2009年12月30日 星期三

MiB - 188 days old (6m5d)

29 December 2009 (Tuesday)

Qr was still sick but went to work today...

pp finally poopoo-ed after 72 hours... so we fed him with the organic pear & apricot smoothie again. pppp fed him one serving in the afternoon, and at night, Qr fed pp with another serving. pp cried to complain when he didn't have enough.. :P

when feeding pp, Qr taught pp to 'arr' to open his mouth. pp was so cute -- he would look at Qr when he heard Qr 'arr'.. then he would try to open his mouth to imitate Qr, at that time Qr would put the spoon into pp's mouth and praised him. and pp would wait for next spoonful very impatiently. :)

