2010年5月29日 星期六

MiB - 339 days old (11m5d)

28 May 2010 (Saturday)

pp had pekip this morning. it's found out that he didn't like to go inside a hole, even if to fetch his favourite golden egg, or the paper roll. he also didn't like touching woo tsai texture stuff. When Qr or Anne made him perform the tasks, he cried. When he got snatched of his toy, he screamed... it's believed that he will soon reach 'trouble 1'.

pp liked swimming class as usual. before attending swimming class, pppp, pp and Qr went to look at e-book readers and harddisc. pp seemed to be quite interested in all the gadgets...

pizza and wing dinner for Qr and pppp at home. when pp saw Qr eating wings, he came over with a big smile waiting for his share. so Qr gotta made his congee dinner to keep him from complaining.

Little Feet like book
baby einstein's neighbourhood number
german zoo book
disney's first bathbook

2010年5月27日 星期四

MiB - 338 days old (11m4d)

28 May 2010 (Friday)

This morning Qr read pp the german zoo book on the ferry. After reading once, Qr let pp play with the book. However, pp complained and wanted Qr to read the book to him again. Qr read again, and then closed the book, said 'finished' and clapped hands, pp complained by 'ee-ee er-er' again. So Qr read the whole book the third time. In the end, Qr read 10 times before the ferry arrived at the destination and pppp put away the book. Although Qr was complaining that Qr had to read the book over and over again, Qr was also happy if this is a sign that pp likes reading books... :)

MiB - 336 days old (11m2d)

26 May 2010 (Wednesday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥

MiB - 337 days old (11m3d)

27 May 2010 (Thursday)

In th evening when Qr and pppp picked up pp at the creche, a not-so-close teacher took pp out from the bb room. She said that during the extension period, pp would be put in the jump chair. He would look up at the teacher each time he saw her walking around, to see if she would pick him up and take him out to meet with Qr or pppp. She said pp would know that if she held him out of the chair, it means Qr or pppp was waiting for him outside... Sooooo smart!

MiB - 335 days old (11m1d)

25 May 2010 (Tuesday)

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥

2010年5月24日 星期一

MiB - 334 days old (11m)

24 May 2010 (Monday)

pp is 11 months old today!!! Tried to buy cake at A-bakery but it was closed by the time Qr arrived, so had to make do with Maxim's Deluxe... tonight the firworks candle would be used, see if it would interests pp.. :)

pp also started having egg white in the crech. :)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥
pear + rasberries + egg yolk & white congee

baby einstein's neighbourhood numbers
baby einstein's sweet dreams, mimi
baby einstein's things that go!


2010年5月23日 星期日

MiB - 333 days old (10m29d)

23 May 2010 (Sunday)

last day of long weekend. Ta, Jui & Livvi came over to swim together at noon time. It's Livvi's first swim and she was scared at first. however, by 13:00, she was excited and even kicked kicked kicked in the water. :)

pp and Livvi had corn, broccoli, chicken, egg yolk (egg white for pp) and cheese congee after swimming. both fell into sleep when the adults went for lunch / tea.

baby einstein's dogs
little feet like book with livvi

a day with baby brighy
richard scarry's best learning songs video ever

2010年5月22日 星期六

MiB - 332 days old (10m28d)

22 May 2010 (Saturday)

today at pekip, pp got in touch with a classmate baby by touching his forehead with his own forehead... it's soooo sweet... afterwards, there was another baby who wanted to crawl over pp and pp tried to hold him by his waist / petpet and they mingled together. :D

At lunch time, Qr, pppp and pp came across a woman at the restaurant, and she offered to take care of pp!!!!! when Qr an pppp refused, she was disappointed and said it's Qr's and pppp' s loss as she didn't make such offer easily.. :o

baby einstein's first book of letters

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 2
baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 3

2010年5月21日 星期五

MiB - 331 days old (10m27d)

21 May 2010 (Friday)

Buddha's birthday -- Qr, pppp and pp didn't get up until after 09:00, although pp woke up at 06:00 to be fed. and he even hit his chin on the 窗台雲石, bit his tongue and hurt his upper jaw. now pp had a swollen bruised chin... :(

the first time ever -- pp refused to eat food, which is potato... :o in the past, he only refused to take medicine (western or chinese), but tonight, he refuses to eat potato mesh after first try.

pp now would flip books by himself.

pppp bought pp a slide, and pp had fun sliding down (with assistance). the slide was colourful with strong setting.. pp could play with it till he's 4, or above 50 kg.

pp also got a kickboard, so that we could use it for practice at clubhouse.

pp had carrot + egg eolk + egg white + chickem congee for tea.

2010年5月20日 星期四

MiB - 330 days old (10m26d)

20 May 2010 (Thursday)

long weekend this week, so today is the last working / school day of the week.

pp can now flip the board book pages one by one. :)

baby einstein's see how I feel
baby einstein's my first book of numbers
baby einstein's my first book of words
baby einstein's word adventure

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 菠菜絲粥

2010年5月19日 星期三

MiB - 329 days old (10m25d)

19 May 2010 (Wednesday)

this morning, Qr vitnessed how pp went down from Qr's bed. pp was being careful when he went down, very amazing. When pp arrived with his feet on the floor unhurt, he was excited, too. :)

tonight Qr, pppp and pp had dinner with GG, PP, YM & KF. pp was very happy except ngou geai for food. he ate 2/3 of the bowl of congee, and YM kept on saying that pp looked very happy and contented having food to eat.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 小棠菜絲粥

MiB - 328 days old (10m24d)

18 May 2010 (Tuesday)

Qr met with pppp and pp at our canteen. When Qr arrived, pppp and pp were already in, and pp was ngou-ing geai. when pp saw Qr, he immediately smiled, but then continued to whine to complain for Qr...

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥
chicken + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner

2010年5月18日 星期二

MiB - 327 days old (10m23d)

17 May 2010 (Monday)

teacher tang commented on pp's new hair cut and said something should be done on it.
pp hit his head in the creche, but he didn't cry.

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥
pp had pear + rasberries + egg yolk congee for dinner.

17 - 20 May 2010
體能訓練 - 重溫手握手指餅進食 + 坐著時挺直身軀伸手向上取球
感官訓練 - 重溫玩 [躲貓貓] 遊戲 + 聆聽風鈴發出的聲音

baby einstein's birds
baby einstein's dogs
baby einstein's babies
baby einstein's cats
food cards

2010年5月17日 星期一

MiB - 326 days old (10m22d)

16 May 2010 (Sunday)

a very hot and sunny day. pp practised going down from the bed but accidentally hit his jaw and caused him a 'mouth of blood'. he cried out loud and pppp comforted him immediately.

Qr, pppp and and pp all had a hair cut today. Qr gave up in making an appointment with yellow, and tried one of the salons nearby. it's not too bad indeed, and much cheaper and faster... :)

pp had chicken pumpkin egg yolk congee for dinner.

MiB - 325 days old (10m21d)

15 May 2010 (Sat)

pp could climb down from Qr's bed on his own in the morning... bravo!!! he practised more when he was at pekip.

pp kicked more in the swimming class today, too! :)

after classes, Qr, pppp and pp went to MM's place so that Qr and pppp could leave pp with MM for a couple of hours to see Iron Man 2 -- good movie, but i think it's a bit too long. pp had congee with pork, egg yolk, fish, tofu, broccoli and chinese cucumber.

2010年5月14日 星期五

MiB - 324 days old (10m20d)

14 May 2010 (Friday)

pp had 保嬰丹 yesterday, and Qr planned to give him another dose tonight as he still has running nose and some coughs.

today notified by harry wright, pp will be promoted to advanced class in jul.. :)

these days pp is learning how to throw balls..

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

pp had one piece of sushi rice this evening... :)


little feet like book

the very hungry caterpilla

richard scarry's shapes & opposites

2010年5月13日 星期四

MiB - 323 days old (10m19d)

13 May 2010 (Thursday)

pp has learned how to close and open hands to hello / hi / bye.. however, he would only do it if Qr or pppp holds up his forearm.

pp had running nose and some coughs, probably got it from the creche. this is the first time he fell sick since the Sharp machine was installed at home.

pp liked to throw away things in hands, except biscuits.

tonight Qr taught pp to throw a wrapped-up diaper to pppp and pppp threw it back to pp... pp was so happy that he laughed out loud. then, the diaper is replaced by a ball and Qr taught pp how to roll the ball to pppp. pp tried to do it on his own afterwards with a little success... :)

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
chicken + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner

baby einstein birds
daddy loves me

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 2

2010年5月12日 星期三

MiB - 322 days old (10m18d)

12 May 2010 (Wednesday)

pp was ngou geai on both ways - to school in the morning and back home in the evening. thus Qr gave him one biscuit stick each way to keep him from shouting. pp now likes to give out high-pitch shrieks -- probably learn from the class mates @ the creche? pp can now hold a biscuit stick tight even when changing hands. he didn't even drop once the biscuits today.

Taught pp how to climb down the bed, pp still need assistance in doing so.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥
organic's pear & rasberries + egg yolk congee for dinner

dr seuss number card
baby einstein birds
daddy loves me
richard scarry's shapes & opposites
richard scarry's colors
little feet like book

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 1

2010年5月11日 星期二

MiB - 321 days old (10m17d)

11 May 2010 (Tuesday)

pp was not interested in younger babies. this evening there was a baby of 7 months old on the way home, pp ignored him. at dinner, there was another baby of 6.5 months old at the next table, pp ignored him as well.

after dinner, Qr, pppp and pp went for a walk. Qr played hide-and-seek with pp along the way, and pp had great fun.

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥
salmon + choi sum + egg yolk congee

baby einstein birds
clothes cards

word world bit by bit

MiB - 320 days old (10m16d)

10 May 2010 (Monday)

pp slept till after 06:00 this morning, which had not happened for quite some time. However, he cried non-stop until Qr fed him. pp today demonstrated that he really understood the commands 'clap clap clap clap' and 拍拍手. he also likes it when Qr plays 上上下下左左右右 with his hands, esp. when saying '火車捐山窿'. of course he could also understand the command for submerge, for which he would close his eyes and hold his breath... :)

this morning in the ferry, pp 'ngou geai' and Qr gave pp a biscuit stick. he could now hold it tight, change hands swiftly, and could bite it with the gum at the back.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥
Organic's pear & rasberries + egg yolk congee for dinner

10 - 14 May 2010
體能訓練 - 坐著時挺直身軀伸手向上取球
感官訓練 - 聆聽風鈴發出的聲響

2010年5月9日 星期日

MiB - 319 days old (10m15d)

9 May 2010 (Sunday)

Qr's first mother's day being a mother. pp surprised pppp by going down from Qr's bed to the floor using thee method taught by Anne. Qr video-taped pp when he did it again with assistance from pppp.

Qr needed to meet with a professor on the dissertation. pppp and pp went with qr to play with the office managers (current and ex) there. pppp taught pp to clap hands when he heard 'clap clap clap clap' or 拍拍手, and how to blow a kiss.

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
daddy loves me
the very hungry caterpillar
action cards

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 1

MiB - 318 days old (10m14d)

8 May 2010 (Saturday)

pp had healthy times mixed grain + formula + banana before pekip this morning, and he had great fun having gymnastics and finger painting today. pp could now climb up the steps to the slope, crawl down the slope, crawl through the tunnel, turned left and right and up and down along the mats, went under the wooden fence, etc.

Anne had also taught him how to go down from a high place without diving, i.e. put both hands on one side, support himself with his hands, and turn around to go down with his feet.

pp had finger painting today by spreading white baby cream on the mirror. pp had fun originally messing around, but he got upset when pppp did not allow him to put his creamy hands into his mouth.

pp didn't sleep in between pekip and swimming class. He still behaved in front of his swimming teacher, and did great submerges during the class. however, he was not keen in pulling his arms and kicking free-style legs as instructed... :P

Natenate's parents drove Qr, pppp and pp to their home so that the latter could go to the nearest mtr station. during the ride, pp was so excited and played with auntie carrie and giggled loudly. unlike the previous rides when pp would fall into sleep, today pp was hyper and initiated to play when auntie carrie was busy feeding Natenate and putting him to sleep.

after having lunch (beef + egg yolk + carrot congee) at home, Qr, pppp and pp headed to meet with YY & MM for mother's day dinner. pp slept for the whole dinner in MM's arms. when everyone returned to MM's home, pp had apple puree, and a little bit of orange & pear. he loved the fruit sweetness. :)

2010年5月7日 星期五

MiB - 317 days old (10m13d)

7 May 2010 (Friday)

not sure if it's because of the air-conditionining or not, pp slept before 23:00 last night and didn't wake up until 05:00 this morning. it rained heavily at dawn with thundering & lightning, but pp was not afraid of the thunder. pp liked to climb up the wood bench at the 'head' of the bed, moved toward the window to look outside, or moved to the other side to look at the wardrobe. pp was always curious when Qr opened the wardrobe to see what's inside.

pppp was supposed to have lasik this morning. therefore pppp took pp to the creche and then came over to have breakfast with Qr. Unfortunately pppp's left eye had an issue and he had to take another operation first.

there was supposed to some mother's day celebration at the creche, but Qr couldn't get there in time to join... :(

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
pp had beef + spinach + egg yolk for dinner. however, it seems like pp doesn't like the beef, maybe it's not tender enough. Or it's because of his emerging front tooth that made him feel painful when chewing..

MiB - 316 days old (10m12d)

6 May 2010 (Thursday)

this morning pp fell off from Qr's bed. pppp saved him from the floor and pp smiled again. silly pp...

First day of having air-conditioned and the fan on in pp's room. Qr fed pp in the room and he felt much cooler. Afterwards, Qr put pp in bed, pp climbed to stand up. Qr read the 2 alphabet posters on the door and pp was so very attentive. He would free his hands to clap by using his forearms on the bed 'fence' to support himself. Qr played 上上 / 下下 /左左 / 右右 with pp and he was so happy. finally Qr sat on the floor next to the bed and played peekapoo with pp, he got sooo excited that he laughed non-stop.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 菠菜絲粥
pp had salmon + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner.

richard scarry's a very busy school
richard scarry's a very busy journey

baby bumblebee's vocabulary builder 1

2010年5月5日 星期三

MiB - 315 days old (10m11d)

5 May 2010 (Wed)

this morning was better -- pp didn't wake up until shortly before 5.

this morning Qr played with pp by touching pp's forehead with Qr's. pp smiled and giggled and would move his head forward to reach Qr's forehead, so cute.

in the evening when Qr picked up pp, teacher chan commented that pp's eyes were so 迷人, not because they're so big, but because pp 瞇著眼 look at others.. haha..

pp forgot about falling from the platform and tonight he almost did it again... luckily Qr was quick enough to pull him up in the air before he hit the step.

bumblebee vocabulary builder 1 -- pp LOVES it: he would talk to the TV, 'un' the whole body, wave his hands and clap hands, and pay much attention to the TV.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花+ 小棠菜絲粥
tonight pp had choi sum + salmon + egg yolk congee

MiB - 314 days old (10m10d)

4 May 2010 (Tuesday)

pp didn't sleep until 01:xx again... x_x

a couple of teachers have praised pp today: in the morning, one teacher commented that pp can sit very 定; in the evening when Qr picked pp up, another teacher said that pp was really 叻,認定目標, 勇往直前,非常有毅力。

免治牛肉+蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

2010年5月3日 星期一

MiB - 313 days old (10m9d)

3 May 2010 (Monday)

pp now would clap to the music, 'un' the whole body when he's excited, and shouted at super high pitch. when Qr picked up pp at the creche this evening, the teacher said pp would hold her head to prevent her from tickling him with her head. this happens to Qr, too, as pp would grab her hands to stop her from tickling him.

免治雞肉 + 蛋花+菜心絲粥
beef + corn + egg yolk congee for dinner

3 - 7 May 2010
體能訓練: 手握手指餅進食
感官訓練: 玩[躲貓貓]遊戲

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
the very hungry caterpillar
daddy loves me

2010年5月2日 星期日

MiB - 312 days old (10m8d)

2 May 2010 (Sunday)

pp woke up at 01:xx first and then at 06:15 this morning. Wonder when his mid-night / early wake-up pattern will stop... x_x

Qi, King eddie, castor & pollux, GMmo & auntie woo came over to visit Qr, pppp and pp today. C & P first had great fun at Qr's palace. They had fun playing pp's toys. :)

Then all went through the falls to go to the kid's playroom. again, C & P went crazy too running around, going up and down. afterwards, all went to the village house area. Qr & pppp showed the others the village house and the 'yu pai'. All had lunch at a small cha charn tang. Then all went back to Qr's palace to get changed and ready for the beach.

pp had been tired for the whole day and finally fell into sleep in pppp's arms during the walk. he was up again at the beach and Qr let him sit by the sand, stand on the sand, and wet his feet by the shore.

pp screamed in high pitch several times today, sometimes because he's got excited, and sometimes because he couldn't get what he wanted. by the end of the beach outing, pp fell asleep during feeding. Back home, C & P took a quick shower, followed by pp. Then pp had chicken + choi sum + egg yolk congee for tea.

since C & P had dictation and test the next day, the bowling session was cancelled. All except auntie woo had quick dinner in the nearby shopping centre. Qr, pppp and pp returned home afterwards.

dr. seuss nutty numbers
dr. seuss silly opposites
dr. seuss wacky weather
dr. seuss crazy colours

2010年5月1日 星期六

MiB - 311 days old (10m7d)

1 May 2010 (Saturday)

today is public holiday, but there's still pekip class in the morning. pp woke up early as usual before 06:00. he had healthy times mixed grain + banana + formula for breakfast, then Qr and pppp had breakfast before going to Central to take the taxi to pekip.
pp had some new experience at pekip today, as he played with different kinds of organic flour and grain to feel the different textures. pp liked the smoothest one among the 3. this is one good thing about pekip because pp could mess around and play with something not available at home. :P

After class, pppp, pp and Qr went to citysuper to buy zucchini, tuna and beef for pp. As there's no swimming class for pp due to public holidays, Qr and pppp took pp to the clubhouse swimming pool instead. pp had great fun doing submerge, while he was not patient practising kick kick kick kick.. :P he had salmon + broccoli + egg yolk congee for lunch.

Qr, pppp and pp went to visit GG & PP before dinner to celebrate Mother's Day. pp was in a bad mood though as he hadn't slept enough for the day, until at the restaurant when he had had milk, rice and biscuits, and slept for a bit, he started to play with GG, PP, uncle anthony, YM & KF.

at the teacher's day, teacher tang told Qr & pppp and she taught pp 'eyes blink blink blink' (in cantonese). pp in fact would blink intentionally when he's happy, or when he tried to draw others' attention, very cute... :)

dr. seuss special shapes
dr. seuss super senses

MiB - 310 days old (10m6d)

30 April 2010 (Friday)

免治瘦肉+ 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

Auntie Noel picked up Qr from work, then drove to the creche to pick us pp. Afterwards, Auntie Noel drove to harbour city as there's a dinner gathering at house of jasmine with jackson, his gf eunice, and vienna.

pppp had an emergency to attend at work and didn't leave until 20:xx. Afterwards, he arrived at house of jasmine before 21:00 and all chatted happily until 22:xx. Auntie noel drove vienna home, first, then went to pick up her sister @ lai chi kok, and dropped pppp, Qr and pp at the shuttle bus stop.

pp had been behaving during dinner, smiled and laughed a lot and even played with the waitress there.