2009年9月14日 星期一

MiB - 80 days old (2m19d)

12 September 2009 (Sat)

First pekip day. Auntie fafa & uncle jeff came over at 10:35 to pick Qr and pp up to go to wanchai for pp's first pekip day. when we arrived, the instructor said she had mixed up the classes and pp should attend the next class. so uncle jeff drove us to admiralty to take the visa photos first, and then drove us back to wanchai to attend the class just-in-time.

it's fun in the class, but pp got tired by the end and couldn't finish with the massage. then we went over to harbour city to have tea with gmmo, auntie woo & uncle alex. afterwards, we went to the baby floor to shop for pp before heading back home. long day out for pp, and with the class, pp fell asleep the whole time in tst, and after back home. he did whined a bit, but went to sleep around 22:xx.

he didn't wake up until 01:xx and then slept all his way to 06:xx. good boy, must be really tired... :P

