2009年7月11日 星期六

MiB - 17 days old

11 Jul 2009 (Sat)

since we've got the name choices from sifu, what we need to do is to decide which name to take, and inform sifu, then he will give us a 小批. at the same time, we can use that name to apply for birth certificate, ID card, passport, etc.

so today we went to nearby shopping centre to have pp's passport photo taken. what a hassle to get him awake but not crying... luckily we've got one picture of him after some struggle.

i wanted to buy a 通勝 for 諸葛神算 to check on the name choices, but apparently, the bookstores do not carry it, is it because it's a '勝', not a '書'?

in the evening, GMmo dropped by, and Qr asked her to sign the form to prove that pp's picture is pp himself, and so we needed to confirm the name of pp... Qr and pp in the interim agreed to 凱翹 (Hoi Kiu). we still have from now till Mon if we want to change our mind, as we will go to imd on Tue for the gov't documents...

