2009年7月1日 星期三

Day 4 of pp back to palace

1 Jul 2009 (Wed)

totally forgot about today being a public holiday. Public holiday is more meaningful when one needs to work.. :P

today pp is already one week's old... sooooo fast...

Qr's mom, dad, sis & bro came to visit pp, and took some really nice pictures. afterwards, Auntie V has already put pp's pictures on the facebook, haha... first time pp has got posted.. :) as for me, i still haven't had time to select the pictures yet.. :P

today is also the first time Qr changed a wet diaper all by herself... ^o^
the next milestone is to change a soiled diaper by herself.. :P

today is also the day umbilical cord has finally detached, too, and witnessed by GMmo. :)

