2010年4月29日 星期四

MiB - 309 days old (10m5d)

29 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp ate tissue paper this morning!!!
Qr was doing her morning routine, while pppp and pp were staying in bed. pp was already wide awake and therefore crawling around on the bed. he found the tissue box by the bedside, and crawl over, picked out the tissue, and started eating it -- he surely got his share of fibre of the day.

Forgot if Qr has mentioned about this -- pp had a new game these days. When pp was sitting on Qr's lap, or carried by Qr by the carrier facing out, he likes to use his left hand to hold Qr's left thumb, and his right hand to hold her right thumb, then moved his hands to make Qr's hands clap.

Another game he likes now is to throw away things and see how and where they move / go. he also enjoys playing with the table toy -- turning the wheel, pressing the horn, flipping the wings of the butterfly, pressing the keyboards and pushing buttons, etc. to make sounds.

Remember pp fell down from the platform? the next day, he seemed to forget about the accidents and still crawled to the edge of the platform and almost fell again. However, these days, he seems to know not to fall over the edge of the platform. when pp crawled to the edge of the platform, he would stop, moved backward, or sat up from crawling and stayed there. even when he saw something on the stairs that he's interested, he would only extend his hand to try to touch it, instead of like in the past, he would crawl towards the thing disregarding the edge of the platform.

dr. seuss crazy colours
dr. seuss dizzy days
dr. seuss amazing animals

免汁牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
beef + spinach + egg yolk congee

2010年4月28日 星期三

MiB - 308 days old (10m4d)

28 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

this morning at the creche, Qr and pppp wanted to invite teacher tang and her son to pp's
birthday party, but teacher tang said it's not allowed. too bad...

tonight Qr, pppp and pp had dinner with auntie mandy and auntie carrie. in the evening, pppp picked up pp from the creche. Qr went home direct to cook first. pp had pork + carrot + egg yolk congee for dinner. pp was happy to see auntie mandy and auntie carrie, and had fun talking and playing with them.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花+ 紹菜絲粥

2010年4月27日 星期二

MiB - 307 days old (10m3d)

27 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

pp is always happy when Qr plays with him. pp would open his mouth big and wide and give a big smile. sometimes he would stick his tongue out, too. however, when Qr was busy with other things, or walked away from him, he would start 'bin zui' and crying.

Now Qr is writing his blog, pp would play with me by kneeling next to me, 'boo'-ing with his lips, crawling on Qr, 'un'-ing the whole body like he's dancing, and holding up his hands and shaking them. most were unseen of just a couple of weeks ago.

pp also seemed to know not to fall from the platform. when he was on the edge of the platform, he would turn back and moved away from the edge / stairs. smarty boy!!! wonder if he really remembered his fall some time ago.

dr. seuss silly opposites
dr. seuss wacky weather
dr. seuss nutty numbers
dr. seuss special shapes

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥

pp had chicken + corn + egg yolk congee for dinner

2010年4月26日 星期一

MiB - 306 days old (10m2d)

26 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Qr picked up pp from the creche this evening. he was very happy seeing Qr and opened his arms to be held. when Qr didn't hold him in time, he started to 'bin zui' and made noise to complain.

26 - 30 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 重溫扶持下坐在大圓橡皮球上左右搖動平衡身軀 + 左右手交替揮動手上的沙鎚
感官訓練 - 重溫視線追蹤從不同方向滾下來的復活彩蛋 + 嘗試進食細塊的軟麵包

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥

pp ngou geai on the way home at night. Qr had prepared for this and brought with her the star biscuits. pp had 20 pieces altogether. And then he acted like a goldfish and kept on drinking milk and right after milk, he was still excited seeing the preparation for congee feeding. tonight pp had lean pork + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner.

pp had great fun when taking the bath. after bath, pp liked to look at himself in the mirror, 懶嗲咁 :)

2010年4月25日 星期日

MiB - 305 days old (10m1d)

25 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

pp had a morning nap on the platform. when he woke up, he flipped in a second and became sitting up... a trick he learned not long ago but now perform with such smoothness, pp is really growing fast.

these days, pp liked playing with wet tissues. he would hold it in his hands above his chest. Qr pulled the tissue up from his hands, and he would laugh out loud -- such simple happiness

pp had been banging things he held in his 2 hands. these days, he also started throwing them away and watched how they dropped / rolled / moved...

pp healthy time mixed cereal + Hipp apple puree for breakfast, beef + choi sum + egg yolk congee for lunch, and

the very hungry catepilla
pat the cat's big book

Things that go counting
the ram in the pepper patch
storytelling with bear
mr.men in the great alphabet hunt
dr. seuss how the grinch stole christmas

2010年4月24日 星期六

MiB - 304 days old (10m)

24 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

pp is 10 months old today!!!!!

pekip class in the morning, followed by lunch and shopping at times square for an air purifier to minimize cross-infection at home. Finally Sharp's ion plasmacluster HD was chosen. swimming class followed, and natenate's daddy drove Qr, pppp and pp cross harbour.

pp had milk and fell asleep after being back home. As there was still sunshine, Qr and pppp put pp into the stroller and took a walk to the shore. it was a nice walk indeed.

pp had health times' mixed cereal + organic banana as breakfast, star biscuits before swimming, and salmon + spinach + egg yolk congee for dinner.

pp could now properly crawl by '4 leg pa pa', although when he was in a hurry, he would fall onto his tummy to move faster.

pp needed to release his energy sometimes. tonight, he pulled one end of my bathrobe's robe between his hands fiercely, and even shouted at times like he wanted to pull the robe apart. however, when Qr tried to video-tape his behaviour, he dropped the robe and happily crawl towards Qr to play with her...

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
german zoo book
little feet book
bob's busy screwdriver

2010年4月23日 星期五

MiB - 303 days old (9m30d)

23 April 2010 (Friday)

pp slept at 22:00 last night, then woke up at 23:xx, then 02:xx. Qr finally put him in Qr's bed.
really didn't know what happened, pp had been waking up in the middle of the night every night this week... x_x

pp could properly '4-leg pa-pa' today. for the last couple of weeks, he could make the posture, crawl one step or two before falling onto his tummy again to manouvre. today he could crawl across the playmat on his four, although a bit slow.
免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
pork + pumpkin + brocolli + egg yolk congee
Qr, pppp and qq did an unintentional ad hoc flat watching tour this evening. the flat is really not bad... :)
little feet book
german zoo book
baby's first cloth book
big rex & friends cloth book

MiB - 302 days old (9m29d)

22 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp slept at 22:xx but then woke up again at 01:xx and cried non-stop. pppp had to rescue him to Qr's bed and then pppp stayed at the platform for the rest of the night to avoid infecting pp. pp didn't fall into sleep until almost 03:00.

Qr is now using the new toy macbook pro but need to figure out how to input Chinese.

apple rice 'wu'
pear 'yong'
minced lean pork + egg white + spinach 'see' congee
peanut papaya +ngau chou fish soup

minced lean pork+ egg white + choi sum congee at night.

2010年4月21日 星期三

MiB - 301 days old (9m28d)

21 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

pp woke up at 04:00 this morning again. Qr and pppp tried to let him cry till he was tired and go back to sleep. However, after almost half an hour of crying and standing by the bed fence, pp might be too tired to stand, fell down and hit his rear head to the bed fence opposite, which triggered another round of crying. Pppp therefore rescued him to Qr's bed and pppp slept on the platform as he had sore throat.

pp was so tired in the evening and no reading tonight.

it's getting hot and humid these days and pp started having luplup on his face, neck and body. pp got all wet when he's eating, sleeping, and crying. Qr believes he will have to get naked and soaked in the water to cool himself off during summer time.

pppp made a really nice school report for pp today. Look forward to sharing it with relatives and friends... :)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 小棠菜絲粥

carrot + chicken + egg yolk congee for dinner.

2010年4月20日 星期二

MiB - 300 days old (9m27d)

20 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

pp woke up at 04:00 this morning... So sleepy now. (-.-)Zzz...

pp had good eyesight. when Qr picked up pp in the evening, pp saw Qr once he was out of the room and started smiling. :)

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
little feet book
bob's busy screwdrivers

2010年4月19日 星期一

MiB - 299 days old (9m26d)

19 Apr 2010 (Monday)

pppp had class to attend in the evening, so Qr picked up pp and went back home. pp now would try to get Qr's attention by making 'dinosaur's sound'. He would also smiled and blinked his right eyes. When Qr put him down on the platform to work on the household stuff, he would immediately wrinkled his whole face and cried loudly. At the same time, he would lie on his tummy, and bang his calves and feet on the platform to express his dissatisfaction.

When pp was hungry in a bath, he would steel up his body and refused to sit down, and tried to climb out of the bathtub.

When Qr or pppp sat pp down, and put on the dr. seuss' super bib, pp would get excited and waved his hands on both sides, and moving up and down sitting. If Qr / pppp still hasn't started feeding him, he would 'er' to complain to speed up...

in short, pp is growing up... ^o^

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥
salmon + choi sum + egg yolk congee at home

19 - 23 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 左右手交替揮動手上的沙槌
感官訓練 - 嘗試進食細塊的軟麵包

little feet book - Qr held his feet to feel the different texture of the book
baby's first cloth book
richard scarry's from 1 to 10 - pp was excited and flipped the book himself

2010年4月18日 星期日

MiB - 298 days old (9m25d)

18 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

This morning, pp was standing in his bed when he called for attention. After breakfast, Qr put pp back to the bed to video-tape pp how he stood up from sleeping down. The reason i s that pppp would lower the bed to prevent pp from climbing out and dropping himself to the floor.

pp had Holle bio baby musli with Hipp apple puree but he seemed to be a bit allergic and had luplup on his face and neck after the breakfast.

pp was now quite skilful picking up star biscuits with either hands. However, when Qr gave pp the long biscuits, he ate them like star biscuits and wanted to put the whole piece into his mouth.

In the afternoon, pp had beef 'wan yu' sweet corn spinach congee.

Qr re-started reading books to pp and testing which books pp loved more:
Todd Parr's - pp wanted to flip them but when Qr didn't let him (because they are normal books and not board books), he didn't like it
little feet book - pp liked the touchy feely book with his feet
rex cloth book - pp liked it
baby's first cloth book - pp liked it

Qr finally finished all the outstanding blogs this evening wghen pp was sleeping and drinking milk.

2010年4月17日 星期六

MiB - 296 days old (9m23d)

16 Apr 2010 (Friday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥 , 合掌瓜紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯

pppp was sick today. he went for work in the morning and went back home before lunch. Qr picked up pp from the creche and met pppp at the pier.

MiB - 297 days old (9m24d)

17 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

This morning was parent's day, then pekip and finally swimming. When Qr heard some sounds from pp's room and went over to take a look, pp was already kneeling in bed, one hand on the 'bed fence', and the other spreading out to balance himself. He was staring at the door waiting for someone to come in.

Teacher Tang commented that pp was quite passive, and 'ta tiu'. pp was very attentive when listening to stories, so Teacher Tang told Qr that Qr should start reading books to pp.

pp had choi sum + broccoli + pork + egg yolk congee for dinner.

Recently, pp knew that things not seen do not mean that they do not exisit. pp now knew to uncover to fing the things he wanted.

by the night when Qr and pppp put pp to sleep, pp could already standing in his bed without any help. A big milestone from the morning. :)

2010年4月16日 星期五

MiB - 295 days old (9m22d)

15 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp's temperature has finally dropped back to normal. he also slept through the night. However, he still looked very tired when he arrived at the creche. the teachers all shouted 'what has happened to you, QQ?' when they saw pp.

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥

MiB - 294 days old (9m21d)

14 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

pp woke up at 03:10 and had temperature. Fed him with the fever medicine and took him to Qr's bed. pp couldn't sleep and rolled and rolled and rolled and seemed to be suffering from discomfort... :(

07:00 pppp gave pp another doze of medicine. Qr and pppp took pp to the creche. hope he slept more there.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥
南北杏粟米, 雪梨瘦肉湯

teacher said he was very 'noug geai' with no appetite. poor pp!

2010年4月14日 星期三

MiB - 293 days old (9m20d)

13 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

Qr & pp were at home sick. pp had temperature over 39 degree celcius. Went to the doc in the morning, got 5 bottles of medicine for pp. he took 3 times of it but the temperature was still coming and going.

2010年4月13日 星期二

MiB - 292 days old (9m19d)

12 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Qr picked up pp from the creche and went back home. Then Qr found that pp had temperature 38.7. :(

made broccoli + choi sum + chicken congee for pp at night.

pp refused to sleep tonight, so Qr put him in bed. At the beginning, he didn't know what Qr was doing and just stared at Qr with his big eyes. Then he realized Qr was leaving him in his bed and he started crying. he held the bars of the bed and crawled up -- first sitting, then kneeling, then standing by the bed 'fence'... first time in his life!!! Finally he leaned on the bed 'fence' and held his arms open to reach out for Qr.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥

12 - 16 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 扶持下坐在大圓橡皮球上左右搖動平衡身軀
感官訓練 - 視線追蹤從不同方向滾下來的復活彩蛋

pp had temperature after being back home. Qr gave him temperature medicine at 20:00 and midnight but the temperature still came and went (38.x - 39.3). qr gave him a warm bath to help pp feel better.

2010年4月12日 星期一

MiB - 291 days old (9m18d)

11 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

Qr, pppp and pp went to meet with pp's 6 suk and 6 suk por at a restaurant with MM and afterwards all went to MM's place to visit YY.

Qr took pp to dymocks while waiting. he stared at the books and wanted to touch a few.

pp now can be very ngou geai. For instance, at MM's place, he felt hot and became 'meng zeng', and later cried and complained to leave. the others had been guessing whether he's hungry or tired, but when pp stood up (he had been holding him) and opened the door, pp stopped crying!

in the evening when we were back home, pppp prepared the bath for pp while Qr went to prepare his congee. pp was hungry and got crazy and cried and yelled until he got the congee, and he cried for the first few spoonfuls to continue to his complaint before he started to enjoy the meal.

other than that, pp in fact smiled and laughed more and made more noise when Qr and pppp played with him.. :)

2010年4月11日 星期日

MiB - 290 days old (9m17d)

10 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

No pekip class today, so Qr and pppp took pp to the creche in the morning and went for a movie 'Date Night'. Picked pp up shortly after 12:00 and headed for swimming class.

classmate nate nate's father drove us to the mtr next to their home. Qr and pppp had tea and bought floor mats to minimize the damage if and when pp fell off from the platform / the step / his bed.

remember when pp met Bas in Germany, Bas liked to turn his wrists like he's riding a moto cycle. now pp did the same thing when he's lying down or sitting and wanted to be held up.

This evening, he started to say 'baba' and 'mama' with the intention to call pppp and Qr respectively... :o

MiB - 289 days old (9m16d)

9 Apr 2010 (Friday)

Qr quitted her job today -- first milestone to being a full time mom!!!

teacher cheng said pp used to stay still and just looked, but now he would 'snake-crawl' to get close to the things / people he was interested, and tried to sit and stand.



免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥 , 蘋果海底椰蜜棗豬展湯

MiB - 288 days old (9m15d)

8 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

teacher tang said pp has started to recognize people and places and didn't like unfamiliar people or places. for instance, he preferred the classroom where he had his bed in, than the playroom where he had exercises. he would also 'ngou' to be held in arms.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 菠菜絲粥 , 花生木瓜牛鰍魚湯

2010年4月8日 星期四

MiB - 287 days old (9m14d)

7 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

first day of work after easter holidays and pp woke up at 04:xx... x_x

pp seemed not to recognize his favourite teacher tang when he arrived at the creche... staring and scanning her face without smiling for quite a while.

7 - 9 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 在扶持下站立照鏡子
感官訓練 - 觸摸復活兔上的軟毛

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 小棠菜絲粥 , 金銀菜南北杏豬展湯

pppp picked up pp from the creche. Qr shopped at mannings and met them at the building's entrance.

2010年4月6日 星期二

MiB - 286 days old (9m13d)

6 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

last day of the 5-day long holidays... *sigh...

pp, as usual, woke everyone up at around half past six for milk. this morning pp after feeding moved himself on Qr's bed, and finally held the headboard of the bed and knelt there -- one step before holding himself up standing... smarty boy!!!

PP, GG, YM & KF came over to visit the estate and the clubhouses, pp had a great time today.

at night, pp started to show intelligence (in the eyes of Qr) in playing the toy table -- first he could walk from one side to another side of the table, then he would play one button after another flip-flop systematically, instead of the previous non-meaningful banging, and lastly he would stop in the middle to look at and study the different buttons and devices and seemed to be thinking about what they do and what to do with them... maybe Qr thinks too much... :P

2010年4月5日 星期一

MiB - 285 days old (9m12d)

5 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Ching Ming Festival public holiday. pp was kneeling in bed with his hands holding the 'bed gate' when Qr was woken up by his cries and went over to fetch him.

Anita & Livia came over to the beach with her friend Michael, Beatrice & tin wai (3-y-o) before noon. Qr & pppp let pp tried stepping on the sand, sat on a mat & touched the sand, and went to the water to wet his legs. pp looked at all these new things but didn't resist to try. pp was so tired he drifted off into sleep on Qr's shoulder without the normal 'ngou geai' routine.

after congee lunch, Qr & pppp went to NTP to buy pp a one-piece swimming suit before visiting Qi's palace. They all went to the clubhouse at 17:00 -- the adults went to badminton while the kids went to the kid's play corner. It's so much tinier than the one at Qr's palace... gotta arrange something for the kids to come over...

pp was very 'ngou geai' this evening, cried whenever he was in others' arms and saw me nearby, very unlike him. finally he had fun crawling on the floor and patting the TV-related electronic devices in front of the plasma when all the others were watching Kung Fu Panda. Qr printed THE letter at Qi's palace as well to be used this week.

pppp came over to pick Qr & pp up at night and pp fell off into sleep on the way home.

2010年4月4日 星期日

MiB - 284 days old (9m11d)

4 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

third day of the long holiday.
pp had salmon + broccoli + egg yolk congee for breakfast. Qr and pppp had breakfast at 'breakfast canteen' and then went to 迪欣湖 for a walk. then we went back to the city to buy the tickets for 'echos of the rainbow' 歲月神偷 and took pp to pppp's mom's place. pppp's mom had prepared 撻沙菜心蛋黃粥 for pp.

The movie was good. Qr and pppp returned to pppp's mom's place, had dinner with pppp's parents. On the way back home, pppp went to fortress to buy the electric hair trimmer - new toy for playing at night. :D

MiB - 281 days old (9m8d)

1 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥 , 白菜仔豆腐魚尾湯

pppp had haircut at fortress hill, so Qr picked up pp and waited for pppp there.

pp had chicken + egg yolk + pumpkin congee for dinner

MiB - 283 days old (9m10d)

3 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

afternoon, visited by jenny & yan & rose & lily, let the kids play 'together' -- at the same place, but mostly on one's own disregarding one another, and the adults chitted-chatted about nursery!!! Qr had already missed 2 open days, and hasn't started researching or applying for any!!! Qr and pppp took pp to the club house swimming pool the first time in the evening. pp had great fun and surmerged several times!!!

MiB - 282 days old (9m9d)

2 Apr 2010 (Friday)

this morning, pp fell off from Qr's bed to the floor!!! There was a photo frame at the end of the bed, with pictures of himself when he was (even) young(er). pp was happy and excited seeing those pictures and crawl towards it without seeing the trough between the end of the bed and the table with the photo frame. luckily his head fell right on the slippers and didn't get hurt. he didn't every really cry except whining a little to ask for help to fetch him up... in the afternoon, pppp, Qr & pp were visited by pauline & eldon (with maid,), her cousin, her cousin's hubby, her older daughter and hinhin (with maid), lolo and hubby and lili... all 14 people at Qr's!!! they played on the platform for an hour or so, and then went to clubhouse's playroom for kids, all the kids had great fun!!!

MiB - 280 days old (9m7d)

31 Mar 2010 (Wednesday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥 , 南北杏粟米雪梨瘦肉湯

pppp went to computer center with Hugo, so Qr picked up pp from the creche.

pp had chicken + spinach + egg yolk congee for dinner.

MiB - 279 days old (9m6d)

30 Mar 2010 (Tuesday)

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥 , 大豆芽豆腐魚湯

Qr worked a bit late tonight and met with pppp and pp at the 'canteen' for dinner.

pp had chicken + spinach + egg yolk congee for dinner.

MiB - 278 days old (9m5d)

29 Mar 2010 (Mon)

體能訓練 - 有意識地放下手中的玩具去取另一件
感官訓練 - 視線追蹤空中搖曳的彩帶

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥 , 番茄薯仔椰菜牛肉湯

pppp had class at night. Qr picked up pp from the creche and spent the night quietly with pp.

MiB - 277 days old (9m4d)

28 Mar 2010 (Sunday)

pp had chicken + spinach + egg yolk congee for breakfast and dinner.

Day to visit Qr's parents. Had early lunch ibisu with Qr's parents and sis. Afterwards all went up to Qr's mom's place and watched a movie before leaving.

In the afternoon, pp had 6 star biscuits as snacks and he was learning how to take one star by one star and put in his mouth.

At night, Qr, pppp and pp had German food for dinner.

MiB - 276 days old (9m3d)

27 Mar 2010 (Saturday)

09:oo pekip -> breakfast at 'wah hong' and then all went to time square to buy presents for pppp's niece (missing one present for the older girl).

swimming class afterwards. nate nate didn't go to swim, so Qr, pppp and pp took taxi to post office, and then we went to IFC crystal jade for late lunch. pp had his first 銀絲卷 and he loved it. :)

back to for pp to take a bath, and then all went to have dinner with pppp's parents and pppp's bro as he would take the flight to go back home tonight. All except pppp's father went to the airport. pppp's bro would transit in istanbul and there were so many people taking the turkish airline... :o

MiB - 275 days old (9m2d)

26 Mar 2010 (Friday)

pp was now 9 months old, so he started following a new menu which has more food to eat. However, since pp had skin allergy before, so teachers recommended pp not to take egg white until 10 months old. Qr was not in a hurry as the doc and the books said babies should only take egg white after 1 year old.

09:00 胡蘿蔔米糊

10:15 蘋果茸

11:30 免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥 , 蘋果海底椰蜜棗豬展湯

13:00 奶

15:00 奶 + 餅乾

MiB - 274 days old (9m1d)

25 Mar 2010 (Thursday)

today's Qr's turn to stay home. Qr and pppp went to the doc in the morning. On the way back, Qr went to the bakery here to buy a blueberry cheese cake to celebrate pp's birthday yesterday.

Qr made pp beef + pumpkin + egg yolk congee for lunch.

MiB - 273 days old (9m)

24 Mar 2010 (Wednesday)

pp was 9 months old today! However, all were sick and busy and Qr couldn't buy the cake to celebrate with pp, so the cake celebration was delayed to tomorrow.

since pp had temperature at the creche, so pp could not go to school for 2 days. today pppp stayed at home with pp. however, he got sick himself after Qr went to work, so he called MM to come to help him around 10:xx and left before 18:00.

MiB - 272 days old (8m27d)

23 Mar 2010 (Tuesday)

pp had temperature at the creche. The teacher called at 11:45. Qr and pppp both left work after receiving the call. Qr and pppp met at 'tsui wah' for lunch first, then pppp's mom and bro came to meet up. All went to the creche to pick up pp.

免治牛肉 + 蛋黃 + 白菜絲粥

then all went to visit dr. woo, then pppp's bro followed Qr, pppp and pp home. pppp and his bro went to the gym, and then went to meet with kamoon. Qr and pp rested at home.