said pp smelled great and like a baby... haha

when Ms. Winnie started reading the mouse and mirror story, pp crawled to the front probably to be closer to the teachers, but got summoned back to mommy...

learning body parts - head, body, arms, hands, legs, feet
colouring yellow bone with red and purple water paint
sticking and tearing body parts from the matted floor
using a net to catch mini-balls
cheese sandwich which pp didn't like -- he tried once and refused to eat again
find-friends song
finger-move song
learning circles
colouring circles
putting penne into a bottle and shake shake
the third time going to the gym... after the first time when he loved playing the 'hanger', he refused the second time and today to play the 'hanger'... don't know why...

