2009年9月29日 星期二

MiB - 97 days old (3m5d)

29 September 2009 (Tue)

skyped pp tonight after dinner -- dined with V, B & N @ thai basil. went for shopping for pp swimming stuff... :)

got approval for leave.. so will be with pp for 4D4N... ^o^

2009年9月28日 星期一

MiB - 96 days old (3m4d)

28 September 2009 (Monday)

A small crisis today -- Qr found a box of Quaker's oat squares and brought it back to the office as snack. then she found that her productivity... startled, she checked the ingredients of the squares and found that it contains malt sugar!!! as a remedial action, Qr quickly bought some fish soup during lunch time and bottom it up... lucky lucky...

quite a few habits have been changed since pp was born:
1. Qr drinks milk twice a day
2. Qr has breakfast
3. Qr has rice as breakfast
4. Qr wakes up early / in the midddle of the night for production

2009年9月27日 星期日

MiB - 95 days old (3m3d)

27 September 2009 (Sunday)

met with auntie rachel in the morning @ elements.. we ate @ lei garden. pp went crazy @ lei garden, which was expected, and poo-ed twice... :P

afterwards, Qr and pp went to metrobooks, the first time Qr took pp to a bookstore. pp was quite calm at the beginning, and Qr started to show him books. first Qr looked at a box of croco pen and he looked at it intently as well. then Qr showed him Thomas the engine, and he got excited, hands waving and he tried to say something. afterwards, Qr took him to the dr. seuss bookshelf and showed him dr. seuss' ABC and other dr. seuss' books, and he was even more excited, hands waving sooo much like he wants to grab the book, and he talked as well, though Qr didn't know what he wanted to say. and then Qr showed pp other books to see if pp got excited by books in general, or in particular by thomas & dr. seuss -- it turned out that he didn't like a black-and-white book (guess he has out-grown that), and no response when seeing mr. men's collection (too bad)...

took pp to grandma's and played with pp for a while before she left..

2009年9月26日 星期六

MiB - 94 days old (3m2d)

26 September 2009 (Saturday)

studying the potential development of babies, and Qr realized that pp could have achieved more... not to push him, but to at least give him the exposure, Qr believed every baby deserves the opportunity... therefore, Qr indeed seriously thinks about making pp her sole project in the near future... let's see.

went to the doc in the morning to look at pp's skin problem. weighed pp as well: 5.96 kg, 25 - 50 percentile. Given pp was born with 3.09 kg in Jun, Qr expected him to grow ~1 kg / month -- met expectation. :)

took taxi to pekip class, a bit late but the class started late as well. had fun with pp there, though he was hungry in the middle of the session and had to skip a little bit of class. took mtr and then mini-bus home, the ride was not too bad albeit holding pp and with 2 bags of stuff.

back home, washed pp, fed him, and played with him when he was awake. just wish i had more time to play with him to help him develop his potential and had great fun in the process.

MiB - 93 days old (3m1d)

25 September 2009 (Fri)

pp-pick-up day. went to his grandma's right after work. had dinner and played with pp for a while before taking off for home.

according to grandpa, pp could now flip over and flip back... grandma and Qr found it quite amazing.. last night, grandma said pp indeed could flip over to the right hand side (his favourite side) twice, but was stuck there and couldn't flip back... still Qr hasn't witness any of such action yet...

2009年9月25日 星期五

MiB - 92 days old (3m)

24 September 2009 (Thursday)

3 months la!!! bought a black forest cake with a lot of strawberries - his favourite colours: red and 'black' - to celebrate pp's 3 months' birthday with pp and his grandparents. Qr let pp smell and taste the strawberry and blueberry -- pp indeed stuck out his tongue to lick the fruits... :)

grandma sais he's very ngou geai today, and he did cry a lot, and didn't talk much, until at the end when i almost left...

2009年9月24日 星期四

MiB - 91 days old (2m30d)

23 September 2009 (Wednesday)

had a cleaner demo tonight... it's quite good, but expensive, and Qr wonder if she'll use it often... better leave it to pppp to handle.. :P

only skype pp for a brief moment as he got yaiyai soon after we got connected... look forward to tomorrow, his 3-month-old day... :)

2009年9月23日 星期三

MiB - 90 days old (2m29d)

22 September 2009 (Tuesday)

visited pp tonight... he had grown fast... tonight he could grab a toy and shake it -- if it's soft and light, he can shake really fast, if it's hard (plastic) and heavy, he hit himself. when Qr arrived, he was just shaking a plastic 'long long' and hit his mouth. he saw Qr and started to 'bin zui' and gave a poor look for care and attention. When grandma clapped her hands above him, he waved his hands crazily trying to imitate the action, but couldn't yet...

pp was still very 'gun cheung' when trying to do something, and he would hold his fingers tightly into a fist and shake his hands crazily as well...

he 'talked' a lot to Qr tonight, wish Qr could spend more time with pp...

2009年9月22日 星期二

MiB - 89 days old (2m28d)

21 September 2009 (Monday)

had been confirming a dinner gathering, and didn't notice until this morning that the date was in fact pp's 3 months' birthday, so Qr gotta pass lor, need to celebrate with pp ma. :)

didn't see pp until late tonight, he was already sleeping soundly during the last feeding by grandma.

'big wash' today, two loads of pp's clothes and towels, and another load of pp's new clothes waiting -- can't wash it as no more space to hang them dry.. :P

a lot of stuff to clean or steam, too, but tomorrow is pp visit night, so probably no time to do it.

2009年9月21日 星期一

MiB - 88 days old (2m27d)

20 September 2009 (Sunday)

day to take pp to grandma's again... after woken up at 01:xx, pp slept till 07:00, and took a nap again at 08:xx for roughly an hour. in between his sleeping moments, Qr and pp practised the exercises from pekip class, sang and played and started officially to watch and listen to baby dvds -- at least Qr turned the tv open, but didn't care much if pp watched or not -- in fact, Qr wouldn't mind if pp didn't watch but just listened to the stories / songs.

GMmo dropped by to play with pp, while Qr could do some housework. Then Qr bathed and fed pp and kicked off to go to grandma's.

Qr did some shopping for pp afterwards... happy.. ^o^

2009年9月19日 星期六

MiB - 87 days old (2m26d)

19 September 2009 (Sat)

2nd pekip class today. auntie win was the photographer this time. pp had been very uncooperative in the morning, and didn't sleep or eat at the right time.

luckily, Qr and pp arrived at the centre half an hour before, and Qr could feed pp there. pp fell asleep while eating. when the class began, he woke up and wanted to cry, Qr sang him a few songs to turn him into a smiling boy.

in the middle of the class, pp went crazy again. Qr took him aside to feed him, but he was just quiet for a while. so Qr decided to join the class again. PP cried at first, but then was attracted by the exercises Qr did with him, and he turned into big smilies... :)

2009年9月18日 星期五

MiB - 86 days old (2m25d)

18 september 2009 (Friday)

got up ~ 05:xx this morning, got Qr herself ready, then woke pp up to clean him, feed him, play with him, talk to him, get him changed, and we took off for the creche. came across my colleague on my way out of the creche.. her baby was a big baby... :)

rush to pick pp up after work, 5 minutes late and got warned by the miss there... :P

tonight pp was very ngou geai, cried a lot and VERY loud.. it didn't help even Qr held him in his favourite position, so Qr put him back in bed and he cried himself to sleep...

MiB - 85 days old (2m24d)

17 September 2009 (Thu)

pp pick-up day. he was sleeping when Qr arrived at his grandma's.. so Qr had dinner first, then took some pictures of pp, and then pp woke up -- and cried right away. fed him with 70ml bmilk and when Qr tried to feed him more, he started to cry and whine -- like the milk bottle contained poison.

So Qr gave up feeding and left for home. pp behaved all the way home and only cried after we arrived home. Qr fed him the 80ml pre-prepared.

after playing with him for a while, Qr left him in bed to do the housework. pp started to cry and lasted for approx. 30 minutes. Qr went in to take a look at pp. pp saw Qr and cried even louder. Qr faced him closer and he cried even louder, and almost made me deaf. held him up and then he started to sleep finally...

2009年9月17日 星期四

MiB - 84 days old (2m23d)

16 September 2009 (Wednesday)

skyped pp at night. grandma said this week he's not eating well.. would it be the so-called 厭奶期?

tonight Qr dupped pictures of pp for his grandparents... pp had grown soooo much, his BIG head used to be held within pppp's palm, now his even BIGGER head outgrown our palms already..

every one says pp's eyes are more and more like Qr's... too bad.. would be better if the eyes are like pppp's...

MiB - 83 days old (2m22d)

15 September 2009 (Tuesday)

the typhoon Kobbe was down at 10:1x, so Qr had to get ready for work. the good thing is Qr could sleep for a couple of hours more, good to have some recharge.

went to grandma's to see pp after work. he's sooooo sweet staring at Qr when she held him. Qr practised with pp what they learned from 1st pekip class, too. pp could hold up his BIG head high when he had his tummy on the bed without any help... great boy!!!

2009年9月14日 星期一

MiB - 82 days old (2m21d)

14 September 2009 (Monday)

another work day. typhoon was on. went to central for meeting at 14:00, which finished after 16:30. then observatory announced that signal no.8 would be in force before 18:00. rushed back home. skyped pp before 19:00.

MiB - 81 days old (2m20d)

13 September 2009 (Sunday)

gmmo came visit 11:xx, then she accompanied Qr and pp to take the bus to grandma's place before 13:00.

practised what we learnt from pekip in the morning with pp, which made him tired and slept again before we left for grandma's. he slept all his way on the bus, too.

Qr left at 14:40 to go back home to tidy things up and get ready for work again...

MiB - 80 days old (2m19d)

12 September 2009 (Sat)

First pekip day. Auntie fafa & uncle jeff came over at 10:35 to pick Qr and pp up to go to wanchai for pp's first pekip day. when we arrived, the instructor said she had mixed up the classes and pp should attend the next class. so uncle jeff drove us to admiralty to take the visa photos first, and then drove us back to wanchai to attend the class just-in-time.

it's fun in the class, but pp got tired by the end and couldn't finish with the massage. then we went over to harbour city to have tea with gmmo, auntie woo & uncle alex. afterwards, we went to the baby floor to shop for pp before heading back home. long day out for pp, and with the class, pp fell asleep the whole time in tst, and after back home. he did whined a bit, but went to sleep around 22:xx.

he didn't wake up until 01:xx and then slept all his way to 06:xx. good boy, must be really tired... :P

2009年9月11日 星期五

MiB - 79 days old (2m18d)

11 September 2009 (Friday)

pp slept in Qr's bed after feeding around 23:xx, so both slept there till 02:xx when Qr woke up, followed by pp. After all the routine -- whining, diaper-changing, whining feeding, poo-ing, diaper-changing -- pp went quiet and stayed in his bed. Qr was watching him via IP cam and hopefully he would go to sleep on his own. (@03:20)

surprisingly, pp didn't wake up until 06:30. Qr got up already at 06:00 and got everything ready except pp. so there's still plenty of time to wash his face, change diapers, feed him and to take him to the creche.

Picked him up at 18:00, he was sleeping. the 'teacher' there said he sometimes 'ngou geai' for feeding.

played with pp and held him in my arms most of the time. he finally fell asleep around 22:xx... wishful thinking -- he will only wke up at 08:00... :P

MiB - 78 days old (2m17d)

10 September 2009 (Thu)

pp-pick up day, since grandma had to take grandpa to the hospital for body check up the next day (Friday).

it's also a day with typhoon signal no.3 hoisted. the creche called Qr to remind herthat in case the signal no.3 or above would be hoisted before 08:00 on Friday, it would not admit pp, and Qr would have to take care of pp herself, which means she would have to stay at home with pp and work from there, or take pp with her to go to work.

luckily no rain at night when Qr went to grandma's place and when she left with pp. However, to play safe, and to arrive home early, Qr chose to took a short taxi ride home... :)

MiB - 77 days old (2m16d)

9 September 2009 (Wed)

a good and bad day... laptop suddenly 'died' this morning at 04:xx. As Qr had a video date with pp at night, Qr quickly dug out the backup laptop, installed communication applications, but found out that the backup laptop didn't have web cam. at the same time, pppp reminded Qr that the 'dead' laptop was still under warranty.

so Qr took the dead laptop with her to work. it was a heavy one, so Qr removed the bettery and didn't take the adaptor.

contingency plans include 1. repair the dead laptop; 2. buy a web cam; and/or 3.buy a new laptop / netbook.

however, in the end, when Qr cancelled a lunch date and rushed to the repair centre during lunch time, the laptop got back to life!!!

well, the good thing is, at least, albeit all hassles, Qr's video dates had been kept... :)

2009年9月8日 星期二

MiB - 76 days old (2m15d)

8 September 2009 (Tuesday)

visited pp after work, played with him and fed him. and then he threw up on Qr, thank you very much... ~_~

pp smiled a lot when Qr talked to him, sang to him, and played with his hands and feet.

when Qr returned home, she came across a secondary schoolmate on mtr -- they hadn't met since after matriculation! she had a girl (1y9m) & a boy (7m). her hubby drove me home... really nice of him... :)

MiB - 75 days old (2m14d)

7 September 2009 (Monday)

5th work day since the end of maternity leave... lots to do, missing pp.

skyped pp tonight and captured instances as pictures. grandma said he didn't eat as much as before.

pppp suggested to go through the procedure, and so now we started to look at the forms and requirements.

2009年9月6日 星期日

MiB - 74 days old (2m13d)

6 September 2009 (Sunday)

today was the day to put pp back to grandma's again. pp had meals at 00:30, 03, 05, 07. then Qr played with pp on Qr's bed, while pppp was watching... :)

held pp in Qr's arms and Qr took the bus to grandma's place. pp slept all the way to grandma, and looked for meal only when Qr & pp arrived. good...

2009年9月5日 星期六

MiB - 73 days old (2m12d)

5 September 2009 (Saturday)

last night was quite regular, after the 22:50 meal, pp woke up at 02:30, 05:30, 07:00 and 08:30. Qr cut his fingernails during the feeding as well, no blood yet... :) afterwards we had an emergency here and the chair had to be cleaned, the floor had to be mopped and pp's clothes had to be changed, on top of a diaper change... lastly, there was a small event that pp was saved from cleaning, but Qr had to go taking a shower...

after the morning feeding, Qr put him on the kaloo playmat from fafa and pp had a nap there. when he woke up, he started playing with the hanging toys...

pp was really growing now... :) pp now likes talking to people, and likes people talking to him. pp also likes looking around. Hope he can move himself soon and he will be able to do more exploration. for instance, he was exploring his hand and fingers with his mouth.. haha...

in the afternoon, went to elements to meet with uncle hei & auntie florence. afterwards, met with GMmo @ the mtr station and go back to Qr's place together. GMmo made dinner for Qr and GMmo while Qr fed pp and made him sleep.

MiB - 72 days old (2m11d)

4 September 2009 (Friday)

pp-pick up day. left work before 18:00 to go to his grandma's place. had dinner with his grandparents while he was whining in his sleep. afterwards, he woke up but refused to eat -- although it's already time for meal.

tried to feed him but he kept his lips tightly shut, so Qr took the bottle with her and took him back home. pp woke up during the bus ride and i fed him on the bus to keep him quiet.

he was in such a sleepy state during the whole journey he was half asleep. he did wake up and looked for food. smarty Qr had prepared a bottle of bmilk for pp and he ate it and fell asleep again.

back home pp was looking around, wondering if he found the place familiar yet new.

2009年9月4日 星期五

MiB - 71 days old (2m10d)

3 September 2009 (Thursday)

skyped pp at night... he smiled and laughed. as he eats his right hand and the fingers now, grandma used the towel to wrap his hand up because he eats his fingers but the finger nails (albeit cut already) hurt his mouth. grandma only knew this because when pp threw up some milk, it has a shade of pink... :o

so now his right hand is like wearing a boxing glove... :P

2009年9月3日 星期四

MiB - 70 days old (2m9d)

2 September 2009 (Wednesday)

2nd work day, better than Qr expected.

visited pp this evening, played with him, fed him and had phone calls among Qr, pp and pppp.

2009年9月2日 星期三

MiB - 69 days old (2m8d)

1 Sept 2009 (Tuesday)

Missing pp A LOT!!!

1st day officially as a working mom...

1st work day, catching up with project buddies. boss said mid-year performance review with me tomorrow -- i didn't even remember my job title when i filled in an HR form this morning... :P

went to Jusco tonight as there is a bb sale, bought another 8 packs of diapers (already bought 10 packs @ bb fair in wanchai), wipes, and bb-related stuff mainly for inventory purpose.

skyped grandma & pp at 22:xx. pp had finished 125ml milk, but refused to sleep. Qr chatted with pp for a while and got off.