2010年3月17日 星期三

MiB - 256 days old (8m11d)

7 Mar 2010 (Sunday)

early in the morning at 09:00, Qr, pppp and pp met with ms. chum, xo & her daughter, and GMmo in Central 'chui wah'.

Then Qr, pppp and pp went to yuen long to drink tea with pppp's relatives -- 2 tables altogether.

in the afternoon, Qr prepared beef + pumpkin + egg yolk congee. later, pp had temperature 38.1. Qr and pppp gave pp medicine on temperature, cold and cough.

in the evening, pppp's mom, sis and bro came over with the new and used clothes for pp, smoked salmon, and other stuff. Dinner at 'Fei Kee'.

At night around 22:00, pp still had temperature of 39.5. pp was served the medicine for temperature again.

