2010年3月17日 星期三

MiB - 240 days old (7m26d)

19 February 2010 (Friday)

pp's first day of school after CNY holidays.

today's menu: 蘋果茸, 免治雞肉 + 蛋黃 + 白菜絲 粥 & water

19 - 26 Feb 2010
體能訓練 - 手膝跪著時伸出一隻手去取物件
感官訓練 - 聽聲遊戲: 尋找聲音的來源

in the evening, pppp picked up Q and Qr met with them at the department store with auntie eliza. Afterwards, pppp, Qr and Q went to hotel to visit MM, 2 suk gong, 2 suk por and their daughter ah lai. ah lai then went with pppp, Qr & Q to hanagushi for dinner.

all went to stormies -- pp was most probably the youngest over there... :) Qr and pp left after 23:xx as pp started feeling tired..

