2010年4月5日 星期一

MiB - 285 days old (9m12d)

5 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Ching Ming Festival public holiday. pp was kneeling in bed with his hands holding the 'bed gate' when Qr was woken up by his cries and went over to fetch him.

Anita & Livia came over to the beach with her friend Michael, Beatrice & tin wai (3-y-o) before noon. Qr & pppp let pp tried stepping on the sand, sat on a mat & touched the sand, and went to the water to wet his legs. pp looked at all these new things but didn't resist to try. pp was so tired he drifted off into sleep on Qr's shoulder without the normal 'ngou geai' routine.

after congee lunch, Qr & pppp went to NTP to buy pp a one-piece swimming suit before visiting Qi's palace. They all went to the clubhouse at 17:00 -- the adults went to badminton while the kids went to the kid's play corner. It's so much tinier than the one at Qr's palace... gotta arrange something for the kids to come over...

pp was very 'ngou geai' this evening, cried whenever he was in others' arms and saw me nearby, very unlike him. finally he had fun crawling on the floor and patting the TV-related electronic devices in front of the plasma when all the others were watching Kung Fu Panda. Qr printed THE letter at Qi's palace as well to be used this week.

pppp came over to pick Qr & pp up at night and pp fell off into sleep on the way home.

