2010年2月10日 星期三

MiB - 230 days old (7m16d)

9 Feb 2010 (Tuesday)

today's menu: 免治瘦肉 + 蛋黃 + 菠菜絲 粥 & water

9th - 12th Feb 2010 幼嬰訓練:
體能: 嘗試用手拍打大鼓
感官: 聆聽鑼鼓的聲音

container arrived today. pp came home with 2 floor mats and 1 play mat to play on. he started moving himself beyond the playmat by either hanging the upper half of the body outside of the playmat, or stretching his legs outside... :)

he also like to sit on the floor mat / play mat, open his arms to shoulder length, balance himself for a while, then throw himself backward to lie down.... every time he does this, we hear 'pang' for his head hitting the floor mat / play mat -- seems like he enjoys the 'hit' received by the head... crazy boy...

