2009年9月18日 星期五

MiB - 85 days old (2m24d)

17 September 2009 (Thu)

pp pick-up day. he was sleeping when Qr arrived at his grandma's.. so Qr had dinner first, then took some pictures of pp, and then pp woke up -- and cried right away. fed him with 70ml bmilk and when Qr tried to feed him more, he started to cry and whine -- like the milk bottle contained poison.

So Qr gave up feeding and left for home. pp behaved all the way home and only cried after we arrived home. Qr fed him the 80ml pre-prepared.

after playing with him for a while, Qr left him in bed to do the housework. pp started to cry and lasted for approx. 30 minutes. Qr went in to take a look at pp. pp saw Qr and cried even louder. Qr faced him closer and he cried even louder, and almost made me deaf. held him up and then he started to sleep finally...

