2010年5月21日 星期五

MiB - 331 days old (10m27d)

21 May 2010 (Friday)

Buddha's birthday -- Qr, pppp and pp didn't get up until after 09:00, although pp woke up at 06:00 to be fed. and he even hit his chin on the 窗台雲石, bit his tongue and hurt his upper jaw. now pp had a swollen bruised chin... :(

the first time ever -- pp refused to eat food, which is potato... :o in the past, he only refused to take medicine (western or chinese), but tonight, he refuses to eat potato mesh after first try.

pp now would flip books by himself.

pppp bought pp a slide, and pp had fun sliding down (with assistance). the slide was colourful with strong setting.. pp could play with it till he's 4, or above 50 kg.

pp also got a kickboard, so that we could use it for practice at clubhouse.

pp had carrot + egg eolk + egg white + chickem congee for tea.

