2010年2月8日 星期一

MiB - 229 days old (7m15d)

8 Feb 2010 (Monday)

today's menu: 蘋果茸, 免治雞肉 + 蛋黃 + 生菜絲 粥 & water

pp now knows when Qr hides his toys away. tonight, Qr showed pp some picture cards as usual, and he started to bite and chew on the cards, so Qr diverted him with a plush toys and sneaked away the cards. pp got diverted for a little while, but then he looked for his cards. when he didn't see the cards, he started to whine and complain...

it means he has memories, he has demand on something he wants, has preference of the cards over the plush toy, and he knows Qr has hidden the cards away because he 'complained' to me when the cards were gone, and he looked around Qr for the cards...

smart boy!

