2010年2月10日 星期三

MiB - 231 days old (7m17d)

10 Feb 2010 (Wednesday)

today's menu: 免治牛肉 + 蛋黃 + 菜心絲 粥 & water

had dinner with 2 叔公 & 2 叔婆 & 姑姐 who have come over from SA. pp was quite restless tonight, probably due to lack of sleep. the black circles around his eyes were so prominent that th teacher in the morning asked what's happening. luckily, per ms. chan chan, he slept quite a bit in the creche, or else he couldn't catch up with his sleep.

pp now will respond when Qr asked him for 'po po'. when Qr claps her hands twice and then open her hands -- palms up -- in front of him, he will turn his body towards Qr, and stretch his two arms towards Qr... pp has been learning things every day... :)

