2009年12月31日 星期四

MiB - 190 days old (6m7d)

31 December 2009 (Thursday)

pp this morning was guai guai again, and played on his own in bed before Qr went in to attend him. Then something new: when he wants 'po po', he used two hands to catch my right arm and pulled it and did not let me go... :)

pp these days shows that he really recognizes Qr and will smile happily when he sees Qr, and will look for Qr when he hears her voice, and stares at Qr when he sees her... sooo sweet.. :) he will also stares at Qr when she is feeding him, looks like he wants to remember Qr's face and study her face hard. when Qr talks to him, he will also stare at Qr's lips, like he's learning to imitate how the lips move.

Off work at 16:00 and could see pp early... great!!! ^o^

pp had another 1/2 bowl of nestle rice woo tsai... good boy!

