2010年11月29日 星期一

MiB - 520 days (1y5m1d) - 524 days (1y5m5d)

25 Nov 2010 (Thu) - 29 Nov 2010 (Mon)

pp could perform per Qr's request to fetch the TV remote control for her. Smart boy!!!

pp could now walk quite stably on the brick road. he could also hold a piece of paper tight while walking for a long time without dropping the paper -- although he himself would fall a couple of times.

pp mumbled more and more these days, although it's not always intelligible what he's trying to say, but Qr thought she picked up some words he wanted to say, e.g.
拍拍 when he was doing 'high five'
br-- when he's holding the bread card
tee-- when he's pointing to his teeth
baobao when he felt full and didn't want to eat anymore

pp really is trying to speak more and more, and Qr could now make some educated guesses of what he's trying to say.

pp is getting temper, too, and refuses to be reasoned, will take a longer time on this.

2010年11月24日 星期三

MiB - 514 days (1y4m26d) - 519 days (1m5m)

19 Nov 2010 - 24 Nov 2010 (Friday - Wednesday)

pp cried from kln tong to home because Qr put him in the stroller all the way. Qr believed some would think there's child abuse.

pp is now used to walking on the grass and sand @ the outdoor campus. he is interested in playing with the water, too. Great!

pp is now used to taking a mini board book with him in the morning. hope pppp and pp enjoy the reading time every day.

2010年11月18日 星期四

MiB - 510 days (1y4m22d) - 513 days (1m4m25d)

15 Nov - 18 Nov 2010 (Mon - Thu)

Took pp to page one for fun. he like walking up and down the stairs, the slope, and carrying books and box sets around, very busy and tiring afterwards.

pp will now choose songs to listen. If Qr sings a song that's not what in his mind, he will shake his head and stops Qr and signal her to sing another song, until she sings the song he wants.

pp now will pick up a book every morning to take with him to go to school... a good habit indeed!

Took pp to the science museum again and met with leonardo. pp likes the rotating prisms in the screen, too.

2010年11月13日 星期六

MiB - 504 days (1y4m16d) - 509 days (1m4m21d)

9 Nov - 14 Nov 2010 (Tue - Sun)

Teacher told Qr that pp bit classmate at the creche when Qr picked him up in the afternoon. he was still sleepy and leaned on Qr quietly. However, when teacher and Qr talked about his biting habit, pp suddenly cried out loud, with his forehead against Qr's shoulder. So the teacher said pp did know that biting is not right.

at night dining at grandma's, Qr told the story to pppp and the grandparents. Qr was holding pp as if in the afternoon (to see if he would cry again), but instead of crying, pp kept on kissing Qr, seemed like wanting to kiss Qr so that she wouldn't tell others about the biting.

pp will say 'bao bao' when he doesn't want to eat any more.

pp will now respond to putonghua attendance taking and hold up his hand when his name is being called. however, it seems like he doesn't respond to cantonese or english attendance taking.

pp will dance and move to more songs now -- 5 little ducks, hot potato, skinnamarink, ABC Song, Alphabet Song, Eestsy weensy spider...

First time Qr can remember, pp slept for almost 10 hours straight, from 20:30 last night to 06:15 -- although he struggled for a while to go to sleep.

pp was learning how to turn the bottle cap today.

he now knows how to use the ipad button to turn the machine on.

pp has shown interests in the very hungry caterpillar again and asked Qr to open the book several times a day.

pp now tries to control the dvd player.

2010年11月8日 星期一

MiB - 499 days (1y4m11d) - 503 days (1m4m15d)

4 - 8 Nov 2010 (Thursday - Monday)

took pp to kindermusik. Qr noticed that pp could 'zip wei' and moved between 2 people without falling down or being tipped over. amazing.

took pp to hollywood hotel grassland. pp at first was unhappy but soon got used to walking bare feet on the grass. but then when he fell and sat on the grass, he didn't like having his hand pressed on the grass (to support himself to get up)... looks like he likes having clean hands... :P

chip & dale were at the hotel. Qr took pp to say hi to them and to take pictures, but pp seemed to be scared by them. when taking pictures, pp cried and turned his head when he was placed between chip and dale. it's until chip or dale moved to one side so pp was not in between that pp would look at the camera..

2010年11月3日 星期三

MiB - 496 days (1y4m8d) - 498 days (1m4m10d)

1 - 3 Nov 2010 (Mon - Wed)

pp will now 搖頭擺腦 to signal Qr to sing or to accompany Qr when she sings, very cute!

First montessori class. pp played with one toy for over 30 minutes... :o

Qr took pp to Science Museum to see the da vinci exhibition, and the to play at the museum. there were indeed things that pp could play with, nice! worth taking pp there again.

Qr taught pp to wear socks. he picked up pretty fast, although he couldn't do it all by himself.

pp will now tap his tummy when he's full.

2010年10月31日 星期日

MiB - 484 days (1y3m26d) - 495 days (1m4m7d)

20 - 31 Oct 2010 (Wed - Sun)

too busy for Qr to update the blog, but lots have happened...

30 Oct (Sat)
pp's first interview at Creative Kindergarten for pre-nursery class... short interview. at the beginning, the teacher ms. wong said high to pp but pp turned his head away -- the norm recently when he met with strangers... luckily, he soon turned back and opened and closed his hand to hi to ms. wong. ms. wong then asked pp to look at his own picture -- pp laughed happily. ms. wong asked pp to push the toy car, first to Qr, then to ms. wong. pp needed much guidance to do it. however, pp did a great job cleaning up by putting back the toys into the basket, and picking up a board card from the floor. pp didn't like to continue with the cloth book after 2 pages though. the best of all, pp byed-byed with all the teachers with his hands, and blow kisses to all on his way out.

2010年10月19日 星期二

MiB - 477 days (1y3m19d) - 483 days (1m3m25d)

13 - 19 Oct 2010 (Wed - Tue)

saturday pp had a great walk at elements and spent an hour at the outdoor playground. he felt into a coma after each activity. at night, Qr and pp had dinner with GMmo and her parents. pp liked playing with them a lot!!!

pp went to 3 playgrounds on sunday - outdoor playground in the morning, indoor playground in the afternoon and a clubhouse playground at night. the clubhouse playground is at grandparents' place, and it's very nice for pp. :) pp had a very busy and great day!!!

pp had a reddened eyelid after creche on Monday afternoon... it became a red swollen eyelid at night... if it persists, Qr will need to take pp to the doctor on Tuesday

2010年10月12日 星期二

MiB - 475 days (1y3m17d) - 476 days (1m3m18d)

11 - 12 Oct 2010 (Mon - Tue)

Qr and pp met with pppp and uncle hugo in cwb for tea after kindermusik session on Monday. Afterwards, Qr, pp and pppp went to windsor house to look for shoes and a new stroller for pp. bought nothing though.

Qr, pp and ppp then went to hk central library, pp's first time ever to visit a library. When they reached the 2nd floor (children library), they saw the toy library and found from the staff that 19:00 session just started and it's not full yet (it's always full and requires reservation), so all went in and pp had a great time!!! Qr borrowed a hammer and shape toy for pp to play. pp was attentive playing the toy although he used his hands instead of hammer to push the shapes through the holes. after continuous practice, he seemed to start to learn how to match the shapes of the holes with the blocks - circle, square, star, triangle, and hexagon. pp also had fun carrying the toy banana, toy tomato, toy bread, and toy egg around. Still, toy banana is his favourite!!!

2010年10月11日 星期一

MiB - 472 days (1y3m14d) - 474 days (1m3m16d)

8 - 10 Oct 2010 (Fri - Sun)

when pp walks, he sometimes will not let Qr hold his hands and want to walk on his own.

pp will walk up and down the stairs, with assistance of course.

pp likes clapping hands (with big swings) when walking.

pp likes looking back when walking.

pp will 'un', shook his pet pet and clapped hands at the same time on the ferry to the creche in the morning, very funny, gotta film it next time.

pp whispered 'mama' with a big smile on saturday morning when Qr took him out of his bed to feed him.

on saturday afternoon at tea, pp used a fork to pick up a waffle and put it in the mouth!!! bravo!!!

2010年10月7日 星期四

MiB - 470 days (1y3m12d) - 471 days (1m3m13d)

6 - 7 Oct 2010 (Wed - Thu)


pp can take off the jacket.

pp can take off the tee by pulling it over his head

pp knows how to step out of the pants

pp knows how to take off the socks

pp knows how to 'open' the shoes' magic straps.

pp just learned from pppp how to say 'taxi' (Thu)

pp recognizes the people (including an indian lady) who take the ferry with him every morning and he will 'wave' his hand or smiles to them

pp learned from pppp (by observation) to 'dun' the biscuit bits from the biscuits before putting them into his mouth. pppp hasn't taught him that.

pp can use a straw to drink from a bottle.

pp can drink from a cup with assistance.

pp can use a spoon to feed himself with assistance.

2010年10月5日 星期二

MiB - 468 days (1y3m10d) - 469 days (1m3m11d)

4 - 5 Oct 2010 (Mon - Tue)

accomplishments of pp:

pp has been able to make baby sign of 'please' and will do it when Qr asked him to say please.

pp recognized the mtr exit for the afternoon playgroup and will point to the exit to leave mtr.

pp can show where his head is.

pp will open his mouth as instructed.

pp will point to his tongue when being asked to show his tongue.

pp is NOT very sure about where the eyes / ears / nose are/is.

pp will give Qr the song book to sing for him.

pp will tap on the 'wall measurements with alphabet to ask Qr to sing ABC song for him.

pp now tries to switch on the dvd player.

pp will throw things into the kitchen to try to climb into the the kitchen to pick the things up.

pp likes to take the lamented picture cards and 'flash' them to Qr.

pp will go to Qr's bag to take food out.

pp will go to Qr's bag to take the breastfeeding towel out and tried to spread it out when he wants to be fed.

pp will say 'key' in the elevator.

pp will walk towards home (the correct door) after being released out of the elevator

pp will now use the palms to press the button to ring the bell.

pp will put the socks on the feet although he can't wear them themselves.

pp tries to take off his shoes.

pp is now learning put away his indoor shoes (for use in the creche) into his cubicle.

pp is now learning to recognize his home's mailbox.

pp likes to walk up and down the stairs although he is not 100% a stable walker...

2010年10月4日 星期一

MiB - 464 days (1y3m6d) - 467 days (1m3m9d)

30 Sep 2010 (Thursday) - 3 Oct 2010 (Sunday)

long weekend from 1 Oct to 3 Oct... didn't take pp to see the fireworks, but pp had a healthy long weekend!

took pp to Dr. Tsang after playgroup as his mouth kept having blood oozed out in the morning. Dr. checked and found that the gum on top of the top front teeth got peeled... yiiiiiii!

took pp to the outdoor swimming pool, he enjoyed submerging and struggled when doing pull pull pull and kick kick kick...

Teacher Kaley solved the mystery: pp kept struggling not because he doesn't like swimming anymore.. instead, he thought he could swim and doesn't want to do the basic kick kick kick and pull pull pull... he likes submerging because he's free when he's under water (pp would be released when he's under water). however, pp behaved well in front of the teacher or when the teacher is looking at him and exercised diligently, but when he's behind teacher's back, he started struggling against pppp again!!!

pp went to the indoor playground in the morning and to the beach in the afternoon. he played immediately with the sand without much struggle, walked on the sand without complaint, and even went to another baby girl's to play with her toys!!! finally, he walked toward the water by himself without fear!!!

2010年9月28日 星期二

MiB - 461 days (1y3m3d) - 463 days (1m3m5d)

27 Sep 2010 (Mon) - 29 Sep 2010 (Wed)

Qr started putting some picture cards on the hanging chart, and pp liked looking at them and playing with them... :)
he started looking at the kindermusik banner, too, guess he recognized the banners from the kindermusik sessions.

pp had great fun playing hide and seek during dinner with Qr. pp hid behind pppp and looked over behind pppp's shoulders. when Qr caught pp's eyes, he laughed out loud and screamed. One time pppp leaned forward to eat, pp immediately put his hands on pppp's shoulders to bend his back straight -- soooo funny!!!

Putonghua teacher ms. winnie liked pp a lot. She praised pp for being attentive when she's telling stories.

2010年9月26日 星期日

MiB - 458 days (1y3m) - 460 days (1y3m2d)

24 Sep 2010 (Friday) - 26 Sep 2010 (Sunday)

Friday, pp's 15-mth-old birthday. Qr took pp to the disneyland after playgroup. first Qr and pp went to disney hollywood hotel where there is the big grassland. When Qr put pp on the grass, pp stood and cried at first, but soon stopped when he held Qr's hand and started to walk on the grass bare feet. When the sun set, Qr and pp went inside the hotel where pp took a nap. Afterwards, Qr and pp entered the disneyland to walk around and waited for the fireworks at night. Disney had a halloween theme and Qr tried to stay away from the 'ghosts' so as not to scare pp. during the fireworks, pp again stared at the fireworks and looked a bit stunned and a bit frightened.

Saturday, last little bachelor class, pp still couldn't keep still and went round and around with NN.

Sunday, pp walked a lot. in the morning Qr took pp to the outdoor playground where pp played on the swing by himself, played the turn-a-round which he didn't really get excited, and the big climbing block, in which he climbed up and down the stairs with so much fun. around noon time, Qr took pp to the indoor clubhouse playroom. pp started screaming with excitement when he reached the glass door of the playroom. in the afternoon, Qr took pp to shop at mannings and park'n shop. pp liked having his back on the piles of boxes, and used his whole body to push on the piles of boxes. pp's hands didn't stop touching around in mannings and park'n shop and had great fun. at night, Qr took pp to auntie mandy for dinner, and pp walked part of the route by himself. at auntie mandy's, pp had fun playing with the rice cooker, towering blocks, auntie mandy's key bag and her iphone.

2010年9月23日 星期四

MiB - 457 days (1y2m30d)

23 Sep 2010 (Thursday)

pp first time walked from home to the lift to the lobby and to the open ground until he reached the stairs... he walked with his white crocs and got a bit red on the feet...

pp had some bird's nest today, too, while Qr and pppp had 'round soup dumplings' prepared by pppp... :)

pp went to swim today. Qr and pppp wore goggles in turn to dive with pp... pp really opened his eyes in the water, and Qr could see bubbles coming out of his nostrils... so Qr believes pp knew how to breathe out when he's in the water...

MiB - 456 days (1y2m29d)

22 Sep 2010 (Wednesday)

pppp didn't go to work today, so Qr and pppp didn't take pp to the creche in the morning, since his mid-autumn festival party started at 13:30 in Kowloon Tong anyway.

Qr noticed that pp could use his index fingers (both hands') to point now. However, when he pointed with his index finger, his thumb would point out, too...

pp could also, for the first time, put his finger into his nostrils! this is indeed a milestone as he could point his finger to a place he couldn't see.

pp could express himself better and better. he would grab Qr's hand to hold his hand, and he could now tell Qr when he wants Qr to read books to him, or play DVD for him.

pp walked down stairs -- the first time in his life -- after the mid-autumn festival party.

tonight, when pppp was sitting on the stair case to the platform, pp crawled down the platform and sat next to pppp on the stair case as well... very cute!

2010年9月20日 星期一

MiB - 454 days (1y2m27d)

20 Sep 2010 (Monday)

pp's day of gourmet!!! pp had the first of the following throughout the day:
- cheese from mcd quarter pounder
- cucumber from mcd quarter pounder
- A-1 bakery hokkaido milk bun
- dan ryan's fettuccine alfredo (fettuccine & broccoli)
- dan ryan's grilled salmon
- dan ryan's muffin
- dan ryan's pineapple juice

pp also successfully used the spoon to feed himself some muffin pieces. he was so proud of himself that he wore big grins and clapped to his own achievement.

yummy yummy day!!!

in the afternoon kindermusik class, pp was thrilled by the fast -- slow -- stop motion and laughed out loud in class. when Qr and pp demonstrated the motion again to pppp at night, pp laughed out loud again, soooo cute.

MiB - 450 days old (1y2m23d) - 453 days (1y2m26d)

16 - 19 Sep 2010 (Thursday - Sunday)

It's like this: when there are so much happenings that's worth writing, there's no time to update the blog...

- morning, pp uttered '哎呀‘ like a native cantonese speaker without accent!!!! however, he refuses to re-utter again...
- afternoon, pp saw the keys when we went back home from the clubhouse and he tried to say 'keys' by uttering 'keeeee'

- pp had dinner with GMmo and GMmo's mother, and pp let both of them hold him and feed him, and smiled at them all the time, all had a great time that night, although Qr was feeling very sick

- pp followed Auntie Woo and GMmo to the 'signing event of Joey Yung' @ element's HMV... unfortunately due to some episode at the queue before them, Joey didn't even look at pp...
- pp had dinner with Auntie Woo, GMmo, Auntie fafa and Uncle JM, Auntie fafa asked pp 愛唔愛呀 (if he wants more food / water) and pp answered by shaking his head and uttered something like '唔-愛呀‘... GMmo tried to video tape this and Auntie fafa induced him to say again, but pp showed an annoyed face and refused to say again... very funny

- vaccination evening, pp had fun playing in the clinic, and didn't show any anxiety when entering Dr.'s room. however, when Qr sat with him at the chair next to Dr.'s desk, he started to recognize and struggled to leave. When Dr's put the wooden stick into his mouth, he closed his lips tight and started crying... he cried even poorer (not exactly louder though) when he got the injection and didn't stop crying even afterwards, until the nurse played with him by pretending to eat the banana toy. pp even laughed out loud and forgot about the pain.

2010年9月15日 星期三

MiB - 449 days old (1y2m22d)

15 Sep 2010 (Wednesday)

this morning pp stood outside the washroom to wait for Qr to come out (Qr has taught him not to go inside kitchen or washroom but wait outside instead). he then saw the bath book on the bench next to the sink and ee-ee-er-er to want to get it. so Qr took the book out, and asked pp to say please. pp first clapped his hands (incorrect gesture) and then he seemed to realize he used the wrong gesture, used his palms to move left and right on his chest -- which was more like the gesture taught by ms Anna last week!!! so pp did remember. smart boy!!!

(post-note: the correct sign is "dominant hand is in a flat handshape, then place the palm over the heart and move it into a circular motion once or twice."

afterwards, pp handed Qr the your baby can read sliding cards and wanted Qr to show them to him. he now can show Qr he remembers by demonstration before Qr reads out the words:
'diaper' -- pp will pat his own diaper when he sees the word
'arms up' -- pp will hold his arms up seeing the word
'hi' -- pp will open and close his palms
'wave' -- pp will open and close his palms as well (pp can't exactly wave somehow)
'tiger' -- pp will roar seeing the word
'smiling' -- pp will 'ee' his teeth to show a smile
'mouth' -- pp will open his mouth wide
'clap' -- pp will clap his hands
'tongue' -- this one depends, sometimes he will open his mouth, sometimes he will use his hands to touch the tongue, recently, he will stick out his tongue occasionally

MiB - 448 days old (1y2m21d)

14 Sep 2010 (Tuesday)

picked up pp in the evening, he held up his hands, gave big smiles and blew kisses to me when he saw me at the other end of the corridor. when he approached closer (teacher was holding him in her arms), he leaned forward to want to reach Qr earlier... soooo sweet.

pp tonight went to the top of the DVD player to get the disney's peekaboo book and handed it to me signalling me to play it.

2010年9月13日 星期一

MiB - 447 days old (1y2m20d)

13 Sep 2010 (Monday)

Qr went to a full day montessori class for parents and therefore pp had to skip one kindermusik class and stayed at the creche for the whole day.

Pppp reported: when he picked up pp from the creche this evening, ms. Tang held pp's one hand and walked him out. He walked steadily at the beginning, when he saw pppp, he speeded up to go to pppp and fell down, slightly brushed his forehead against the plastic drawer. Pp stood himself up, one hand on his forehead, smiled silly and continued to walk towards pppp, sooo cute.. :)

MiB - 446 days old (1y2m19d)

12 Sep 2010 (Sunday)

Pp had great fun at funfunland and walked a lot. He even went to the children area for 5 - 12 when the big kids were not around. He had no fear going in the tunnel and climbing the net.

MiB - 445 days old (1y2m18d)

11 Sep 2010 (Saturday)

Qr took pp to swim... pp was so thrilled and everyone commented that pp LOVES swimming sooooo much!!! he was actually excited to go inside water and wanted to swim on his own... :)

2010年9月9日 星期四

MiB - 444 days old (1y2m17d)

10 Sep 2010 (Friday)

today Qr took pp to the creche. after putting on the shoes for pp and let him stand on the floor, pp started walking. Qr walked ahead and pp chased Qr wanting threw himself into Qr's arms. pp could now walk ~ 15 steps without support, and he could steady himself by walking step by step and holding his arms up... :)

blowing feathers
making hand prints
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
hurry hurry drive the fire truck song
picking mini 'xi mi' with 2 fingers and put them in a plastic cup
making red circles using a bowl
learning circles
Cat who loves to sleep story
When ms. Winnie told the story, pp suddenly stood up in front of me, and then walked diagonally across the mat to ms. Joanne. Ms. Joanne liked him so much and she held him sit on her lap and hugged him for a while to listen to ms. Winnie's story.

today was gym time, Qr took pp to play with different things except the 'hanger'... and then pp heard other babies playing excitedly on the 'hanger' and he wanted to play as well. so he climbed to where the 'hanger' was, looked up to the 'hanger' and then looked up at Qr and climbed on Qr's legs to stand up. so Qr held him up, let him put his hands on the 'hanger' and walked him along. so today, he was not resistant, and Qr and pp walked like that for a couple of times.

MiB - 443 days old (1y2m16d)

9 Sep 2010 (Thursday)

during snack time, a baby girl brought her own snack of mini rings. her maid told her to give one to pp, so the baby girl held one out with her 2 fingers, and pp successfully used 2 fingers to get the ring -- very impressive fine motor skill, well done, boy!!!

Ms. Joanne came over and said pp smelled great and like a baby... haha

when Ms. Winnie started reading the mouse and mirror story, pp crawled to the front probably to be closer to the teachers, but got summoned back to mommy...

learning body parts - head, body, arms, hands, legs, feet
colouring yellow bone with red and purple water paint
sticking and tearing body parts from the matted floor
using a net to catch mini-balls
cheese sandwich which pp didn't like -- he tried once and refused to eat again
find-friends song
finger-move song
learning circles
colouring circles
putting penne into a bottle and shake shake
the third time going to the gym... after the first time when he loved playing the 'hanger', he refused the second time and today to play the 'hanger'... don't know why...

2010年9月8日 星期三

MiB - 442 days old (1y2m15d)

8 Sep 2010 (Wednesday)

Qr was not in shape today. First forgot about bringing vaccination record to the creche, then forgot about socks for pp in the creche. In the afternoon, Qr forgot about another pair socks for playgroup, and worst of all, forgot about feeding towel...

Pp was really attentive when having mandarin session. During village time, he crawled up over 10 staircases, and then slided back down... Very funny!
Face - eyes, nose, mouth
looking at mirrors
Sticking a face
Pushing and pulling scarf into and out of a paper towel roll
Putting marcaroni into a bottle and shake shake
Head n shoulder song
Abc song
Find a friend song
Little star song
Morning exercise song
If you are happy song
Little mouse looking at the mirror story
Picture frame with sticker
Putting penne into a bottle and shake shake

MiB - 441 days old (1y2m14d)

7 Sep 2010 (Tuesday)

Qr and pp visited Lolo and Lyly this afternoon, and then grandma at night.

pp walked much better day by day. today, he could walk without support for several steps. bravo!!!

pp could also stack up blocks better and better, higher and higher. :)

2010年9月6日 星期一

MiB - 440 days old (1y2m13d)

6 Sep 2010 (Monday)

Qr played flash cards with pp this morning - first word cards on colour x 2, and pp didn't have enough, and second your baby can read sliding cards (starter and book 1) once, and third regular polygon cards x 2, and finally dotted card from 1 - 10 plus a summation (first time ever) 1 + 2 = 3, and pp happily giggled. it's so good to see pp enjoys learning as if it's playing. To kids, it's best if they learn without knowing that they are learning, and the best way is through playing..

pp likes putting coins into the 'bear' bank. today Qr gave him a one-dollar coin, a two-dollar coin, and a five-dollar coin. When he first saw Qr taking out the 'bear' bank, he's already very happy. When he received the five-dollar coin, he used his right hand to put it into the bank immediately. when Qr handed him the two-dollar coin, he took it with his right hand, then he changed hands to use his left hand to put the coin into the bank successfully. after putting the last coin in the bank, he looked at Qr and 'urh - urh - urh' and raised his left hand to make a gesture -- like asking Qr to provide more coins. Qr had no more coins for today, and he started to pick up the 'bear' bank and look for openings to get the coins out. pp knows a lot of things now.

tonight, Qr, pppp and pp went to the supermarket to buy breakfast for Qr. when Qr was choosing her cereal, pppp and pp were playing walking around and pp was having great fun. When Qr picked her breakfast, pppp and Qr held hands with pp (in fact, Qr and pppp both gave him a finger to hold on for his balance) and walked side by side with him, the longest way pp has ever walked...

MiB - 439 days old (1y2m12d)

5 Sep 2010 (Sunday)

pp now gestures to show what he wants:
- he will flip the book to the alphabet page and push the book to Qr for Qr to sing to him.
- he will pick up the your baby can read dvd box and try to open it for Qr to play it for him.
- he will stand at one place and stomp his feet for Qr to assist him to walk
- he will 'mum mum mum mum' to tell Qr he wants to have milk
- he will go to where the flash cards are kept, take one out and hand it to Qr to ask Qr to flash the cards to him

Qr took pp to the playroom in the afternoon. at one point, pp wanted to have milk and he went to Qr's bag, tried to open it and put his hand in to take out the feeding towel and handed it to Qr.

pp had big temper, too. he likes the car in the playroom and he refuses to leave the car. when someone else is playing with the car, he tried to chase it and looks for Qr to get it back for him.

2010年9月4日 星期六

MiB - 438 days old (1y2m11d)

4 Sep 2010 (Saturday)

pp wants to listen to ABC songs and have asked Qr to sing to him for 5 times this morning already. what he will do is that he will open the 'My First Book of Letters', flip to the final page where there is a colourful picture of the alphabet. Then he will push the book to me, make some sounds like 'again'. when Qr asks pp if he wants mommy to sing, he will nod decisively. If Qr plays dumb, he will continue to push the book and make the same sound until Qr starts singing. if Qr stops in the middle, pp will make the 'again' sound again.

pp can also open the paper box (of 10 sturdy boxes for piling up) now. in the past, when he wanted to open the box, he will use both hands to hold up the box (because it's heavy) and hold it up to Qr, signalling Qr to open it. when Qr asks pp if he wants mommy to open the box, he will nod. Qr has shown to pp how to open the box, now, pp can sometimes open it by himself.

2010年9月3日 星期五

MiB - 437 days old (1y2m10d)

3 Sep 10 (Friday)

After years, Qr had her body treatment again.

Taking pp to the creche and pp started smiling when pppp and Qr helped him put on his shoes at the waiting area. Then Qr accompanied him to one end of the corridor to wait for the teacher to walk with him to the classroom.

pp had fun playing the drum in the afternoon class. in addition:
- Mr. Sun song
- Monkey Dance song
- abc song
- water paint on monkey
- dough playing on ice-cream picture (but pp doesn't like the dough texture)
- dry marcaroni and the sieves
- Mr. Beebo Bear and baby signs for please, thank you, and I love you
- marcaroni & ham (Qr ate the ham)
- red colour
- morning exercise song
- little star song
- red balloon story
- playing with red colour stuff
- painting with red crayon + meshed tray
- pp didn't like the hanging fun today. instead, he loved swinging in the hanging boat, and sliding down the slide backward

Qr wanted to test if pp started to be fear of the height, therefore, in the mtr back home, Qr let pp held the rings in the compartment, and pp was having great fun holding the rings and even tried to play 引體上升. So Qr suspected that pp didn't like to drop off from the handle at the gym. gotta try next week.

2010年9月2日 星期四

MiB - 436 days old (1y2m9d)

2 September 2010 (Thursday)

pp has officially started brushing his teeth since yesterday. in the past, Qr tried once with him without toothpaste and he didn't like it. from yesterday onwards, Qr added in children toothpaste which pp could swallow. he's still reluctant to brush his teeth, guess the toothpaste is not very tasty... :P

per report from pppp, pp was accompanied by 3 teachers to walk as it's the first time he wore shoes in the creche and walked from the reception area to his classroom. so 大陣仗!!!

Afternoon playgroup had the following fun:
- count up to 5 'foam' eggs
- good afternoon song
- abc song
- colour no. 2
- put beans into tube
- monkey dance song
- red kitchen utensils
- play with red water
- stick different textures of red paper to a red paper
- little star song
- morning exercise song
with a handle 1.5m above the ground, pp holds with both hands, slides for 3 - 4 metres, then drops himself off to a pile of cushions, he's so thrilled about it he cried when the class finished

2010年9月1日 星期三

MiB - 435 days old (1y2m8d)

1 September 2010 (Wednesday)

First day as an unemployed, Qr got pp ready for today while pppp was responsible to take him to the creche. Qr didn't sleep in, but tidied up pp's diaper inventory, swapped the toys available for him on the platform, and put up a wall paper for height measurement.

Qr also started clearing stuff from work, had home self-treatment on face, arms and legs, and prepared pp's meal with egg, salmon, corn and spinach. Qr also managed to review what has been written for the ISP and took a 20 minute nap.

Now (13:45) is time for Qr to pick pp up from the creche and go to a new playgroup. Hope pp likes seeing Qr earlier and the new adventure. :)

A busy class.. Qr and pp were late. When they went into the classroom, english teacher ms. Anna was teaching what's your name. Then they learned to put spaghetti into the bottle and shake shake shake. They played sand and pp refused to leave and ngou geai, so he missed making his name tag. Pp likes washing his hands and didn't like it when Qr turned off the tap. Snack time, the biscuit was really soso but pp drank 2 cups of lemonade and wetted his tee and pants. He could have 2 because his classmate didn't take his and drank his own water with combi straw cup. They learned to put away the cup and dish afterwards. Pp couldn't even finish the biscuit.

Mandarin teacher ms. Winnie came in and they sang mandarin songs. Pp didn't follow the movement or sat still. He crawled to the teachers to get their attention and smiled at them. then it's play time with soft tiny balls pushing through the meshed tray, and colouring a schoolbag and gluing pictures of necessities in the schoolbag. Again, pp refused to let go of the painter or the crayon and cried when Qr took them away from him.

Finally village time and pp were interested in 2 cups there. He held them tight, refused to let go and refused to leave the room when the class was finished.

MiB - 435 days old (1y2m8d)

1 September 2010 (Wednesday)

First day as an unemployed, Qr got pp ready for today while pppp was responsible to take him to the creche. Qr didn't sleep in, but tidied up pp's diaper inventory, swapped the toys available for him on the platform, and put up a wall paper for height measurement.

Qr also started clearing stuff from work, had home self-treatment on face, arms and legs, and prepared pp's meal with egg, salmon, corn and spinach. Qr also managed to review what has been written for the ISP and took a 20 minute nap.

Now (13:45) is time for Qr to pick pp up from the creche and go to a new playgroup. Hope pp likes seeing Qr earlier and the new adventure. :)

2010年8月31日 星期二

MiB - 434 days old (1y2m7d)

31 August 2010 (Tuesday)

These 2 days, when Qr used the carrier to carry pp, he would use his hand to make sure Qr's hands wrap around his chest. when Qr sometimes slided her hand to his tummy, he would use his hand to 'dou' Qr's hand up to his chest level again... when Qr moved her hand a little bit away from his chest, he would catch Qr's hand to press it against his chest... very cute... :)

2010年8月30日 星期一

MiB - 433 days old (1y2m6d)

30 August 2010 (Monday)

pp still cried when the teacher held him up and brought him into the classroom, even though the teacher was already one of his favourite.

pp took a nap soon after he reached home. when he woke up, Qr and pppp tried to feed him with rice and the instant package from Japan by air, but he refused to eat it. instead, he preferred milk. when pppp and Qr asked him, " would you like some rice?" he shook his head fiercely. When pppp and Qr asked him, " would you like some milk?" he nodded his head with determination. pp really understands more and more.

MiB - 431 days old (1y2m4d)

28 August 2010 (Saturday)

pp had swimming class and flash card class today. he was so tired before swimming (but had been refusing to sleep) that he stood in the taxi and dozed off :D

MiB - 432 days old (1y2m5d)

29 August 2010 (Sunday)

pp has been very attached to Qr these days. At noon when Qr decided to take a shower before visiting Qi's palace in the afternoon, Qr had to take pp back to his bed to ensure he's safe. he looked abandoned when Qr put him in bed, and started screaming and crying when Qr left his room. he screamed and cried continuously until Qr finished the shower and returned to fetch him.

2010年8月20日 星期五

MiB - 423 days old (1y1m27d)

20 Aug 2010 (Friday)

Today is the day to Japan... pp's second trip outside of HK.

in the morning Qr and pppp took pp to play on the swing - first time pp was put on the swing to sit by himself (in the past, Qr would carry him using the carrier and pp would swing sitting on Qr). To our surprise, pp can swing on his own. at first, he sat still on the swing, then slowly, he moved his head like he's nodding, and pushed his butt to start the swing. afterwards, he would speed up by moving his head to a greater degree, and swang his feet as well. After swinging to a certain speed, he would then swing out and plant his feet on the ground -- of course support required or he would get hit by the swing and fall down.

2010年8月17日 星期二

MiB - 419 days old (1y1m23d)

16 Aug 2010 (Monday)

pp likes flashcards. when Qr flashes the cards to him, most of the time he will focus on the cards, or on Qr. Qr will usually flash the set of cards once, then stop and praise him for having good focus. then she will flash the same set of cards a second time. afterwards, Qr will put away the cards. a lot of of the times pp will utter a couple of sounds, like asking for more. however, Qr will usually read other books to him or play with him... yesterday and today, after a while, he went to the place where Qr stores the flash cards, he took out the top one, held it up, and make some utterance again. when Qr asked him if he wanted to have some cards flashed to him, he nodded. so Qr asked pp to go back up to the platform and get ready, he will surprisingly follow instruction!

2010年8月16日 星期一

MiB - 418 days old (1y1m22d)

15 August 2010 (Sunday)

There have been a lot of 'first' today for pp:

First time to play merry-go-round
First time to join a competition
First (and last) time to join a crawling race
First time to be 1st runner up
First time to win a prize
First time to eat Udon (at auntie Mandy's home)
First time to eat cabbage (at auntie Mandy's home, assuming he had not tried this at the creche)
First time to eat cherry (and love it, although it's a bit sour)

MiB - 417 days old (1y1m21d)

14 Aug 2010 (Saturday)

today GMmo bought McD to palace... pp finally had his first bite of McD -- sesame bread...

2010年8月13日 星期五

MiB - 416 days old (1y1m20d)

13 Aug 2010 (Friday)

when pp tries to stand up, sometimes he finds his head too heavy and will rest it on the floor, making a 'A' posture'... very cute, like he is going to do a forward somersault :)

MiB - 415 days old (1y1m19d)

12 Aug 2010 (Thursday)

this evening, pp could stand up on his own longer and stabler. He planted his feet on the platform wide, placed his hands on the floor and pushed himself up. after standing up, he looked at Qr proudly. Qr of course clapped her hands hard to praise him. he also wanted to clap his hands, his balance a bit at risk, but he managed to continue to stand... then he opened his arms and walked towards me for 3 steps, and embraced me to keep his balance. too bad all these happened in a second and so far not much videos could be captured on his first stand / walk...

2010年8月10日 星期二

MiB - 412 days old (1y1m16d)

9 Aug 2010 (Monday)

tonight Qr, pp and pppp had sushi dinner with pp's grandma, cousin irene and angie.

after dinner, we went for shopping. irene played with pp but all of a sudden, pp hit irene's face with his palm!!! Qr has heard about this before but this time Qr saw it happen in person. So Qr immediately held his right hand, open his palm, and tab on his right palm with her left hand.

pp's response deserves an oscar! first he looked stunned, seemed like he didn't know what's happening... then in slow motion, he bin zui, lips turned downward, eyes looked innocent, being framed and hurt, and then he started to cry -- first tearless, then big drops of tears flowed out of his both eyes...

after teaching pp a lesson, Qr asked pp to kiss mommy. he refused at first but shortly afterwards he kissed Qr.

MiB - 411 days old (1y1m15d)

8 Aug 2010 (Sunday)

Qr, pp and pppp went to bb expo with auntie mandy -- pp's first visit to bb expo.

wiener klang had a booth there. Qr passed by and was attracted by the musical instrument set up on the bb mat. So Qr placed pp on the mat and he had a great time playing with glockenspiels, mallets, and other sound-making shakies...

2010年8月2日 星期一

MiB - 405 days old (1y1m9d)

2 Aug 2010 (Monday)

Pp took the initiative to kiss Qr this morning before being requested to do so... Sooooo sweet!!!

2010年7月25日 星期日

MiB - 397 days old (1y1m1d)

25 Jul 2010 (Sunday)

Pp could read the phrase 'arms up'. When he sees the card, he will put his arms up before Qr reading the words aloud. :)

Pp's first time to go to the book fair. He had a great time playing the montessori toys, playing with kumon toys, playing on Thomas mat and with Thomas cards, flipping books, and watching English and Chinese videos.

2010年7月24日 星期六

MiB - 396 days old (1y1m0d)

24 Jul 2010 (Saturday)

pp is 13 months old today! Due to the tight schedule of the day, Qr could only buy an egg tart during class break to celebrate pp's 13-mth birthday.

pp has been skillful in kissing and blowing a kiss now... Very sweet.

It seems like sometimes Qr can negotiate with pp.. There are times when pp refuses to drink water before or after eating, Qr negotiates with pp to take one zip and he would comply. However, there are also cases when pp never gives in -- such as when taking scott's cod liver oil.

pp is now skillful in putting one arm straight up or both arms up. Very cute when doing so. :)

MiB - 394 days old (1y0m28d)

22 Jul 2010 (Thursday)

It's official that there's a kind of food pp dislikes, and it's dumpling biscuits (marn tou bang). pp will push it out of his mouth with his tongue, put it in pppp's or Qr's mouth, or simply pick up the star biscuits over dumpling biscuits from the biscuit cup.

2010年7月21日 星期三

MiB - 393 days old (1y0m27d)

21 Jul 2010 (Wednesday)

pp tried hard this evening to stand by himself and he could stand on his own without any support for more than 5 seconds!!! he was so proud of himself he tried to clap hands standing up -- thus fell down right away... :P

Ms. cheng cheng said today pp had started learning to put up his hands when taking attendance. he was very attentive when ms. cheng cheng was calling other students' names, and waiting for his own. after he was called, he would go elsewhere to play. he also likes to sneak away from the group from time to time to play with the basket of toys at the corner by himself. During tea time, Ms. cheng cheng would tear the bread into small pieces and pp would eat by himself (similar to picking up star biscuits in the cup, Qr believed).

2010年7月18日 星期日

MiB - 390 days old (1y0m24d)

18 Jul 2010 (Sunday)

pppp went out for gym and said byebye to pp... pp was originally playing on the platform. Seeing pp at the door, he immediately dropped his toys on the platform, crawled down the platform and 'pard-pard-pard-pard' crawled towards the door at his highest speed.

this evening pp had his first visit to cinema -- to watch Toy Story 3!!! he was sleeping when he entered the cinema and slept through the first half of the movie... afterwards, he woke up, watched a bit of the movie, played a lot with Qr's 3D glasses, and had biscuits all along... at the end of the movie, he did yell a bit and pppp had to take him to the back of the cinema to keep him from disturbing others... all in all, pp behaved quite well and was at his best when the acknowledgement started showing -- he likes the moving words on the black background... :P

MiB - 389 days old (1y0m23d)

17 Jul 2010 (Saturday)

this morning pp said Baa-ba and Maa-ma... very cute. he also mum-mum-mum-mum all the time asking for food...

in the morning Qr, pp and pppp visited a colleague of Qr and his 2.5-month-old son. when Qr held the little baby in her arms, pp got jealous and yelled, then crawled over trying to remove Qr's hands on the baby, very funny!

MiB - 385 days old (1y0m19d)

13 Jul 2010 (Tuesday)

when Qr picked up pp from the creche in the evening, ms. tang tang complained to Qr that pp bit another baby at school!!!

2010年6月29日 星期二

MiB - 371 days old (1y0m5d)

29 Jun 2010 (Tuesday)

pp only ate a few spoonful of congee and refused to eat again. these days, when he refused to eat, he would wave his hand and stick it into the bowl of congee or grab the spoon with congee at lightening speed. when Qr punished him by grounding him in his bed, he would cry pitifully to gain sympathy.

Finally another dvd player was set up at home and Qr could play your baby can read again the first time after having moved -- after over 5 months. Now that pp is one year old, Qr is hoping to catch up with his window of early learning in a fun way so that his potential can be released.

MiB - 370 days old (1y0m4d)

28 Jun 2010 (Monday)

in the evening when Qr picked up pp from the creche and took the ferry home, she held the key holder in her hand. pp saw it and immediately took it away from Qr. he flipped it between his two hands and then without being taught, he held the bag-shaped key holder in his left hand, and opened it with his right hand!!! Qr was not sure why he knew how to open it -- whether he observed before how Qr did it, or he saw a flap and just knew how to flip it open. regardless, pp amazed Qr every day... :)

2010年6月1日 星期二

MiB - 341 days old (11m7d)

31 May 2010 (Monday)

Qr and pp stayed at home today, as pp was infected with hands, foot & mouth disease. Qr took pp to see Dr. Woo in the morning as his red spots appeared on the face and body as well. Dr. Woo suspected pp having chicken pox!!! Nothing could be confirmed at this stage though.

MiB - 340 days old (11m6d)

30 May 2010 (Sunday)

pp had fever in the morning, and then his hands and feet had little red dots. So Qr, pppp and pp went to union hospital after noon. pp was confirmed with hands, foot & mouth disease.

2010年5月29日 星期六

MiB - 339 days old (11m5d)

28 May 2010 (Saturday)

pp had pekip this morning. it's found out that he didn't like to go inside a hole, even if to fetch his favourite golden egg, or the paper roll. he also didn't like touching woo tsai texture stuff. When Qr or Anne made him perform the tasks, he cried. When he got snatched of his toy, he screamed... it's believed that he will soon reach 'trouble 1'.

pp liked swimming class as usual. before attending swimming class, pppp, pp and Qr went to look at e-book readers and harddisc. pp seemed to be quite interested in all the gadgets...

pizza and wing dinner for Qr and pppp at home. when pp saw Qr eating wings, he came over with a big smile waiting for his share. so Qr gotta made his congee dinner to keep him from complaining.

Little Feet like book
baby einstein's neighbourhood number
german zoo book
disney's first bathbook

2010年5月27日 星期四

MiB - 338 days old (11m4d)

28 May 2010 (Friday)

This morning Qr read pp the german zoo book on the ferry. After reading once, Qr let pp play with the book. However, pp complained and wanted Qr to read the book to him again. Qr read again, and then closed the book, said 'finished' and clapped hands, pp complained by 'ee-ee er-er' again. So Qr read the whole book the third time. In the end, Qr read 10 times before the ferry arrived at the destination and pppp put away the book. Although Qr was complaining that Qr had to read the book over and over again, Qr was also happy if this is a sign that pp likes reading books... :)

MiB - 336 days old (11m2d)

26 May 2010 (Wednesday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥

MiB - 337 days old (11m3d)

27 May 2010 (Thursday)

In th evening when Qr and pppp picked up pp at the creche, a not-so-close teacher took pp out from the bb room. She said that during the extension period, pp would be put in the jump chair. He would look up at the teacher each time he saw her walking around, to see if she would pick him up and take him out to meet with Qr or pppp. She said pp would know that if she held him out of the chair, it means Qr or pppp was waiting for him outside... Sooooo smart!

MiB - 335 days old (11m1d)

25 May 2010 (Tuesday)

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥

2010年5月24日 星期一

MiB - 334 days old (11m)

24 May 2010 (Monday)

pp is 11 months old today!!! Tried to buy cake at A-bakery but it was closed by the time Qr arrived, so had to make do with Maxim's Deluxe... tonight the firworks candle would be used, see if it would interests pp.. :)

pp also started having egg white in the crech. :)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥
pear + rasberries + egg yolk & white congee

baby einstein's neighbourhood numbers
baby einstein's sweet dreams, mimi
baby einstein's things that go!


2010年5月23日 星期日

MiB - 333 days old (10m29d)

23 May 2010 (Sunday)

last day of long weekend. Ta, Jui & Livvi came over to swim together at noon time. It's Livvi's first swim and she was scared at first. however, by 13:00, she was excited and even kicked kicked kicked in the water. :)

pp and Livvi had corn, broccoli, chicken, egg yolk (egg white for pp) and cheese congee after swimming. both fell into sleep when the adults went for lunch / tea.

baby einstein's dogs
little feet like book with livvi

a day with baby brighy
richard scarry's best learning songs video ever

2010年5月22日 星期六

MiB - 332 days old (10m28d)

22 May 2010 (Saturday)

today at pekip, pp got in touch with a classmate baby by touching his forehead with his own forehead... it's soooo sweet... afterwards, there was another baby who wanted to crawl over pp and pp tried to hold him by his waist / petpet and they mingled together. :D

At lunch time, Qr, pppp and pp came across a woman at the restaurant, and she offered to take care of pp!!!!! when Qr an pppp refused, she was disappointed and said it's Qr's and pppp' s loss as she didn't make such offer easily.. :o

baby einstein's first book of letters

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 2
baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 3

2010年5月21日 星期五

MiB - 331 days old (10m27d)

21 May 2010 (Friday)

Buddha's birthday -- Qr, pppp and pp didn't get up until after 09:00, although pp woke up at 06:00 to be fed. and he even hit his chin on the 窗台雲石, bit his tongue and hurt his upper jaw. now pp had a swollen bruised chin... :(

the first time ever -- pp refused to eat food, which is potato... :o in the past, he only refused to take medicine (western or chinese), but tonight, he refuses to eat potato mesh after first try.

pp now would flip books by himself.

pppp bought pp a slide, and pp had fun sliding down (with assistance). the slide was colourful with strong setting.. pp could play with it till he's 4, or above 50 kg.

pp also got a kickboard, so that we could use it for practice at clubhouse.

pp had carrot + egg eolk + egg white + chickem congee for tea.

2010年5月20日 星期四

MiB - 330 days old (10m26d)

20 May 2010 (Thursday)

long weekend this week, so today is the last working / school day of the week.

pp can now flip the board book pages one by one. :)

baby einstein's see how I feel
baby einstein's my first book of numbers
baby einstein's my first book of words
baby einstein's word adventure

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 菠菜絲粥

2010年5月19日 星期三

MiB - 329 days old (10m25d)

19 May 2010 (Wednesday)

this morning, Qr vitnessed how pp went down from Qr's bed. pp was being careful when he went down, very amazing. When pp arrived with his feet on the floor unhurt, he was excited, too. :)

tonight Qr, pppp and pp had dinner with GG, PP, YM & KF. pp was very happy except ngou geai for food. he ate 2/3 of the bowl of congee, and YM kept on saying that pp looked very happy and contented having food to eat.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 小棠菜絲粥

MiB - 328 days old (10m24d)

18 May 2010 (Tuesday)

Qr met with pppp and pp at our canteen. When Qr arrived, pppp and pp were already in, and pp was ngou-ing geai. when pp saw Qr, he immediately smiled, but then continued to whine to complain for Qr...

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥
chicken + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner

2010年5月18日 星期二

MiB - 327 days old (10m23d)

17 May 2010 (Monday)

teacher tang commented on pp's new hair cut and said something should be done on it.
pp hit his head in the creche, but he didn't cry.

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥
pp had pear + rasberries + egg yolk congee for dinner.

17 - 20 May 2010
體能訓練 - 重溫手握手指餅進食 + 坐著時挺直身軀伸手向上取球
感官訓練 - 重溫玩 [躲貓貓] 遊戲 + 聆聽風鈴發出的聲音

baby einstein's birds
baby einstein's dogs
baby einstein's babies
baby einstein's cats
food cards

2010年5月17日 星期一

MiB - 326 days old (10m22d)

16 May 2010 (Sunday)

a very hot and sunny day. pp practised going down from the bed but accidentally hit his jaw and caused him a 'mouth of blood'. he cried out loud and pppp comforted him immediately.

Qr, pppp and and pp all had a hair cut today. Qr gave up in making an appointment with yellow, and tried one of the salons nearby. it's not too bad indeed, and much cheaper and faster... :)

pp had chicken pumpkin egg yolk congee for dinner.

MiB - 325 days old (10m21d)

15 May 2010 (Sat)

pp could climb down from Qr's bed on his own in the morning... bravo!!! he practised more when he was at pekip.

pp kicked more in the swimming class today, too! :)

after classes, Qr, pppp and pp went to MM's place so that Qr and pppp could leave pp with MM for a couple of hours to see Iron Man 2 -- good movie, but i think it's a bit too long. pp had congee with pork, egg yolk, fish, tofu, broccoli and chinese cucumber.

2010年5月14日 星期五

MiB - 324 days old (10m20d)

14 May 2010 (Friday)

pp had 保嬰丹 yesterday, and Qr planned to give him another dose tonight as he still has running nose and some coughs.

today notified by harry wright, pp will be promoted to advanced class in jul.. :)

these days pp is learning how to throw balls..

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

pp had one piece of sushi rice this evening... :)


little feet like book

the very hungry caterpilla

richard scarry's shapes & opposites

2010年5月13日 星期四

MiB - 323 days old (10m19d)

13 May 2010 (Thursday)

pp has learned how to close and open hands to hello / hi / bye.. however, he would only do it if Qr or pppp holds up his forearm.

pp had running nose and some coughs, probably got it from the creche. this is the first time he fell sick since the Sharp machine was installed at home.

pp liked to throw away things in hands, except biscuits.

tonight Qr taught pp to throw a wrapped-up diaper to pppp and pppp threw it back to pp... pp was so happy that he laughed out loud. then, the diaper is replaced by a ball and Qr taught pp how to roll the ball to pppp. pp tried to do it on his own afterwards with a little success... :)

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
chicken + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner

baby einstein birds
daddy loves me

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 2

2010年5月12日 星期三

MiB - 322 days old (10m18d)

12 May 2010 (Wednesday)

pp was ngou geai on both ways - to school in the morning and back home in the evening. thus Qr gave him one biscuit stick each way to keep him from shouting. pp now likes to give out high-pitch shrieks -- probably learn from the class mates @ the creche? pp can now hold a biscuit stick tight even when changing hands. he didn't even drop once the biscuits today.

Taught pp how to climb down the bed, pp still need assistance in doing so.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥
organic's pear & rasberries + egg yolk congee for dinner

dr seuss number card
baby einstein birds
daddy loves me
richard scarry's shapes & opposites
richard scarry's colors
little feet like book

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 1

2010年5月11日 星期二

MiB - 321 days old (10m17d)

11 May 2010 (Tuesday)

pp was not interested in younger babies. this evening there was a baby of 7 months old on the way home, pp ignored him. at dinner, there was another baby of 6.5 months old at the next table, pp ignored him as well.

after dinner, Qr, pppp and pp went for a walk. Qr played hide-and-seek with pp along the way, and pp had great fun.

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥
salmon + choi sum + egg yolk congee

baby einstein birds
clothes cards

word world bit by bit

MiB - 320 days old (10m16d)

10 May 2010 (Monday)

pp slept till after 06:00 this morning, which had not happened for quite some time. However, he cried non-stop until Qr fed him. pp today demonstrated that he really understood the commands 'clap clap clap clap' and 拍拍手. he also likes it when Qr plays 上上下下左左右右 with his hands, esp. when saying '火車捐山窿'. of course he could also understand the command for submerge, for which he would close his eyes and hold his breath... :)

this morning in the ferry, pp 'ngou geai' and Qr gave pp a biscuit stick. he could now hold it tight, change hands swiftly, and could bite it with the gum at the back.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥
Organic's pear & rasberries + egg yolk congee for dinner

10 - 14 May 2010
體能訓練 - 坐著時挺直身軀伸手向上取球
感官訓練 - 聆聽風鈴發出的聲響

2010年5月9日 星期日

MiB - 319 days old (10m15d)

9 May 2010 (Sunday)

Qr's first mother's day being a mother. pp surprised pppp by going down from Qr's bed to the floor using thee method taught by Anne. Qr video-taped pp when he did it again with assistance from pppp.

Qr needed to meet with a professor on the dissertation. pppp and pp went with qr to play with the office managers (current and ex) there. pppp taught pp to clap hands when he heard 'clap clap clap clap' or 拍拍手, and how to blow a kiss.

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
daddy loves me
the very hungry caterpillar
action cards

baby bumblebee vocabulary builder 1

MiB - 318 days old (10m14d)

8 May 2010 (Saturday)

pp had healthy times mixed grain + formula + banana before pekip this morning, and he had great fun having gymnastics and finger painting today. pp could now climb up the steps to the slope, crawl down the slope, crawl through the tunnel, turned left and right and up and down along the mats, went under the wooden fence, etc.

Anne had also taught him how to go down from a high place without diving, i.e. put both hands on one side, support himself with his hands, and turn around to go down with his feet.

pp had finger painting today by spreading white baby cream on the mirror. pp had fun originally messing around, but he got upset when pppp did not allow him to put his creamy hands into his mouth.

pp didn't sleep in between pekip and swimming class. He still behaved in front of his swimming teacher, and did great submerges during the class. however, he was not keen in pulling his arms and kicking free-style legs as instructed... :P

Natenate's parents drove Qr, pppp and pp to their home so that the latter could go to the nearest mtr station. during the ride, pp was so excited and played with auntie carrie and giggled loudly. unlike the previous rides when pp would fall into sleep, today pp was hyper and initiated to play when auntie carrie was busy feeding Natenate and putting him to sleep.

after having lunch (beef + egg yolk + carrot congee) at home, Qr, pppp and pp headed to meet with YY & MM for mother's day dinner. pp slept for the whole dinner in MM's arms. when everyone returned to MM's home, pp had apple puree, and a little bit of orange & pear. he loved the fruit sweetness. :)

2010年5月7日 星期五

MiB - 317 days old (10m13d)

7 May 2010 (Friday)

not sure if it's because of the air-conditionining or not, pp slept before 23:00 last night and didn't wake up until 05:00 this morning. it rained heavily at dawn with thundering & lightning, but pp was not afraid of the thunder. pp liked to climb up the wood bench at the 'head' of the bed, moved toward the window to look outside, or moved to the other side to look at the wardrobe. pp was always curious when Qr opened the wardrobe to see what's inside.

pppp was supposed to have lasik this morning. therefore pppp took pp to the creche and then came over to have breakfast with Qr. Unfortunately pppp's left eye had an issue and he had to take another operation first.

there was supposed to some mother's day celebration at the creche, but Qr couldn't get there in time to join... :(

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
pp had beef + spinach + egg yolk for dinner. however, it seems like pp doesn't like the beef, maybe it's not tender enough. Or it's because of his emerging front tooth that made him feel painful when chewing..

MiB - 316 days old (10m12d)

6 May 2010 (Thursday)

this morning pp fell off from Qr's bed. pppp saved him from the floor and pp smiled again. silly pp...

First day of having air-conditioned and the fan on in pp's room. Qr fed pp in the room and he felt much cooler. Afterwards, Qr put pp in bed, pp climbed to stand up. Qr read the 2 alphabet posters on the door and pp was so very attentive. He would free his hands to clap by using his forearms on the bed 'fence' to support himself. Qr played 上上 / 下下 /左左 / 右右 with pp and he was so happy. finally Qr sat on the floor next to the bed and played peekapoo with pp, he got sooo excited that he laughed non-stop.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 菠菜絲粥
pp had salmon + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner.

richard scarry's a very busy school
richard scarry's a very busy journey

baby bumblebee's vocabulary builder 1

2010年5月5日 星期三

MiB - 315 days old (10m11d)

5 May 2010 (Wed)

this morning was better -- pp didn't wake up until shortly before 5.

this morning Qr played with pp by touching pp's forehead with Qr's. pp smiled and giggled and would move his head forward to reach Qr's forehead, so cute.

in the evening when Qr picked up pp, teacher chan commented that pp's eyes were so 迷人, not because they're so big, but because pp 瞇著眼 look at others.. haha..

pp forgot about falling from the platform and tonight he almost did it again... luckily Qr was quick enough to pull him up in the air before he hit the step.

bumblebee vocabulary builder 1 -- pp LOVES it: he would talk to the TV, 'un' the whole body, wave his hands and clap hands, and pay much attention to the TV.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花+ 小棠菜絲粥
tonight pp had choi sum + salmon + egg yolk congee

MiB - 314 days old (10m10d)

4 May 2010 (Tuesday)

pp didn't sleep until 01:xx again... x_x

a couple of teachers have praised pp today: in the morning, one teacher commented that pp can sit very 定; in the evening when Qr picked pp up, another teacher said that pp was really 叻,認定目標, 勇往直前,非常有毅力。

免治牛肉+蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

2010年5月3日 星期一

MiB - 313 days old (10m9d)

3 May 2010 (Monday)

pp now would clap to the music, 'un' the whole body when he's excited, and shouted at super high pitch. when Qr picked up pp at the creche this evening, the teacher said pp would hold her head to prevent her from tickling him with her head. this happens to Qr, too, as pp would grab her hands to stop her from tickling him.

免治雞肉 + 蛋花+菜心絲粥
beef + corn + egg yolk congee for dinner

3 - 7 May 2010
體能訓練: 手握手指餅進食
感官訓練: 玩[躲貓貓]遊戲

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
the very hungry caterpillar
daddy loves me

2010年5月2日 星期日

MiB - 312 days old (10m8d)

2 May 2010 (Sunday)

pp woke up at 01:xx first and then at 06:15 this morning. Wonder when his mid-night / early wake-up pattern will stop... x_x

Qi, King eddie, castor & pollux, GMmo & auntie woo came over to visit Qr, pppp and pp today. C & P first had great fun at Qr's palace. They had fun playing pp's toys. :)

Then all went through the falls to go to the kid's playroom. again, C & P went crazy too running around, going up and down. afterwards, all went to the village house area. Qr & pppp showed the others the village house and the 'yu pai'. All had lunch at a small cha charn tang. Then all went back to Qr's palace to get changed and ready for the beach.

pp had been tired for the whole day and finally fell into sleep in pppp's arms during the walk. he was up again at the beach and Qr let him sit by the sand, stand on the sand, and wet his feet by the shore.

pp screamed in high pitch several times today, sometimes because he's got excited, and sometimes because he couldn't get what he wanted. by the end of the beach outing, pp fell asleep during feeding. Back home, C & P took a quick shower, followed by pp. Then pp had chicken + choi sum + egg yolk congee for tea.

since C & P had dictation and test the next day, the bowling session was cancelled. All except auntie woo had quick dinner in the nearby shopping centre. Qr, pppp and pp returned home afterwards.

dr. seuss nutty numbers
dr. seuss silly opposites
dr. seuss wacky weather
dr. seuss crazy colours

2010年5月1日 星期六

MiB - 311 days old (10m7d)

1 May 2010 (Saturday)

today is public holiday, but there's still pekip class in the morning. pp woke up early as usual before 06:00. he had healthy times mixed grain + banana + formula for breakfast, then Qr and pppp had breakfast before going to Central to take the taxi to pekip.
pp had some new experience at pekip today, as he played with different kinds of organic flour and grain to feel the different textures. pp liked the smoothest one among the 3. this is one good thing about pekip because pp could mess around and play with something not available at home. :P

After class, pppp, pp and Qr went to citysuper to buy zucchini, tuna and beef for pp. As there's no swimming class for pp due to public holidays, Qr and pppp took pp to the clubhouse swimming pool instead. pp had great fun doing submerge, while he was not patient practising kick kick kick kick.. :P he had salmon + broccoli + egg yolk congee for lunch.

Qr, pppp and pp went to visit GG & PP before dinner to celebrate Mother's Day. pp was in a bad mood though as he hadn't slept enough for the day, until at the restaurant when he had had milk, rice and biscuits, and slept for a bit, he started to play with GG, PP, uncle anthony, YM & KF.

at the teacher's day, teacher tang told Qr & pppp and she taught pp 'eyes blink blink blink' (in cantonese). pp in fact would blink intentionally when he's happy, or when he tried to draw others' attention, very cute... :)

dr. seuss special shapes
dr. seuss super senses

MiB - 310 days old (10m6d)

30 April 2010 (Friday)

免治瘦肉+ 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

Auntie Noel picked up Qr from work, then drove to the creche to pick us pp. Afterwards, Auntie Noel drove to harbour city as there's a dinner gathering at house of jasmine with jackson, his gf eunice, and vienna.

pppp had an emergency to attend at work and didn't leave until 20:xx. Afterwards, he arrived at house of jasmine before 21:00 and all chatted happily until 22:xx. Auntie noel drove vienna home, first, then went to pick up her sister @ lai chi kok, and dropped pppp, Qr and pp at the shuttle bus stop.

pp had been behaving during dinner, smiled and laughed a lot and even played with the waitress there.

2010年4月29日 星期四

MiB - 309 days old (10m5d)

29 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp ate tissue paper this morning!!!
Qr was doing her morning routine, while pppp and pp were staying in bed. pp was already wide awake and therefore crawling around on the bed. he found the tissue box by the bedside, and crawl over, picked out the tissue, and started eating it -- he surely got his share of fibre of the day.

Forgot if Qr has mentioned about this -- pp had a new game these days. When pp was sitting on Qr's lap, or carried by Qr by the carrier facing out, he likes to use his left hand to hold Qr's left thumb, and his right hand to hold her right thumb, then moved his hands to make Qr's hands clap.

Another game he likes now is to throw away things and see how and where they move / go. he also enjoys playing with the table toy -- turning the wheel, pressing the horn, flipping the wings of the butterfly, pressing the keyboards and pushing buttons, etc. to make sounds.

Remember pp fell down from the platform? the next day, he seemed to forget about the accidents and still crawled to the edge of the platform and almost fell again. However, these days, he seems to know not to fall over the edge of the platform. when pp crawled to the edge of the platform, he would stop, moved backward, or sat up from crawling and stayed there. even when he saw something on the stairs that he's interested, he would only extend his hand to try to touch it, instead of like in the past, he would crawl towards the thing disregarding the edge of the platform.

dr. seuss crazy colours
dr. seuss dizzy days
dr. seuss amazing animals

免汁牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
beef + spinach + egg yolk congee

2010年4月28日 星期三

MiB - 308 days old (10m4d)

28 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

this morning at the creche, Qr and pppp wanted to invite teacher tang and her son to pp's
birthday party, but teacher tang said it's not allowed. too bad...

tonight Qr, pppp and pp had dinner with auntie mandy and auntie carrie. in the evening, pppp picked up pp from the creche. Qr went home direct to cook first. pp had pork + carrot + egg yolk congee for dinner. pp was happy to see auntie mandy and auntie carrie, and had fun talking and playing with them.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花+ 紹菜絲粥

2010年4月27日 星期二

MiB - 307 days old (10m3d)

27 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

pp is always happy when Qr plays with him. pp would open his mouth big and wide and give a big smile. sometimes he would stick his tongue out, too. however, when Qr was busy with other things, or walked away from him, he would start 'bin zui' and crying.

Now Qr is writing his blog, pp would play with me by kneeling next to me, 'boo'-ing with his lips, crawling on Qr, 'un'-ing the whole body like he's dancing, and holding up his hands and shaking them. most were unseen of just a couple of weeks ago.

pp also seemed to know not to fall from the platform. when he was on the edge of the platform, he would turn back and moved away from the edge / stairs. smarty boy!!! wonder if he really remembered his fall some time ago.

dr. seuss silly opposites
dr. seuss wacky weather
dr. seuss nutty numbers
dr. seuss special shapes

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥

pp had chicken + corn + egg yolk congee for dinner

2010年4月26日 星期一

MiB - 306 days old (10m2d)

26 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Qr picked up pp from the creche this evening. he was very happy seeing Qr and opened his arms to be held. when Qr didn't hold him in time, he started to 'bin zui' and made noise to complain.

26 - 30 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 重溫扶持下坐在大圓橡皮球上左右搖動平衡身軀 + 左右手交替揮動手上的沙鎚
感官訓練 - 重溫視線追蹤從不同方向滾下來的復活彩蛋 + 嘗試進食細塊的軟麵包

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥

pp ngou geai on the way home at night. Qr had prepared for this and brought with her the star biscuits. pp had 20 pieces altogether. And then he acted like a goldfish and kept on drinking milk and right after milk, he was still excited seeing the preparation for congee feeding. tonight pp had lean pork + choi sum + egg yolk congee for dinner.

pp had great fun when taking the bath. after bath, pp liked to look at himself in the mirror, 懶嗲咁 :)

2010年4月25日 星期日

MiB - 305 days old (10m1d)

25 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

pp had a morning nap on the platform. when he woke up, he flipped in a second and became sitting up... a trick he learned not long ago but now perform with such smoothness, pp is really growing fast.

these days, pp liked playing with wet tissues. he would hold it in his hands above his chest. Qr pulled the tissue up from his hands, and he would laugh out loud -- such simple happiness

pp had been banging things he held in his 2 hands. these days, he also started throwing them away and watched how they dropped / rolled / moved...

pp healthy time mixed cereal + Hipp apple puree for breakfast, beef + choi sum + egg yolk congee for lunch, and

the very hungry catepilla
pat the cat's big book

Things that go counting
the ram in the pepper patch
storytelling with bear
mr.men in the great alphabet hunt
dr. seuss how the grinch stole christmas

2010年4月24日 星期六

MiB - 304 days old (10m)

24 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

pp is 10 months old today!!!!!

pekip class in the morning, followed by lunch and shopping at times square for an air purifier to minimize cross-infection at home. Finally Sharp's ion plasmacluster HD was chosen. swimming class followed, and natenate's daddy drove Qr, pppp and pp cross harbour.

pp had milk and fell asleep after being back home. As there was still sunshine, Qr and pppp put pp into the stroller and took a walk to the shore. it was a nice walk indeed.

pp had health times' mixed cereal + organic banana as breakfast, star biscuits before swimming, and salmon + spinach + egg yolk congee for dinner.

pp could now properly crawl by '4 leg pa pa', although when he was in a hurry, he would fall onto his tummy to move faster.

pp needed to release his energy sometimes. tonight, he pulled one end of my bathrobe's robe between his hands fiercely, and even shouted at times like he wanted to pull the robe apart. however, when Qr tried to video-tape his behaviour, he dropped the robe and happily crawl towards Qr to play with her...

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
german zoo book
little feet book
bob's busy screwdriver

2010年4月23日 星期五

MiB - 303 days old (9m30d)

23 April 2010 (Friday)

pp slept at 22:00 last night, then woke up at 23:xx, then 02:xx. Qr finally put him in Qr's bed.
really didn't know what happened, pp had been waking up in the middle of the night every night this week... x_x

pp could properly '4-leg pa-pa' today. for the last couple of weeks, he could make the posture, crawl one step or two before falling onto his tummy again to manouvre. today he could crawl across the playmat on his four, although a bit slow.
免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥
pork + pumpkin + brocolli + egg yolk congee
Qr, pppp and qq did an unintentional ad hoc flat watching tour this evening. the flat is really not bad... :)
little feet book
german zoo book
baby's first cloth book
big rex & friends cloth book

MiB - 302 days old (9m29d)

22 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp slept at 22:xx but then woke up again at 01:xx and cried non-stop. pppp had to rescue him to Qr's bed and then pppp stayed at the platform for the rest of the night to avoid infecting pp. pp didn't fall into sleep until almost 03:00.

Qr is now using the new toy macbook pro but need to figure out how to input Chinese.

apple rice 'wu'
pear 'yong'
minced lean pork + egg white + spinach 'see' congee
peanut papaya +ngau chou fish soup

minced lean pork+ egg white + choi sum congee at night.

2010年4月21日 星期三

MiB - 301 days old (9m28d)

21 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

pp woke up at 04:00 this morning again. Qr and pppp tried to let him cry till he was tired and go back to sleep. However, after almost half an hour of crying and standing by the bed fence, pp might be too tired to stand, fell down and hit his rear head to the bed fence opposite, which triggered another round of crying. Pppp therefore rescued him to Qr's bed and pppp slept on the platform as he had sore throat.

pp was so tired in the evening and no reading tonight.

it's getting hot and humid these days and pp started having luplup on his face, neck and body. pp got all wet when he's eating, sleeping, and crying. Qr believes he will have to get naked and soaked in the water to cool himself off during summer time.

pppp made a really nice school report for pp today. Look forward to sharing it with relatives and friends... :)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 小棠菜絲粥

carrot + chicken + egg yolk congee for dinner.

2010年4月20日 星期二

MiB - 300 days old (9m27d)

20 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

pp woke up at 04:00 this morning... So sleepy now. (-.-)Zzz...

pp had good eyesight. when Qr picked up pp in the evening, pp saw Qr once he was out of the room and started smiling. :)

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥

richard scarry's from 1 to 10
little feet book
bob's busy screwdrivers

2010年4月19日 星期一

MiB - 299 days old (9m26d)

19 Apr 2010 (Monday)

pppp had class to attend in the evening, so Qr picked up pp and went back home. pp now would try to get Qr's attention by making 'dinosaur's sound'. He would also smiled and blinked his right eyes. When Qr put him down on the platform to work on the household stuff, he would immediately wrinkled his whole face and cried loudly. At the same time, he would lie on his tummy, and bang his calves and feet on the platform to express his dissatisfaction.

When pp was hungry in a bath, he would steel up his body and refused to sit down, and tried to climb out of the bathtub.

When Qr or pppp sat pp down, and put on the dr. seuss' super bib, pp would get excited and waved his hands on both sides, and moving up and down sitting. If Qr / pppp still hasn't started feeding him, he would 'er' to complain to speed up...

in short, pp is growing up... ^o^

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥
salmon + choi sum + egg yolk congee at home

19 - 23 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 左右手交替揮動手上的沙槌
感官訓練 - 嘗試進食細塊的軟麵包

little feet book - Qr held his feet to feel the different texture of the book
baby's first cloth book
richard scarry's from 1 to 10 - pp was excited and flipped the book himself

2010年4月18日 星期日

MiB - 298 days old (9m25d)

18 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

This morning, pp was standing in his bed when he called for attention. After breakfast, Qr put pp back to the bed to video-tape pp how he stood up from sleeping down. The reason i s that pppp would lower the bed to prevent pp from climbing out and dropping himself to the floor.

pp had Holle bio baby musli with Hipp apple puree but he seemed to be a bit allergic and had luplup on his face and neck after the breakfast.

pp was now quite skilful picking up star biscuits with either hands. However, when Qr gave pp the long biscuits, he ate them like star biscuits and wanted to put the whole piece into his mouth.

In the afternoon, pp had beef 'wan yu' sweet corn spinach congee.

Qr re-started reading books to pp and testing which books pp loved more:
Todd Parr's - pp wanted to flip them but when Qr didn't let him (because they are normal books and not board books), he didn't like it
little feet book - pp liked the touchy feely book with his feet
rex cloth book - pp liked it
baby's first cloth book - pp liked it

Qr finally finished all the outstanding blogs this evening wghen pp was sleeping and drinking milk.

2010年4月17日 星期六

MiB - 296 days old (9m23d)

16 Apr 2010 (Friday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 白菜絲粥 , 合掌瓜紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯

pppp was sick today. he went for work in the morning and went back home before lunch. Qr picked up pp from the creche and met pppp at the pier.

MiB - 297 days old (9m24d)

17 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

This morning was parent's day, then pekip and finally swimming. When Qr heard some sounds from pp's room and went over to take a look, pp was already kneeling in bed, one hand on the 'bed fence', and the other spreading out to balance himself. He was staring at the door waiting for someone to come in.

Teacher Tang commented that pp was quite passive, and 'ta tiu'. pp was very attentive when listening to stories, so Teacher Tang told Qr that Qr should start reading books to pp.

pp had choi sum + broccoli + pork + egg yolk congee for dinner.

Recently, pp knew that things not seen do not mean that they do not exisit. pp now knew to uncover to fing the things he wanted.

by the night when Qr and pppp put pp to sleep, pp could already standing in his bed without any help. A big milestone from the morning. :)

2010年4月16日 星期五

MiB - 295 days old (9m22d)

15 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

pp's temperature has finally dropped back to normal. he also slept through the night. However, he still looked very tired when he arrived at the creche. the teachers all shouted 'what has happened to you, QQ?' when they saw pp.

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥

MiB - 294 days old (9m21d)

14 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

pp woke up at 03:10 and had temperature. Fed him with the fever medicine and took him to Qr's bed. pp couldn't sleep and rolled and rolled and rolled and seemed to be suffering from discomfort... :(

07:00 pppp gave pp another doze of medicine. Qr and pppp took pp to the creche. hope he slept more there.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥
南北杏粟米, 雪梨瘦肉湯

teacher said he was very 'noug geai' with no appetite. poor pp!

2010年4月14日 星期三

MiB - 293 days old (9m20d)

13 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

Qr & pp were at home sick. pp had temperature over 39 degree celcius. Went to the doc in the morning, got 5 bottles of medicine for pp. he took 3 times of it but the temperature was still coming and going.

2010年4月13日 星期二

MiB - 292 days old (9m19d)

12 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Qr picked up pp from the creche and went back home. Then Qr found that pp had temperature 38.7. :(

made broccoli + choi sum + chicken congee for pp at night.

pp refused to sleep tonight, so Qr put him in bed. At the beginning, he didn't know what Qr was doing and just stared at Qr with his big eyes. Then he realized Qr was leaving him in his bed and he started crying. he held the bars of the bed and crawled up -- first sitting, then kneeling, then standing by the bed 'fence'... first time in his life!!! Finally he leaned on the bed 'fence' and held his arms open to reach out for Qr.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥

12 - 16 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 扶持下坐在大圓橡皮球上左右搖動平衡身軀
感官訓練 - 視線追蹤從不同方向滾下來的復活彩蛋

pp had temperature after being back home. Qr gave him temperature medicine at 20:00 and midnight but the temperature still came and went (38.x - 39.3). qr gave him a warm bath to help pp feel better.

2010年4月12日 星期一

MiB - 291 days old (9m18d)

11 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

Qr, pppp and pp went to meet with pp's 6 suk and 6 suk por at a restaurant with MM and afterwards all went to MM's place to visit YY.

Qr took pp to dymocks while waiting. he stared at the books and wanted to touch a few.

pp now can be very ngou geai. For instance, at MM's place, he felt hot and became 'meng zeng', and later cried and complained to leave. the others had been guessing whether he's hungry or tired, but when pp stood up (he had been holding him) and opened the door, pp stopped crying!

in the evening when we were back home, pppp prepared the bath for pp while Qr went to prepare his congee. pp was hungry and got crazy and cried and yelled until he got the congee, and he cried for the first few spoonfuls to continue to his complaint before he started to enjoy the meal.

other than that, pp in fact smiled and laughed more and made more noise when Qr and pppp played with him.. :)

2010年4月11日 星期日

MiB - 290 days old (9m17d)

10 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

No pekip class today, so Qr and pppp took pp to the creche in the morning and went for a movie 'Date Night'. Picked pp up shortly after 12:00 and headed for swimming class.

classmate nate nate's father drove us to the mtr next to their home. Qr and pppp had tea and bought floor mats to minimize the damage if and when pp fell off from the platform / the step / his bed.

remember when pp met Bas in Germany, Bas liked to turn his wrists like he's riding a moto cycle. now pp did the same thing when he's lying down or sitting and wanted to be held up.

This evening, he started to say 'baba' and 'mama' with the intention to call pppp and Qr respectively... :o

MiB - 289 days old (9m16d)

9 Apr 2010 (Friday)

Qr quitted her job today -- first milestone to being a full time mom!!!

teacher cheng said pp used to stay still and just looked, but now he would 'snake-crawl' to get close to the things / people he was interested, and tried to sit and stand.



免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥 , 蘋果海底椰蜜棗豬展湯

MiB - 288 days old (9m15d)

8 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

teacher tang said pp has started to recognize people and places and didn't like unfamiliar people or places. for instance, he preferred the classroom where he had his bed in, than the playroom where he had exercises. he would also 'ngou' to be held in arms.

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 菠菜絲粥 , 花生木瓜牛鰍魚湯

2010年4月8日 星期四

MiB - 287 days old (9m14d)

7 Apr 2010 (Wednesday)

first day of work after easter holidays and pp woke up at 04:xx... x_x

pp seemed not to recognize his favourite teacher tang when he arrived at the creche... staring and scanning her face without smiling for quite a while.

7 - 9 Apr 2010
體能訓練 - 在扶持下站立照鏡子
感官訓練 - 觸摸復活兔上的軟毛

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 小棠菜絲粥 , 金銀菜南北杏豬展湯

pppp picked up pp from the creche. Qr shopped at mannings and met them at the building's entrance.

2010年4月6日 星期二

MiB - 286 days old (9m13d)

6 Apr 2010 (Tuesday)

last day of the 5-day long holidays... *sigh...

pp, as usual, woke everyone up at around half past six for milk. this morning pp after feeding moved himself on Qr's bed, and finally held the headboard of the bed and knelt there -- one step before holding himself up standing... smarty boy!!!

PP, GG, YM & KF came over to visit the estate and the clubhouses, pp had a great time today.

at night, pp started to show intelligence (in the eyes of Qr) in playing the toy table -- first he could walk from one side to another side of the table, then he would play one button after another flip-flop systematically, instead of the previous non-meaningful banging, and lastly he would stop in the middle to look at and study the different buttons and devices and seemed to be thinking about what they do and what to do with them... maybe Qr thinks too much... :P

2010年4月5日 星期一

MiB - 285 days old (9m12d)

5 Apr 2010 (Monday)

Ching Ming Festival public holiday. pp was kneeling in bed with his hands holding the 'bed gate' when Qr was woken up by his cries and went over to fetch him.

Anita & Livia came over to the beach with her friend Michael, Beatrice & tin wai (3-y-o) before noon. Qr & pppp let pp tried stepping on the sand, sat on a mat & touched the sand, and went to the water to wet his legs. pp looked at all these new things but didn't resist to try. pp was so tired he drifted off into sleep on Qr's shoulder without the normal 'ngou geai' routine.

after congee lunch, Qr & pppp went to NTP to buy pp a one-piece swimming suit before visiting Qi's palace. They all went to the clubhouse at 17:00 -- the adults went to badminton while the kids went to the kid's play corner. It's so much tinier than the one at Qr's palace... gotta arrange something for the kids to come over...

pp was very 'ngou geai' this evening, cried whenever he was in others' arms and saw me nearby, very unlike him. finally he had fun crawling on the floor and patting the TV-related electronic devices in front of the plasma when all the others were watching Kung Fu Panda. Qr printed THE letter at Qi's palace as well to be used this week.

pppp came over to pick Qr & pp up at night and pp fell off into sleep on the way home.

2010年4月4日 星期日

MiB - 284 days old (9m11d)

4 Apr 2010 (Sunday)

third day of the long holiday.
pp had salmon + broccoli + egg yolk congee for breakfast. Qr and pppp had breakfast at 'breakfast canteen' and then went to 迪欣湖 for a walk. then we went back to the city to buy the tickets for 'echos of the rainbow' 歲月神偷 and took pp to pppp's mom's place. pppp's mom had prepared 撻沙菜心蛋黃粥 for pp.

The movie was good. Qr and pppp returned to pppp's mom's place, had dinner with pppp's parents. On the way back home, pppp went to fortress to buy the electric hair trimmer - new toy for playing at night. :D

MiB - 281 days old (9m8d)

1 Apr 2010 (Thursday)

免治牛肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥 , 白菜仔豆腐魚尾湯

pppp had haircut at fortress hill, so Qr picked up pp and waited for pppp there.

pp had chicken + egg yolk + pumpkin congee for dinner

MiB - 283 days old (9m10d)

3 Apr 2010 (Saturday)

afternoon, visited by jenny & yan & rose & lily, let the kids play 'together' -- at the same place, but mostly on one's own disregarding one another, and the adults chitted-chatted about nursery!!! Qr had already missed 2 open days, and hasn't started researching or applying for any!!! Qr and pppp took pp to the club house swimming pool the first time in the evening. pp had great fun and surmerged several times!!!

MiB - 282 days old (9m9d)

2 Apr 2010 (Friday)

this morning, pp fell off from Qr's bed to the floor!!! There was a photo frame at the end of the bed, with pictures of himself when he was (even) young(er). pp was happy and excited seeing those pictures and crawl towards it without seeing the trough between the end of the bed and the table with the photo frame. luckily his head fell right on the slippers and didn't get hurt. he didn't every really cry except whining a little to ask for help to fetch him up... in the afternoon, pppp, Qr & pp were visited by pauline & eldon (with maid,), her cousin, her cousin's hubby, her older daughter and hinhin (with maid), lolo and hubby and lili... all 14 people at Qr's!!! they played on the platform for an hour or so, and then went to clubhouse's playroom for kids, all the kids had great fun!!!

MiB - 280 days old (9m7d)

31 Mar 2010 (Wednesday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 紹菜絲粥 , 南北杏粟米雪梨瘦肉湯

pppp went to computer center with Hugo, so Qr picked up pp from the creche.

pp had chicken + spinach + egg yolk congee for dinner.

MiB - 279 days old (9m6d)

30 Mar 2010 (Tuesday)

免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 菜心絲粥 , 大豆芽豆腐魚湯

Qr worked a bit late tonight and met with pppp and pp at the 'canteen' for dinner.

pp had chicken + spinach + egg yolk congee for dinner.

MiB - 278 days old (9m5d)

29 Mar 2010 (Mon)

體能訓練 - 有意識地放下手中的玩具去取另一件
感官訓練 - 視線追蹤空中搖曳的彩帶

免治瘦肉 + 蛋花 + 刀豆絲粥 , 番茄薯仔椰菜牛肉湯

pppp had class at night. Qr picked up pp from the creche and spent the night quietly with pp.

MiB - 277 days old (9m4d)

28 Mar 2010 (Sunday)

pp had chicken + spinach + egg yolk congee for breakfast and dinner.

Day to visit Qr's parents. Had early lunch ibisu with Qr's parents and sis. Afterwards all went up to Qr's mom's place and watched a movie before leaving.

In the afternoon, pp had 6 star biscuits as snacks and he was learning how to take one star by one star and put in his mouth.

At night, Qr, pppp and pp had German food for dinner.

MiB - 276 days old (9m3d)

27 Mar 2010 (Saturday)

09:oo pekip -> breakfast at 'wah hong' and then all went to time square to buy presents for pppp's niece (missing one present for the older girl).

swimming class afterwards. nate nate didn't go to swim, so Qr, pppp and pp took taxi to post office, and then we went to IFC crystal jade for late lunch. pp had his first 銀絲卷 and he loved it. :)

back to for pp to take a bath, and then all went to have dinner with pppp's parents and pppp's bro as he would take the flight to go back home tonight. All except pppp's father went to the airport. pppp's bro would transit in istanbul and there were so many people taking the turkish airline... :o

MiB - 275 days old (9m2d)

26 Mar 2010 (Friday)

pp was now 9 months old, so he started following a new menu which has more food to eat. However, since pp had skin allergy before, so teachers recommended pp not to take egg white until 10 months old. Qr was not in a hurry as the doc and the books said babies should only take egg white after 1 year old.

09:00 胡蘿蔔米糊

10:15 蘋果茸

11:30 免治雞肉 + 蛋花 + 生菜絲粥 , 蘋果海底椰蜜棗豬展湯

13:00 奶

15:00 奶 + 餅乾

MiB - 274 days old (9m1d)

25 Mar 2010 (Thursday)

today's Qr's turn to stay home. Qr and pppp went to the doc in the morning. On the way back, Qr went to the bakery here to buy a blueberry cheese cake to celebrate pp's birthday yesterday.

Qr made pp beef + pumpkin + egg yolk congee for lunch.

MiB - 273 days old (9m)

24 Mar 2010 (Wednesday)

pp was 9 months old today! However, all were sick and busy and Qr couldn't buy the cake to celebrate with pp, so the cake celebration was delayed to tomorrow.

since pp had temperature at the creche, so pp could not go to school for 2 days. today pppp stayed at home with pp. however, he got sick himself after Qr went to work, so he called MM to come to help him around 10:xx and left before 18:00.

MiB - 272 days old (8m27d)

23 Mar 2010 (Tuesday)

pp had temperature at the creche. The teacher called at 11:45. Qr and pppp both left work after receiving the call. Qr and pppp met at 'tsui wah' for lunch first, then pppp's mom and bro came to meet up. All went to the creche to pick up pp.

免治牛肉 + 蛋黃 + 白菜絲粥

then all went to visit dr. woo, then pppp's bro followed Qr, pppp and pp home. pppp and his bro went to the gym, and then went to meet with kamoon. Qr and pp rested at home.

2010年3月22日 星期一

MiB - 271 days old (8m26d)

22 Mar 2010 (Monday)

pp bumped his head tonight!!! he fell off from the platform to the step and hit his left forehead on the ground... immediately applied the l'arnica stick on the bump.

pp drank milk and fell into sleep afterwards, hopefully pp would be fine...

免治雞肉 + 蛋黃 + 菜心絲粥

22 - 26 Mar 2010
體能訓練 - 重溫不用扶持由仰臥轉為坐起來 + 在彈椅上左右轉動身軀
感官訓練 - 在觸感 jin 上爬行

MiB - 270 days old (8m25d)

21 Mar 2010 (Sunday)

a very relaxing day and no need to see other people!!! :)

pp had apple puree woo tsai as breakfast in the morning, then pppp and Qr had breakfast. after shopping for pp food at the supermarket, all went back home to take a nap.

pp had chicken pumpkin egg yolk congee for lunch. Since the sun was shining, Qr, pppp and pp took off to go to the peak. it's pp's first time to go to the peak!!! ^o^ unfortunately, by the time Qr, pppp and pp arrived at the peak, the fog started gathering, and it got really windy... so Qr, pppp and pp had tea, walked outdoor for a bit only, and stayed indoor for a while and left after a couple of hours.

2010年3月20日 星期六

MiB - 269 days old (8m24d)

20 Mar 2010 (Saturday)

Since yesterday pp 鬼殺咁嘈 when Qr and pppp fed him 猴棗散 with water, today Qr mixed it in milk and pp was willing to finish all.

2010年3月19日 星期五

MiB - 267 days old (8m22d)

18 Mar 2010 (Thursday)

免治牛肉+ 蛋黃 + 生菜絲粥

pppp went to china for business and stayed there over night. Qr and pp had a quiet evening and night .

MiB - 268 days old (8m23d)

19 Mar 2010 (Friday)

bought something for pp which could be more expensive that gold / diamond -- 猴棗散... it costs HK$15,000 for 一兩...

2010年3月17日 星期三

MiB - 265 days old (8m20d)

16 Mar 2010 (Tuesday)

免治雞肉 + 蛋黃 + 菜心絲粥

dinner with pppp's friends gary chung, his wife catherine, and mark soong at 'wong ting' restaurant.

MiB - 266 days old (8m21d)

17 Mar 2010 (Wednesday)

pppp had an urgent matter to attend and went to FS.
Qr picked up pp from the creche in the evening. Teacher Tang said pp didn't sleep after 15:xx, and he robbed a teat from another baby. Qr commented, '咁叻仔'.. hehe.. but then Qr asked Teacher Tang why pp robbed the teat from another baby, as he didn't use teat himself. Teacher Tang said he robbed it from his classmate to squeeze it in his hands... :o

pp was so tired that when he was on the bus home, he drifted into sleep without ngou geai... just slowly closed his eyes, and 'shutted down'... he continued to sleep when Qr arrived home... in order not to wake him up, Qr carried him with the carrier at home until he woke up by himself...

MiB - 264 days old (8m19d)

15 mar 2010 (Monday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋黃 + 刀豆絲粥

15 - 19 Mar 2010
體能訓練 - 再彈椅上左右轉動身軀
感官訓練 - 重溫觸摸發聲布圖書 + 把玩軟膠玩具

because of the foggy morning, pppp and pp took the long route to go to the creche, while Qr had to leave them for work in the middle of the route.

MiB - 263 days old (8m18d)

14 Mar 2010 (Sunday)

in the morning, Jenny, Yan, Lily and Rose came over to visit us the first time. They loved the platform pppp built. Lily and Rose didn't cry much at Qr's palace. Although pp, lily and rose all played on theplatform, they didn't play with one another.

in the afternoon, anita, jui and livia came to visit Qr, pppp and pp. Again they liked the platform a lot. pp and livvi had chicken + pumpkin + egg yolk congee together, too. Afterwards, all went to clubhouse for the babies to play over there. They left before dinner time as jui needed to go back home to pack and fly at night.

MiB - 262 days old (8m17d)

13 Mar 2010 (Saturday)

no pekip today as Anne had some marathon / ironwomen race

13:00 swimming, and then nate nate's family drove us first to lam tim and then to mei foo.

pp had beef + spinach + egg yolk congee in the morning and at night.

MiB - 261 days old (8m16d)

12 Mar 2010 (Friday)

免治雞肉 + 蛋黃 + 生菜絲粥

MiB - 260 days old (8m15d)

11 Mar 2010 (Thursday)

免治瘦肉 + 蛋黃 + 菠菜絲粥

Qr went to the creche first, picked up pp, then waited for pppp there to have dinner before going back home.