2009年12月31日 星期四

MiB - 190 days old (6m7d)

31 December 2009 (Thursday)

pp this morning was guai guai again, and played on his own in bed before Qr went in to attend him. Then something new: when he wants 'po po', he used two hands to catch my right arm and pulled it and did not let me go... :)

pp these days shows that he really recognizes Qr and will smile happily when he sees Qr, and will look for Qr when he hears her voice, and stares at Qr when he sees her... sooo sweet.. :) he will also stares at Qr when she is feeding him, looks like he wants to remember Qr's face and study her face hard. when Qr talks to him, he will also stare at Qr's lips, like he's learning to imitate how the lips move.

Off work at 16:00 and could see pp early... great!!! ^o^

pp had another 1/2 bowl of nestle rice woo tsai... good boy!

MiB - 189 days old (6m6d)

30 December 2009 (Wednesday)

pp has grown up and learned to play by himself. in the morning when he woke up, he wouldn't cry immediately but played on his own until somebody went to his bed to attend him. he now learned to open his arms and hands to ask for 'po po'.

pp had woo tsai in the afternoon at home, and he finished only 1/3 bowl. at night, pp finished the rest of pear & apricot smoothie, about 1 tablespoon. he struggled when eating, looked like he didn't want to eat, but when the spoon was in his mouth, he woul be quiet for a second to taste the smoothie and then get crazy again..

tonight when Qr removed his hand when he tried to suck his fingers, he would persistently tried to put it back. when Qr removed his hand again, he tried to use another hand to push his hand into his mouth and secure it there. When Qr removed his hand again, he stared at Qr and complained.. :P

2009年12月30日 星期三

MiB - 188 days old (6m5d)

29 December 2009 (Tuesday)

Qr was still sick but went to work today...

pp finally poopoo-ed after 72 hours... so we fed him with the organic pear & apricot smoothie again. pppp fed him one serving in the afternoon, and at night, Qr fed pp with another serving. pp cried to complain when he didn't have enough.. :P

when feeding pp, Qr taught pp to 'arr' to open his mouth. pp was so cute -- he would look at Qr when he heard Qr 'arr'.. then he would try to open his mouth to imitate Qr, at that time Qr would put the spoon into pp's mouth and praised him. and pp would wait for next spoonful very impatiently. :)

MiB - 187 days old (6m4d)

28 December 2009 (Monday)

Qr has fallen sick and stayed at home with pp...

pp behaved very well today. he slept after taking medicine and milk without any 'ngou geai'... and slept for a few hours every time.

2009年12月28日 星期一

MiB - 186 days old (6m3d)

27 December 2009 (Sunday)

Met with auntie TT, uncle Patrick, uncle William, uncle Hei & auntie Florence first time as a gang.

Then we had baby gathering with Lyly (Lydia - 5 days old than pp), auntie Lolo - her mother, uncle Leo - her father, auntie Pauline and 17-month-old eldon, and uncle Lawrence, his wife, a almost-4-year-old son & a 16-month-old daughter.

eldon was the dinosaur in the evening and was not afraid to fight again the 4-year-old. Qr joked that pp needed to learn 'wing chun' or judo before playing with eldon... :P

pp has officially eaten his toes as well... hahaha

pp has officially fallen sick at night...

2009年12月26日 星期六

MiB - 185 days old (6m2d)

26 December 2009 (Saturday)

joined 0906 baby 6-month-old birthday party!!!

pp had heinz organic pear & apricot smooth at night. we sat him in the air-pumped chair. after the 1st serving (~ 3/4 tablespoon), he cried when we said 'finished'. finally, we gave him 2 more servings, total ~ 2 tablespoons of 'smoothie' and he stopped complaining when we removed the spoon and bowl.

2009年12月25日 星期五

MiB - 184 days old (6m1d)

25 December 2009 (Friday)

pp's 1st christmas day!!!

this morning, pp played for quite some time by himself in Qr's bed. after he poopoo-ed he started to 'ng--ng--ng' and kept on patting pppp to wake him up to change diapers for him... :o

this afternoon met with Jenny, Yan, Rose, Lily, and their friends Kelvin, his wife, and Guo Guor.

MiB - 183 days old (6m)

24 December 2009 (Thursday)

pp is 6 months old!!!

MiB - 182 days old (5m29d)

23 December 2009 (Wednesday)

teacher told me pp would not sleep when the other babies were sleeping and would make noise to ask the teacher(s) to play with him.

2009年12月22日 星期二

MiB - 181 days old (5m28d)

22 Dec 2009 (Tuesday)

winter solstice.. picked up pp at 18:00, took a bath, watched tv programme on benji's and then went to have italian winter solstice dinner.

teacher said that pp didn't go to sleep today. he held tightly a 'doll' and talked to it for long long time. when teacher took him out to the baby-pick-up area, and sat him down on the mat, pp saw me and smiled happily and got excited... sooo sweet :)

MiB - 180 days old (5m27d)

21 Dec 2009 (Monday)

pp went backwards -- today he refused to eat woo tsai again...

he practised crawling at home quite successfully. :)

2009年12月20日 星期日

MiB - 179 days old (5m26d)

20 December 2009 (Sunday)

visited auntie jenny & uncle yan and twin girls rose & lily. nice weather, nice place, nice people.. :)

had winter solstice with YY & MM, pp started to be quite ngou geai...

Mib - 178 days old (5m25d)

19 dec 2009 (Saturday)

had winter solstice lunch with GG & PP et. al... during lunch, a guy next table played with pp, and liked pp so much that he gave pp a pair of baby gloves. it turned out that he is a distributor of some organic baby clothings and therefore had some baby stuff with him to give pp.. :)

at night, went to cwb for 'chi farn' as siu ye. the uncle waiter there said pp ho lian tasi.. and said he looked like Qr. hohoho...

2009年12月18日 星期五

MiB - 177 days old (5m24d)

18 Dec 2009 (Friday)

took today off as well... super nice... :)

MiB - 176 days old (5m23d)

17 Dec 2009 (Thursday)

took pm off... so nice... :)

2009年12月16日 星期三

MiB - 175 days old (5m22d)

16 Dec 2009 (Wednesday)

pp fell asleep in Qr's bed after midnight and Qr moved him to his own bed. luckily he slept till 07:00 this morning. Qr had to wake him up for creche.

2009年12月15日 星期二

MiB - 174 days old (5m21d)

15 Dec 2009 (Tuesday)

it's 00:15, and pp just stopped crying in bed... took a look of him in bed, and he was lying on his tummy falling into sleep... then he started whining again now... >_<

it's 00:22, and pp stopped whining in bed, so quiet, Qr gotta take a look again -- sometimes, one gets more worried when the baby is too quiet... one wonders if something has gone wrong. but then when s/he cries, one wonders if something is wrong, too... x_x

MiB - 173 days old (5m20d)

14 Dec 2009 (Monday)

not sure if it's because of the green tea in the afternoon or not, pp didn't go to sleep until after 23:00 (normally he started sleeping around 22:00), and then he woke up at 01:40, 03:30, and 06:00.

in the evening, Qr fed him in Qr's bed, and both napped till 22:30.. when both Qr and pp woke up in bed, he was smiling sweetly looking at Qr, and then, like falling into a coma, he slowly had his eyes closed and posture frozen... Qr carried him back to his bed. he slept for a little while and then he started crying.. Qr held him up after he cried for a while, and then pp continued to cry whenever Qr put him back into his own bed... wonder why...

2009年12月13日 星期日

MiB - 172 days old (5m19d)

13 Dec 2009 (Sunday)

although Qr and pp didn't return home until shortly before midnight, pp woke up before 06:00 in the morning. Qr and pp had several educational fun before heading to ifc to meeting with jiejie Jacqueline for catch up. had a late lunch with jiejie Jacqueline and pp received some presents again.. :)

MiB - 171days old (5m18d)

12 Dec 2009 (Saturday)

busy day... had christmas party at the creche in the morning. then went for pekip afterwards. back home to take a bath before going out again to visit Qi's palace for our annual christmas / dec birthday gathering.

made christmas hat with pp (while he was asleep), and made cookies at the creche. discussed with the teachers how pp was at the creche. they thought that pp behaved well at the creche, but just being lazy... :P finally saw the bed pp was in at the creche, and the 'classrooms' where he spent most of his weekdays...

last pekip class this year, and pp poo-poo-ed in the class!!!

had great fun at Qi's, and we had hotpot dinner. pp received a lot of presents, too. even the present that was supposed to be Qr's was actually for pp... :p

MiB - 170 days old (5m17d)

11 Dec 2009 (Friday)

teacher said pp was lazy, and paid no effort to practise sitting up, while he in fact had a strong neck..

2009年12月10日 星期四

MiB - 169 days old (5m16d)

10 Dec 2009 (Thursday)

trained pp to sit by putting him in the ritchell chair... he kept on hitting the column in between the legs like hitting a drum.. quite funny.. :)

tonight, played with pp in Qr's bed. he rolled over on his tummy and looked back and Qr like playing peekapoo, and laughed out loud. then he rolled back to be on his back, and rolled over again to look at me and laughed out loud again...

MiB - 168 days old (5m15d)

9 Dec 2009 (Wednesday)

pp liked to stick out his tongue a lot to play with.. and he usually smiled when doing so. :)

teacher said he not only ate 1/3 bowl of woo zai, but also will open his mouth when he sees the spoon coming towards him.. :)

these days, he couls roll over to the right or to the left now, but less continuous roll over..

2009年12月8日 星期二

MiB - 167 days old (5m14d)

8 Dec 2009 (Tuesday)

teacher @ the creche said pp could now eat 1/3 bowl of woo zai... good boy!

2009年12月7日 星期一

MiB - 166 days old (5m13d)

7 Dec 2009 (Monday)

pp tried to talk to Qr. :o

this evening, the same dilenma between Qr and pp. Qr wanted to help pp take a bath first, because of the cold weather. pp wanted to have milk first, which means after milk, still need to wait for 20 - 30 minutes before pp could take a bath, which will be quite late.

pp cried. Qr removed his clothes and took him to the bath tub. Before Qr wetted pp's hair, pp looked at Qr, stopped criying and talked 'er - er - er - er ----'. so Qr asked pp if he really wanted to have milk first. he continued to talk. so Qr dropped the towel and took him out to the feeding chair. pp continued to talk, but when Qr sat in the feeding chair, he stopped talking and looked at Qr expectantly, waiting to be fed. pp is really growing up...

2009年12月6日 星期日

MiB 165 days old (5m12d)

6 Dec 2009 (Sunday)

had dimsum lunch with GMmo, GMmo's mom & auntie bean. first time at the driver seat of a mercedes for pp, too.

in the evening, auntie fanny, uncle simon and 子謙 gor gor (14-mth-old) came visit Qr and pp and gave pp 子謙 gor gor's out-grown clothes.. :)

2009年12月5日 星期六

MiB - 164 days old (5m11d)

5 Dec 2009 (Saturday)

This morning Qr took pp to the doctor's for vaccination. First day to use the carrier vertically with pp. he was fine with it when he was not whining for milk or sleep... but when he was whining, he tried to climb up by straigt-ening himself like a steel rod, pressing his toes on my thigh, arms straightened to push away from me, and fingers scratching my arms to move up... really funny... :P

pp knows what is pain, too.. he cried when the doctor did the injection.

pp went to harbour city and saw the christmas decoration @ the stairs... he looked quite stunned with the decoration and stared at them...

pp's first time to take the ferry. he looke d at the harbour and was very calm. :)

at night, Qr guessed pp was not feeling well due to the vaccination.. pp whined quite a bite before going to bed..

MiB - 163 days old (5m10d)

4 Dec 2009 (Friday)

pp was tired with the medication and went to sleep before 22:00...

2009年12月3日 星期四

MiB - 162 days old (5m9d)

3 Dec 2009 (Thursday)

Qr took a day off to be with pp... :)

pp had a long day today: spent the morning in central, then pekip class in wanchai, late lunch @ elements with GMmo, visited Qr's office, and lastly visited Dr. Wu as well.

pp MET tons of people today and most of them said that pp looks like Qr; pp was well-behaved; pp was lovely; pp was cute; pp was handsome; pp was calm; pp was jing ling... 承大家貴言 la... :)

2009年12月2日 星期三

MiB - 161 days old (5m8d)

2 Dec 2009 (Wednesday)

pp is officially sick.. poor pp... :(

2009年12月1日 星期二

MiB - 160 days old (5m7d)

1 Dec 2009 (Tuesday)

pp went to sleep before 23:00 last night and woke up at 06:30 this morning, hopefully he could go back to this schedule, and better if he could start sleeping even earlier, although it means Qr would have less time to play with him, but he would get more rest...

quick bath and feeding after picking him up from the creche and he fell asleep while feeding...

these two days, pp poopooed every time after feeding. today he had poopooed 8 times already (not much each time), with the running nose and coughing, Qr wondered is he's virus infection. luckily he still ate, played, laughed and rolled over when he was awake.

per the teacher @ creche, pp still rejected to eat the 'woo zai'