2009年9月19日 星期六

MiB - 87 days old (2m26d)

19 September 2009 (Sat)

2nd pekip class today. auntie win was the photographer this time. pp had been very uncooperative in the morning, and didn't sleep or eat at the right time.

luckily, Qr and pp arrived at the centre half an hour before, and Qr could feed pp there. pp fell asleep while eating. when the class began, he woke up and wanted to cry, Qr sang him a few songs to turn him into a smiling boy.

in the middle of the class, pp went crazy again. Qr took him aside to feed him, but he was just quiet for a while. so Qr decided to join the class again. PP cried at first, but then was attracted by the exercises Qr did with him, and he turned into big smilies... :)

