2009年7月30日 星期四

MiB - 36 days old (1m6d)

30 July 2009 (Thu)

last night was better than expected, after feeding before midnight, pp only woke up at 03:xx and then 07:xx.

This morning went to PMH for pp to have blood testing. After waiting for an hour, we were admitted into the room for consultation. Then it's blood-drawing time, and they asked pppp and Qr to leave the room... :o i could hear pp cry inside the room when his blood was drawn... :'(
when the door was open, pp no longer cried, but another surprise came -- i thought they drew blood from baby via the sole, it turned out that they drew the blood from the back of his left hand. when pp came out, his left hand was sticked with a cotton ball... poor little baby... :(

pp is 5 weeks old now, holding him in Qr's arm today and she was amazed how big pp has become -- 40-cm-circumferenced head, 57-cm body length, and 4.33-kg weight per PMH -- and the growth since the day he was born.

2009年7月29日 星期三

MiB - 35 days old (1m5d)

29 July 2009 (Wed)

Today was Qr's first day to bathe pp. he cried while washing his hair (which is his daily ritual), but quite enjoyed the bathing.. :)

Today was PP's birthday, therefore we went over to a restaurant in her area for dinner. Since it's close to my ex-ex-company, i went there to visit the ex-colleagues before dinner. pppp went with me, and i came across the big boss at the entrance as he was on his way out. pp was highly praised by my ex-colleagues, and so was pppp.. :)

MiB - 34 days old (1m4d)

28 Jul 2009 (Tue)

10:30 visited the panel doc (so free of charge) who has got great comments @ baby kingdom. Unfortunately, the doc said he will open his own clinic around end of the year. by then, gotta see see if he's still panel doc -- provided i'm still at my current company la -- or i'll need to find pp another doc.

14:xx went for tea and met with pppp's friend who had just finished a lunch appointment in the area.

pppp, pp & Qr all went for a nap in the evening for almost 3 hours -- sooo nice!!! then we went out for vegetarian dinner. pp had bmilk there, too. good that he's not having formula which is not officially vegetarian food, haha...

2009年7月27日 星期一

MiB - 33 days old (1m3d)

27 July 2009 (Mon)

after 30 mins of crying (from 00:15 - 00:45), pp finally fell asleep by himself.
話口未完, pp suddenly cried in his sleep.. so pppp hugged him back to sleep.

and surprisingly, he didn't wake up until 05:00... and then 08:00 - however, Qr wouldn't believe that she's so lucky, likely it's a single separate incidence and probably won't happen again tonight.

pppp needed to go to work today, pp was still awake, so Qr played with him with black-&-white patterns to stimulate his eyesight, with a big colourful book about cat, hat, rat, mat... and with the wooden haba toys, and finally with some crawling practice before he whined for feeding and went to sleep.

2009年7月26日 星期日

MiB - 32 days old (1m2d)

26 July 2009 (Sunday)

this morning, pppp was officially sick. we went to the doc and he's got 急性扁桃腺發炎... doc gave him 5 days of medication, and said if it persists/gets worse, may need to operate... :o

Grand-uncle 4, Grand-auntie 4 and Ah Yi as well as GG came to visit pp. Ah Yi is 16 years old and has gone to Leeds for studies (year 11) for a year, now just came back for summer vacation.

MiB - 31 days old (1m1d)

25 July 2009 (Sat)

took a nice shower in the morning... so happy.

today was the first day Qr went out without pppp or pp -- Qr went to the book fair today!!!
unlike past years... Qr didn't look at Qr's books, didn't stay long, and didn't buy much. Qr just went to children's paradise for pp's flash cards and missed pppp and pp all the time.

finally bought a set of dot flash cards for pp.

in the evening, Uncle Anthony and Auntie Ivy came over to visit us. We went to sushi place @ citywalk for dinner and then ming sifu for dessert. in between, pppp went to a sports place and bought Qr a wrist support, as Qr started to feel pain in the wrist and the thumb -- probably for holding and feeding pp, and pumping milk.

2009年7月24日 星期五

MiB - 30 days old!!!

24 July 2009 (Fri)

pppp has confirmed he's got a sore throat.. :(

pp is one month old today. tonight pppp, pp & p will have dinner with YY & MM.

pp has been scratching his face these days. now all scarred on the forehead.. :(

GMIrene came over in the morning and brought over Cova mini tarts and biscuits to celebrate pp's full-moon birthday. We also tried to train pp not to eat too frequently. pp was crying so poorly... :P

MiB - 29 days old

23 Jul 2009 (Thu)

today pppp, pp & p had full-moon dinner with GG, PP, KF, YM & Uncle Anthony. pp got presents and lai see from GG, PP and YM. :)

pppp felt that he's got sore throat.. :o

these days, pp would get crazy sometimes and refused to drink milk while he was hungry and tired at the same time.

2009年7月22日 星期三

MiB - 28 days old

22 Jul 2009 (Wed)

pppp will go back to work today and may have dinner plan, so Qr organized plans for Qr & pp.. :)

finally Auntie Noel came over to pick up Qr and pp, and all three of us went to senryo @ elements at around 14:00. pp had ealy lunch with colleagues and then came by to take care of pp, so that Qr and Auntie Noel could eat and talk more freely.

After lunch, pppp went to tst for a tea appointment with an ex-colleague, and Qr and Auntie Noel took pp for a little shopping and Auntie Noel drove us back home before 17:00.

so far so good, but Qr thinks the bb bag needs to be lighter. travel light is important if Qr only travels with pp.

MiB - 27 days old

21 Jul 2009 (Tue)

we didn't go out today, except pppp went out to buy bird's nest, dinner, rice & dessert.

finally uploaded pp's pictures from day 1 to day 28 to facebook. aunties & uncles all praised pp la -- they haven't seen the devlish side of pp yet... :P

2009年7月20日 星期一

MiB - 26 days old

20 Jul 2009 (Mon)

final 5 days of 'moon sitting', looking forward to being free!!!

not sure if pp was too excited yesterday, last night he was very restless, and didn't sleep soundly.

today, pp has outgrown his babysuits. yesterday, he wore the jordan socks from GMmo & Auntie Winnie. the socks were supposed to be for 0 - 3 months. pp wore one pair on the day he was discharged from Union, and they were just-made. today, pp wore the 2nd pair and he had already outgrown the socks... :o

MiB - 25 days old

19 Jul 2009 (Sun)

typhoon signal no.9 was already hoisted when pp woke us up at 03:45. there was red rain warning as well. when pp woke us up again at 06:30, signao no.8 was back. and in the morning it came down to signal no.3.

GMmo & Auntie Woo picked us up at 11:30 and we all went to Senryo @ elements together. GMJasmine & Auntie Regina arrived earlier and got a table for 10. GMIrene, King Eddie, Princess Castor & Prince Pollux arrived afterwards. C&P and even King were so excited to see pp, and C&P expressed unseen gentleness in front of pp... :o

2009年7月18日 星期六

MiB - 24 days old

18 Jul 2009 (Sat)

typhoon signal no.1 was hoisted since last night. observatory said higher singal may be hoisted later today. tomorrow will be a pre-full-moon lunch gatherings with Qi & her family, GMmo & auntie woo, and GMj @ elements. hopefully the weather will not be too bad. the good thing is GMmo & auntie woo will come over to drive us. :)

we told pppp's mom that we are going out today and tomorrow, so that she can take some rest and no need to come over. then we can all take some rest and relax today. :)

one more week, and i won't need to wash hair & body with ginger water; I won't need to drink 'fried rice water', I won't have to have rice for breakfast, lunch & dinner; and i can get wet with 'raw water' - so i can start bathing pp... :) I can also bring pp out everyday if i want. pppp won't be so sun fu, and pppp's mom won't need to come over almost everyday.

pp knew how to suck his hand or thumb these couple of days la... this is a milestone, i suppose, as it requires coordination to put the thumb / hand into mouth... :)

typhoon signal no. 3 was hoisted today... but we still went out for tea and bread and dishes for tonite and vcd (but the last one to no avail).

in the evening, GMmo dropped by to visit pp in case it's signal no.8 was hoisted tomorrow (on sunday). before 23:30, signal no. 8 was hoisted.

2009年7月17日 星期五

MiB - 23 days old

17 July 2009 (Fri)

bf pp at 02:xx, 04:xx and 06:xx, finally went to sleep between 07:xx and 09:xx... (-.-)Zzz...

called the creche this afternoon, sept is already full... :o dim suen ho?

looking for a doc for pp in this area... getting there... there is one panel doc with positive comments from mothers @ baby kingdom. also called staff insurance hotline and out of 6-in-1, 4-in-1 can be claimed, better than nothing la.. :)

while i was looking for information related to my living area, came across a post about nursery school, and i curiously investigated on it, and found that even if i applied now, pp wouldn't not be admiited into n1 - which is 2 years later - due to the long waiting list.. :o

an agent called me for a position, see see how it goes la...

2009年7月16日 星期四

MiB - 22 days old

16 Jul 2009 (Thu)

last night the midnight feeding, pp ate from 00:00 - 02:30, 'coz he first had 80ml bmilk from bottle, then have an interim of bf, then had another 35ml bmilk from bottle. after that, he still was hungry and pppp finally gave him formula of 60ml.. totalling 175ml in one meal!

finally, pp went to sleep till 05:55 this morning.

pppp slept till 10:00 this morning, waken up by Qr and pp. he had appointment at noon and had to leave home at 11:30, but he was very tired after struggling with pp last night.

2009年7月15日 星期三

MiB - 21 days old

15 Jul 2009 (Wed)

pppp needed to go for a talk / seminar in kwun tong and left home @ 13:45. at the same time, Qi a.k.a. GMi arrived to visit pp, but they didn't come across one another, probably taking different lifts.. :)

pp was naughty last night, after Qr bf-ed him @ 04:xx, he refused to go back to sleep and still 扭計, so pppp took the shift and pacify him with diaper-changing, hugging, water feeding, and finally another round of bottle-feeding with bm and put pp back to bed at 07:xx. all of us then slept peacefully till 10:00 when pp woke up again...

pp's grandma had made a 'rice bag' for him, hopefully it will help him get a more soundly sleep.

2009年7月14日 星期二

MiB - 20 days old

14 Jul 2009 (Tue)

went to Imd in Shatin for birth cert. orginally wanted to submit applications for passport as well, but we didn't know we need to get a 'chou' for that, so by the time we got the birth cert. and went over to the passport section, it's already full. so we decided to mail the application later.

went to simply thai @ NTP to have lunch -- yellow curry with chicken & green curry with sea bass, hopefully pp would like the taste of curry.. :P

finally bought sony TG5 to take pp's DV, quite expensive, but still $2k cheaper than JVC's x900, which was not as good as we thought...

these days, i have visited the nursery rooms of different shopping centres, surprisingly, so far, the one @ NTP 3 was the best, with TV and music in the room - though it's the same room where babies can change diapers -- which means if someone is changing diapers, then i cannot bf there. The ones @ CTW have separate rooms for bf, but there is nothing inside except a chair.

Pampers' nb diapers were on sale @ mannings, $65.8 for 2 packs, versus the normal discounted price of $49.9 each. bought one month's volume in 2 rounds, i.e. 8 packs totalling 256 pieces... scary!!! by the end of one month, pp should be over 5kg and may need to upgrade to size S, let's see.. :)

2009年7月13日 星期一

MiB - 19 days old

13 Jul 2009 (Mon)

pppp has been back for 24 days la.. soon will be one month's time...
pp has been born for 19 days, too... 'full moon' is coming...

pp has been quite 扭眼訓 these days, don't know why, and can't sleep soundly... maybe he needs a 'rice bag' to 壓驚?

pppp went out to work today, but his mom was here to make chicken essence for me..
pppp bought a digital photo frame and a 1T harddisk today... both for pp la, of course.. :P

2009年7月12日 星期日

name suggestion from master luk

何嘉浩 Ka-ho Ho (KH Ho) He2 Jia1 Hao4

何頌謙 Chung-him Ho (CH Ho) He2 Song4 Qian1

何國廉 Kwok-lim Ho (KL Ho) He2 Guo2 Lian2

何景喬 King-kiu Ho (KK Ho) He2 Jing3 Qiao2

何凱翹 Hoi-kiu Ho (HK Ho) He2 Kai3 Qiao2

MiB - 18 days old

12 Jul 2009 (Sun)

gave pp 100ml formula before midnight last night and he finished 60ml. this kept him asleep until 03:42. bf pp and he slept again till 07:00. however, for the 03:42 and 07:00 bf, he 獲利回吐 more than usual (a few mouthful), making Qr a bit worried about his health.

luckily for the 10:00 bf, he only 溢奶 a little...

Qr & pp & pppp all took a nap in the evening... sooooo nice... (-.-)Zzz...

after 20:00, we all went out to eugene to get the breast shells, bf blanket and sling... finally got all of them. while we had dinner @ a shanghai restaurant, Qr had to use the bf blanket immediately, too... from now on, Qr probably needs to wear shirts to more convenient bf la...

2009年7月11日 星期六

MiB - 17 days old

11 Jul 2009 (Sat)

since we've got the name choices from sifu, what we need to do is to decide which name to take, and inform sifu, then he will give us a 小批. at the same time, we can use that name to apply for birth certificate, ID card, passport, etc.

so today we went to nearby shopping centre to have pp's passport photo taken. what a hassle to get him awake but not crying... luckily we've got one picture of him after some struggle.

i wanted to buy a 通勝 for 諸葛神算 to check on the name choices, but apparently, the bookstores do not carry it, is it because it's a '勝', not a '書'?

in the evening, GMmo dropped by, and Qr asked her to sign the form to prove that pp's picture is pp himself, and so we needed to confirm the name of pp... Qr and pp in the interim agreed to 凱翹 (Hoi Kiu). we still have from now till Mon if we want to change our mind, as we will go to imd on Tue for the gov't documents...

MiB - 16 days old

10 Jul 2009 (Fri)

Today was the first day i went out without pp, pppp came with me so pppp's mom stayed behind at my place to take care of pp.

we first went out to central while pppp went to post office to get my letters for me, and I went straight to wanchai to go to my chinese doctor. however, due to the lower frequency of MTR trains @ non-peak hours, pppp came to take the same train with me and we came across at platform again.

when we arrived @ wanchai, pppp first went to exchange milk powder for pp (i saw someone from baby kingdom who wanted to exchange snow's smart baby 1 for nestle's nan 1, and then went to meet with his business partner who was lending 2 baby english name book to him, while i went to the doctor.

afterwards, since it's still too early to see luk sifu to get the names for babies, i walked back to the area where pppp and his business partner was and what a coincidence, i came across them on the street (i didn't know where they were and how they planned to walk to luk sifu's, 'cos there were so many different routes).

we walked back to luk sifu's (whose office is located at the same building as chinese doc's). we waited for luk sifu and got the name results from si jie. si jie said pp's 'ba zi' is very good and she thought i had C-section and had picked the time for pp to be born. when i told her i had natural delivery, she praised me very o力女 - not for having given natural birth, but having given a good 'ba zi' to pp... :P

returned home after all these activities. then took pp out to have dinner with uncle hugo and his wife nearby. pp cried at the 2nd half of dinner and i had to take him to the shopping centre's nursery room to bf him. this kind of facility is in fact quite good and convenient for me.. then i don't need to take bottled milk out... :P

2009年7月9日 星期四

MiB - 15 days old

9 Jul 2009 (Thu)

pp is half-a-month old la... visited by grandparents and 'gu por' today. went down together to the restaurant for dim sum lunch.

MiB - 14 days old

8 Jul 2009 (Wed)

pp is 2 weeks' old la... today Qr needed to go back to Union for post-natal check up at 13:30.
we arrived before that but had to wait till after 14:30 to see dr. yuen. in between, pp cried for milk but the nurse advised us not to leave the area, so i couldn't bf him @ the nursery room downstairs.

So we gave him water instead, and he fnished 50ml!!! he doesn't like water but i guess he's too hungry that he had no choice but to take it. :P

dr. yuen said pp could get more sunshine on the hands & feet to help remove the yellowish. she also arranged to get a sample size snow brand smart baby 1 for pp, too.. :)

2009年7月7日 星期二

MiB - 13 days old

7 Jul 2009 (Tue)

went to MCHC (finally know about its officially name - mother-child healthy centre) this afternoon. this time is a different doctor and she's much better than the last one. she asked very detailedly about bf and said that we have done a good job so far.. :)

for record:
yellowish - 12x per forehead, 147 per chest
-> doc said as expected, and should be ok... no need to check again until full-moon time
weight - 3.43kg, up from 3.15kg when pp's 6 days old
-> doc said good progress, and even better if pp has this progress without formula

today the nurse said no measurement of length until 2 months old wor... -_-

after MCHC visit, we went to 翠華 for tea, i had 奶醬豬 and hot lemon honey... nice... ^o^

after accompanying us back home, pppp needed to go to central to work... sun fu pppp la... :(
good that he finished the work at 19:xx and they went for company dinner for the business they had closed just now.

2009年7月6日 星期一

MiB - 12 days old

last night Qr was really really tired, and fell asleep before pp and pppp did. Qr also felt cold during midnight... (~_~)

this morning pp used his sharp nails on his face and drew the first blood... :(

pp very 扭計 today, feeding 扭計, stop feeding 又扭計, 掃風又扭計, at the same time he is so 猛憎 he scratched me with his sharp fingernails.

hehe... went out tonight to have dessert @ 明師傅 - hot creme brulee. Really not bad... :)

went to broadway to look at DV as well, still couldn't conclude which one to buy...

2009年7月5日 星期日

MiB - 11 days old

5 Jul 2009 (Sun)

no visitors today, finally can take some rest...

pp was quite good last night, after midnight feeding, woke up at 03:25, then 07:45.
this morning he woke up at 10:35 and finally got back to sleep before 13:00, and woke up again at 14:45.

he has got a lot of lup lup starting yesterday, need to ask ask the doc next tue whether it's due to heat or allergy.

today was the '12th morning', pppp had already got the ginger-vinegar from his mom, but i couldn't take it still.

2009年7月4日 星期六

MiB - 10 days old

4 Jul 2009 (Sat)

time flies.. last week this time, i was just discharged from the hospital, and pp got to be on board for phototherapy. Now he's 10 days old already.

pppp's got things to do today, so Qi came early this morning to accompany me, and help me change 2 of the diapers... :P pp behaved when Qi was around, didn't cry for milk even though he's hungry as he uses to do.

this afternoon Uncle Benjamin P & Auntie Ov came over with their 6-month old prince Ian. Ian's birthday is one day after me, easy to remember.. haha. They brought over a lot of useful stuff for pp as well.. including a feeding cushion, a new sleeping bag for newborn, and out-grown clothes... :)

in the evening, GMmo and Auntie w dropped by with the gift from Auntie fafa - a LOVELY kaloo 123 activity playmat, and gifts from i-kee buddies - mannings coupons, fitted sheets, bumper, and a sleeping bag...

pp is sooo loved by everyone... hoi sum hoi sum ^o^

2009年7月3日 星期五

MiB - 9 days old

3 Jul 2009 (Fri)

pp had some good sleep last night, so had we.. :)

he had his last feeding finished around midnight, and he slept till 03:00 before he woke us up for more food. After finishing the feeding routine at 04:15, we all went back to sleep till 07:00 this morning -- really not bad.

Uncle Paul L came over today and we all went down to the restaurant for lunch. pp almost slept for the whole trip except at the end when he was waken up by hunger.

went to the doc @ health service today... soooo sloowww motion, seems like she needed to think about what to do next with my pp... yellowish still 178, need to visit her again next tuesday...

the doctor confirmed my impression, pp's head size is getting larger... she measured the size of pp's head and it's over 37 cm, compared to the 36.5 cm when he arrived to the world.

today pp 'zum cha' to Qr... 多謝晒

went down to clubhouse with 60ml of b milk in bottle... and pp finished all in one go in perhaps less than 10 minutes... he even used his left hand to push my hand which was holding the bottle to make sure i wouldn't remove the bottle from his mouth... :o

hehe.. so far... pp almost went out every day:
28 Jun (sun) first day back home: travelled from hospital to home
29 Jun (mon): went to health service, A-1 bakery, citistore for a mini-electric fan, and flea-icide, mannings
30 Jun (tue): went to health service, cafe de coral for breakfast, mannings, white sugar cake
1 Jul (wed): went to club house's gym
2 Jul (thu): stayed in
3 Jul (fri): went to restaurant downstairs, went to health service, then broadway for pppp's bluetooth, and lastly to club house's gym

2009年7月2日 星期四

MiB - 8 days old

2 Jul 2009 (Thu)

today Qr got a present from pppp's mom.. :)

pp woke up more often last night, pppp and Qr could only sleep according to his schedule... (-.-)Zzz...

the day after publich holiday, is just another day for Qr and pp, but for pppp, he may have pressure working a bit... sun fu pppp la...

faxed the needed information to master L today, see see what he will return for pp...

today, both pppp and Qr agreed that p has got longer in length, and bigger in terms of head size... :o

first blood has appeared -- from pp's belly button.

2009年7月1日 星期三

Day 4 of pp back to palace

1 Jul 2009 (Wed)

totally forgot about today being a public holiday. Public holiday is more meaningful when one needs to work.. :P

today pp is already one week's old... sooooo fast...

Qr's mom, dad, sis & bro came to visit pp, and took some really nice pictures. afterwards, Auntie V has already put pp's pictures on the facebook, haha... first time pp has got posted.. :) as for me, i still haven't had time to select the pictures yet.. :P

today is also the first time Qr changed a wet diaper all by herself... ^o^
the next milestone is to change a soiled diaper by herself.. :P

today is also the day umbilical cord has finally detached, too, and witnessed by GMmo. :)