2010年4月29日 星期四

MiB - 309 days old (10m5d)

29 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp ate tissue paper this morning!!!
Qr was doing her morning routine, while pppp and pp were staying in bed. pp was already wide awake and therefore crawling around on the bed. he found the tissue box by the bedside, and crawl over, picked out the tissue, and started eating it -- he surely got his share of fibre of the day.

Forgot if Qr has mentioned about this -- pp had a new game these days. When pp was sitting on Qr's lap, or carried by Qr by the carrier facing out, he likes to use his left hand to hold Qr's left thumb, and his right hand to hold her right thumb, then moved his hands to make Qr's hands clap.

Another game he likes now is to throw away things and see how and where they move / go. he also enjoys playing with the table toy -- turning the wheel, pressing the horn, flipping the wings of the butterfly, pressing the keyboards and pushing buttons, etc. to make sounds.

Remember pp fell down from the platform? the next day, he seemed to forget about the accidents and still crawled to the edge of the platform and almost fell again. However, these days, he seems to know not to fall over the edge of the platform. when pp crawled to the edge of the platform, he would stop, moved backward, or sat up from crawling and stayed there. even when he saw something on the stairs that he's interested, he would only extend his hand to try to touch it, instead of like in the past, he would crawl towards the thing disregarding the edge of the platform.

dr. seuss crazy colours
dr. seuss dizzy days
dr. seuss amazing animals

免汁牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
beef + spinach + egg yolk congee

