2010年5月27日 星期四

MiB - 338 days old (11m4d)

28 May 2010 (Friday)

This morning Qr read pp the german zoo book on the ferry. After reading once, Qr let pp play with the book. However, pp complained and wanted Qr to read the book to him again. Qr read again, and then closed the book, said 'finished' and clapped hands, pp complained by 'ee-ee er-er' again. So Qr read the whole book the third time. In the end, Qr read 10 times before the ferry arrived at the destination and pppp put away the book. Although Qr was complaining that Qr had to read the book over and over again, Qr was also happy if this is a sign that pp likes reading books... :)

