2009年9月21日 星期一

MiB - 88 days old (2m27d)

20 September 2009 (Sunday)

day to take pp to grandma's again... after woken up at 01:xx, pp slept till 07:00, and took a nap again at 08:xx for roughly an hour. in between his sleeping moments, Qr and pp practised the exercises from pekip class, sang and played and started officially to watch and listen to baby dvds -- at least Qr turned the tv open, but didn't care much if pp watched or not -- in fact, Qr wouldn't mind if pp didn't watch but just listened to the stories / songs.

GMmo dropped by to play with pp, while Qr could do some housework. Then Qr bathed and fed pp and kicked off to go to grandma's.

Qr did some shopping for pp afterwards... happy.. ^o^

